Weekly Wrap- Up:The Week of Art, Kayaking, and Hiking

We had a great time working on several art projects this week.  We also spent a lot of time outside hiking, swimming, and kayaking. We found a wonderful new science and history series that all three boys have spent the week reading and they've requested quite a few other books in the series through our library.

Science: Alec and I played Chomp; an ocean food chain card game one night.  We also found the Science of Fun Stuff books and the boys have read The Thrills and Chills of Amusement Parks.  We all read Welcome to the Green House.  Evan read Snuggle Up, ZooBorns!, Splish, Splash ZooBorns!, and Hello, Mommy ZooBorns.  The pictures are just adorable!  We watched a hawk and a bald eagle circling around the lake and even saw them diving at one another and crying out in battle over a fish.

Family fun:  We played the card game pitch a few times.  The boys went tubing. We watched The Good Dinosaur and Angry Birds movie. Alec, Evan and my husband played Pokemon Monopoly this week; the game lasted a few nights and the boys just love playing.

History:  The boys have recently discovered the series called History of Fun Stuff and have been reading up a storm.  Alec read The High Score and Low Down on Video Games, The Sweet Story of Hot Chocolate.  They all read The Way The Cookie Crumbles.  Ian read The Explosive Story of Fireworks.  We're having such a great time with this series; they even have little quizzes in the back of the book that they enjoy taking to see what they remember from reading.

Reading:  Evan finished up Henry and Mudge The Big Test, Flat Stanley and the Very Big Cookie.  Ian read The Goose's Gold and The Lucky Lottery.  Alec finished up the Five Kingdoms Sky Raiders and read all three Kidnapped books.

Math: Alec finished up his summer mini workbook on Saturday morning so all three boys got to take  a break from math this week.  However, Alec, Evan and I did spend one morning playing Labyrinth using all sorts of problem solving skills.

Spelling:  Ian and Alec worked on two pages each in their spelling workbooks; they're just a couple of pages away from finishing it up.  Evan also worked on a page in his spelling book but he still has more than 1/2 the book left to go so we'll continue that through the school year.

Art:  Alec and I went to a painting class this week; we painted some adorable owls in a tree.  We also got lots of ideas for some Pokemon paintings.  The boys made Minecraft t-shirts.  Alec and Evan painted Pikachu on canvas.

Physical Education:  We hiked to the top of Mount Monadnock (well, the kids and I made it nearly to the top and decided to just enjoy the view while waiting for my husband to hike the additional 15-20 minutes to the top; we had had enough).

So excited to find the intersection of the trail we climbed up and the one we were climbing down

Excited to head down and get off the mountain 

Evan learned how to kayak this week and went kayaking with his brother.  We then took a family kayak ride one morning around the lake while it was calm and looked for birds, fish, flowers, and turtles.

This is the first time I've found cattails on our lake.
We also went on a bike ride Thursday; choosing to take bikes & scooters to the park rather than drive.

Socialization:  Ian spent Monday at the beach with this friend and his friend's family.  They swam, used their boogie boards, dug huge holes in the sand and went go karting.  We met lots of new people climbing up the mountain and Alec spent the whole hike down talking with another boy his age.  We went to visit my grandmother one night this week and spent a fun day hanging at a local park with our homeschool group and all our homeschool friends that we hadn't seen since summer began.  Alec met and made friends with another boy his own age (also called Alec!); unfortunately he was not a homeschooler so we're not sure if we'll ever run into him again but they sure did have fun!


  1. Lovely photos of your great outdoors. We had a family holiday on a lake a few years ago & the kayaking was a huge hit with everyone.

    1. It is so fun and fairly easy to pick up on. We just have to make sure to get out early before all the other boats.

  2. Getting boys out the house is the best thing ever for them. Kiddos love it. I enjoy how you all get to do a lot of hands on activities which isn't necessarily possible with my homeschool schedule this year.

    1. I find we only have time for a lot of hands on stuff in the summer when we cut waaay back on school work. I'm trying to objectively look at our schedule and see where we can fit it in all year long. It's sure not easy; there are just never enough hours in the day!

  3. Awesome week! What beautiful views from Mount Monadnock. I rode on my parents back up that mountain as a newborn.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We saw a few carrying babies... I was in awe. I wasn't sure I was going to make it carrying our lunches.

  4. Love those Mine craft t-shirts! I so want to go kayaking...hopefully soon!


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