Teaching With Excitement and Enthusiasm

Have you ever noticed how much more engaged your children are when you're teaching with excitement and enthusiasm?

I find that my excitement is contagious 

My kids are much more likely to enjoy, engage in, and remember lessons that I'm excited about teaching.

There are those days where we just go through the motions completing our schoolwork (and I feel like we're had many of those days lately!).

There are days when we pull out our workbooks and systematically work our way through the day's lessons. And while I can say that we finished our schoolwork, I can't always say they learned.  They were exposed to new concepts, they worked hard, but will they remember that?  Probably not.

In the long run they remember those lessons that were the most fun.  They remember those lessons where we laughed and dove in with enthusiasm.  

If there is a topic I am excited about learning, chances are they are too.  I often explain why I'm so excited about a particular topic or material we're using and then they look forward to it too.

Often I'm learning alongside my boys (or relearning) and I do get excited.  I love to learn; I loved school and it's a huge part of why I became a teacher.  Each time we dive into a topic I'm learning more and more and finding new, fun ways to approach the materials.

Sometimes that approach is to take a class together.

One of the greatest joys of homeschooling has been working and learning alongside my kids.

We have taken so many wonderful classes together and some of our best classes are those that I were excited about taking with them.  

We learned about glass fusion:

We learned about piping plovers and their migratory patterns:

And we learned about tectonic plates and natural disasters too; just to name a few.


  1. Really great ideas for learning. I wish my own schooling had been as exciting. Thanks for sharing with us on the #LMMLinkup this week.

    1. I wish mine had been too. I often wonder if my kids know how lucky they are to get to have so many wonderful experiences. I enjoyed school but think I would have enjoyed frequent trips and fun hands on classes even more.

  2. It's hard to summon up excitement ! So I hope to soak some up from my kid who is a literal bundle of excitement! Sigh...! Thanks for sharing at practical mondays !

    1. It certainly can be! I can't say I teach every lesson with excitement; I'm sure more often than not we do dreary everyday lessons but once in a while I hit upon a great topic or idea that I am excited about and it definitely shows. Other times I do soak it up from my kids.

  3. You wrote: "One of the greatest joys of homeschooling has been working and learning alongside my kids."

    To which I give a hearty Amen!!!!

    1. I'm do glad you agree. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Wow! You are always an inspiration. I love the idea of taking classes together! People are always saying that kids learn by example and if you want them to do something, show them that you do it yourself. Your excitement and the energy from other classmates will surely rub off. Very cool. Sarah@tenbooksamonth.com

  5. I so agree! If I am enthusiastic with my daughter's learning, then it all becomes an adventure. My kiddo is in college now, and that lends itself to wonderful talks, still, as she loves learning! Betsy @ BJ's Homeschool www.betsyhomeschoolconsulting.blogspot.com

    1. Yes! Exactly! What could have been a grudging, boring, forced lesson becomes an adventure. Who doesn't enjoy an adventure?

  6. WOW, looks like yall do some fun stuff! Do you get to take these for free or is there usually a cost? How much do you spend on classes each school year? Just curious. :) Great post idea!

    1. We had to pay for the glass fusion class; the cost depended on what project we picked. The other classes were free. I have no idea how much I spend on classes each year but we usually only pay for a few and then fill in with free things here and there as they appeal to us.

  7. That all sounds like a lot of fun and you were well prepared. I totally agree with your points that excitement and enthusiasm can change a lot of things including learning attitude. Thanks for sharing these fabulous ideas!

  8. I was a teacher for 30+ years. I definitely noticed this almost every day in my classroom! :)

    1. I even noticed it as a student and was dismayed to find that with all the current regulations classroom teachers (as a whole) aren't as encouraged to bring that excitement and individuality with them anymore.


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