Little White Lies I Tell

Oh c'mon you know we all tell them!  I try pretty hard not to lie.  I like to think I'm an honest person and usually I am brutally honest.  I often talk without really thinking or filtering what I'm even saying but I have quite a few little white lies that tend to be stand- by's.

Here are my little white lies:

  •  "I'm fine!"... I think that's the one I tell the most.  If I'm saying I'm fine I'm probably NOT at all fine.  And yet it is ALWAYS my response to "How are you?" 
  • "That's OK"... as in "Mom I'm sorry I broke the lamp, it was an accident."  Usually my that's OK is in response to something that has been ruined, spilled, broken, lost or whatever by accident (and not always by my kids).  I really want to rant and yell and rage but accidents happen and I try to set a good example for my kids so I usually tend to smile and say "that's OK." 
  • Calories don't count if...  I have a few of these little white lies I tell myself!  I'm not sure if lies I tell myself count since I know they are lies but it's amazing how many times I stuff food in my mouth and assure myself that it's OK.  It's a holiday, or a party, or a birthday, or a Tuesday... usually this happens most often with sweets or at the end of a long day.... 
  • "I'll do it tomorrow"... I am not a procrastinator.  However if there is something I really don't want to do it is amazing how many times I can say that I will do it tomorrow.  I think a good month could pass by and I'll just keep putting off those things I don't want to do for as long as I possibly can.  
  • "I don't know."  Often this is in response to "who ate the last..." and really I know it was me.  Usually.  
  • "Where did you put it?  Maybe if you put it away you'd know where it was."  Now sometimes I don't know this is a white lie.  I honestly pick up and put so many things away during the day that sometimes I genuinely don't remember picking up whatever item one of my boys might be searching for and moving it; those times it's not a lie.  Other time I most definitely remember putting away their toy for he millionth time and I just keep hoping one day they'll realize that if they would just put it away when they were done with it then they would know where it was. 
  • "You look fine/ good."  The only time I can not be brutally honest is when someone is asking for my opinion on how they look or what they are wearing.  I can be honest; like if I'm out shopping with a family member or friend.  But if I'm meeting up with someone somewhere and they start in about how they look my response is usually going to be "oh you look fine!"  Partly because I am trying to put them at ease, partly because there is nothing anyone can do about it at this point, and partly because I tend to have tunnel vision where the appearance of my friends are concerned.  I'm just happy to see THEM.  

What types of little white lies do you tell?

Linking Up With:


  1. Amen - let's let our word be one with the Truth -- especially the ones we speak to ourselves!

    1. Right?! I am so bad at lying to myself.... it never really works. I'm not truly fooled by it but yet I can't seem to help doing it.

  2. One of the biggest lies I have been telling myself lately is that the diet begins tomorrow. So many of my untruths and procrastinations have to do with food!

    1. Oh yes, I have that one too! That "I'll exercise tomorrow."

  3. "I'm fine" - sadly that's a lie I tell, too. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I just let it go that I'm a mess... I should trust people more than I do, but I typically just carry on!

    Thanks for linking with us today!

    1. It's just become a reflex; I don't even stop to think long enough about how I really am doing.

  4. I'm totally guilty of finding moments for calories not to count! Thanks for linking with us!

    1. It's so easy to do! They certainly don't count on vacation.. :)

  5. Oh I tell all of these. All the time. Yikes. Never even thought of it. :/ --April

    1. It's so easy isn't it? I never really thought of any of them as white lies until I sat down to write this list.

  6. I justify my calories all the time. You know what is funny, my husband is now onto the "I'm Fine"....he knows if I say it, I'm not fine, lol.

  7. What a fun post! I hear you on the calorie front.....!

  8. What a fun post! I hear you on the calorie front.....!

  9. I loved your reason behind "I don't know" because I do that ALL the time. Lol!

    1. I usually feel a bit guilty because my boys just assume it was my husband and they'll blame him!

  10. It's easy to excuse telling someone that they look fine, because we don't want to hurt their feelings. We say we are fine, because people don't really want to hear that we're not doing well.


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