Harry Potter Pancakes!

My husband has been away for work and when he's gone the boys and I enjoy simple meals.  We try to keep extra busy and with summer here that is so easy to do!  We're usually pretty wiped out by dinner time and easy meals are the way to go.

One night last week the boys asked for pancakes with sprinkles.

I found these fun stars and moon sprinkles in our pantry and knew the boys would love them!  I decided to call them Harry Potter pancakes for the extra squeals I knew that would entail and sprinkled in some white chocolate chips as "full moons" too.

They were yummy and my boys just loved the extra additions (and the name!).  We spent dinner discussing Harry Potter, spells, astronomy terms, and who we'd turn into if we could use polyjuice potion.

We took our favorite pancake recipe and rather than mix the sprinkles and chocolate chips into the batter I just sprinkled them on top while baking.  That way we could really see the stars and moons!

We always make a huge batch of pancakes and freeze any leftovers; though lately I'm thinking in order to have leftovers we might might need to start making larger batches!

Here's the recipe:

2 eggs
2 cups flour
2 cup milk
2 TBSP white vinegar
2 TBSP sugar
4 TBSP vegetable oil
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
Stars and Moon Sprinkles
White chocolate chips

  • Beat egg in large bowl until fluffy.  Add white vinegar to the milk and let sit for a few minutes.
  • Add flour to the egg and slowly pour in the sour milk.  Beat in all remaining ingredients until smooth.  
  • Heat griddle or skillet and grease with vegetable oil or butter.  To test griddle sprinkle it with some water.  When the water bubbles and jumps around the heat is just right.
  • Using a 1/4 cup measure pour pancake batter onto griddle.  Sprinkle with stars and moons and white chocolate chips.  When pancake is puffy around the edges and holes appear on the backside; flip pancake over.  Continue cooking until golden brown. 

They were so yummy!

They were such a hit too that I think we need to start making a few other Harry Potter recipes like these delicious looking Butterbeer Cupcakes by Kippers and Curtains.  

Do you have a favorite Harry Potter themed recipe?  

Linking Up With: Artsy Fartsy,

 photo TWTpictures_zpslz1mzxyh.jpg


  1. That's a really cute idea, we are all Harry Potter nuts in our house so this would be a fun thing to try, thanks.

  2. My kids would absolutely love these!

  3. Cute idea! We actually just started reading Harry Potter with my son. So fun reliving it with him. Thanks for joining the Family Joy Link Party!

    1. We had so much fun reading through Harry Potter together. My youngest has been asking to re-read them all. I just love that they share my enjoyment of the series.

  4. These are so cute and yummy! We love Harry Potter books and movies at our house! #OMHGWW

  5. never tried it before but it looks yuuum and fun! I am a big fan of HP and my kids start liking the books and the series, too. Happy #OMHGWW :)

  6. Cute! My kids are still not HP fans, but I'll keep thins in mind for the future. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link party this week. Pinned!

  7. Oh, how very fun. I know my son would be thrilled to wake up to these pancakes. Thanks for sharing at the #ThisIsHowWeRoll Link Party.

  8. Can't say I have a favorite Harry Potter recipe, but I would surely like those pancakes! They look great all stacked up!

    1. Thanks! I'm not usually a pancake person but put some sugary stuff in them and I do enjoy a few.

  9. Oh wow, what a great idea. My children would love these :) My Daughter is Harry Potter mad. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at The Wednesday Link Up. Have a great week and we hope to see you soon.

    1. Thanks! My younger two boys are pretty mad about Harry as well.

  10. Great idea to make kids eat there breakfast. I cant cook to save my life haha

    1. Thank you! I love cooking and have gotten so much better at it through the years (and lots of practice).

  11. These are so cute! Thanks for sharing with us at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer

    1. Thank you! They were lots of fun to make too.

  12. Your Harry Potter Pancakes will be a big hit here at the cottage! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday and hope you are having a great week.
    Miz Helen


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