Weekly Wrap- Up; The Week We Only "Did School" Twice

We've been trying to lighten our load and find our fun, carefree, summer days again. I think we finally did it this week!  We had fun but stuck pretty close to home most days.  The weather was beautiful this week too!

Friday we had a lot of friends and family member over for the day; playing in the lake, swimming and having water gun fights.  It was nice to see my boys interacting more with some different friends.  They had spent the morning helping me get ready.  We made blueberry white chocolate chip cookies (recipe found here) and the two younger boys decided to drag out some art supplies while we waited.  Evan painted while Alec worked on another Stained Glass Made Easy kit.

Evan finished another dragon picture

We spent all day anxiously awaited the return of my husband after his long week away at work.  We celebrated with some pizza and pool fun.

Monday we met my sister and nephews at the beach.  It was a beautiful first day of summer and even though the beach was packed we had a truly great time.  We had a nice long car ride and listened to The Lost Hero.  We spent most of the day walking around in the water since it was low tide for a good portion of the day.  The boys made up some passing & ball games to play and we all enjoyed a cool refreshing treat from the ice cream truck that parks at the beach. Evan and Alec had a sleepover in Alec's room and I could hear them whispering long after they turned out their lights.

Snow cones at the beach! 

Ian dug a tunnel and it kept filling with water

Tuesday we finally got a bit of schoolwork done and the boys pulled out their math and spelling workbooks working on two pages in each book.  They also did some reading; Alec finished up Secrets According to Humphrey.  Evan finished up Miss Daisy is Crazy, and Ian read a few more chapters in Sleepy Hallow Sleepover.  We made tin can windsocks and enjoyed a lazy lunch outside while listening to two more chapters in In Too Deep.  We also read Pictures from our Vacation and Are We There Yet? The boys spent the day playing outside and talked their grandmother into taking them for rides on the jet ski.  Ian mowed our lawn for us and we stopped by the library to pick up some new books.  Evan slept over his grandmothers and the older boy and I enjoyed a quiet night playing card games.

Wednesday the boys did a bit of schoolwork before we headed out to the movies to see Finding Dory.  All three boys worked in their math workbooks.  The older two boys worked in their spelling workbooks and their Are You a Math Genius? books too.  Evan worked on a few more pages in his Minecraft activity book.  Ian finished reading Sleepy Hallow Sleepover and started reading The New Year Dragon Dilemma.  Alec read Humphrey's School Fair Surprise.  Evan read the first chapter in Dragon Masters Rise of the Earth Dragons.  We read Teeny Tiny Toad together, two more chapters in In Too Deep, and What Not to Give your Mom on Mother's Day.  We stopped at the library (AGAIN!) on our way home from the movie and the boys picked out even more books.  We listened to some more of our Lost Hero book on Cd and the boys ended their day with jet ski rides and some tubing around the lake.

Thursday Alec had an orthodontic check up early in the morning so we pushed aside our schoolwork once again and headed out.  They're still waiting for his adult teeth to grow in so it was a pretty quick check up and then as a treat I offered to take the boys to Dunkin Donuts.  We ran into their great grandfather there and the boys had a nice breakfast visiting with him.  We then headed out to the grocery store.  We have two parties this weekend and needed lots of supplies!  They were very helpful in picking everything out at the store and carrying the groceries into the house; they even helped put some of them away!  We spent a lazy day lying around the house.  The played in the sand, with their Nerf guns, spent time watching TV and playing video games, and just enjoyed a truly lazy summer day (our first one this summer!).  Alec pulled out his Qixels and made a sword.  Ian worked a bit on building a fort and gathering wood to use while Alec had left for a sleepover with his grandmother.  Then Ian, Evan and myself went to go pick some more strawberries-- we came home with another 10 lbs and some fun recipe ideas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just love Evan's dragon art. Looks like everyone is having fun learning this summer. We home school during the normal school year full time and take a bit of break in the summer, but we still do educational things. My daughter is reading biographies (which she loves) for summer reading. We are also swimming and doing summer bowling. And lastly, she is continuing to make magnets for sale at our Farmers' Market. Fun and learning can go hand in hand :0)

    1. Exactly! We're slowly relaxing on all the traditional school work and allowing summer "fun projects" to take over.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful week! I never make it out that much. Do you have any toddlers? I keep hoping that once I'm not buckling people into 5 point harnesses I'll get out more.

    1. I only have an 8, 10 & 12 year old; it gets so much easier without car seats, strollers and potty breaks! I promise! :)

  4. You all get to do so many wonderful outdoor activities. They just look like they are having the time of their lives.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I hope so! I try to make sure we have a bit of joy in our day everyday; life is to short to not be happy. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. What a great week! I try to tell people that we are so busy doing so many fun things that we have a very hard finding the time to 'do school'. I hope you have a great week this week as well!

  6. What a great week! I try to tell people that we are so busy doing so many fun things that we have a very hard finding the time to 'do school'. I hope you have a great week this week as well!


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