Embracing The Little Moments

Homeschooling days can be blissfully easy and happy.

Homeschooling days can be trying and tough.

Most days are a good combination of both.

I find that in embracing those moments; those little moments that speak to my heart, make it all worthwhile.

There are so many unexpected joys and memories that I've discovered and made through homeschooling.  But it's always those little moments; those unexpected glimpses into how homeschooling is really shaping our lives and our family that makes all those difficult days and moments fade away.

Moments like:

  • seeing my youngest turn to me with awe and wonder on his face as he excitedly exclaims "I read this whole page by myself already!"
  •  watching my younger two snuggle together on the floor to watch TV.
  • hearing my oldest tell me he's been awake for awhile but wanted to stay in bed and read some more pages in his book because it's getting so good.
  • listening to my middle son read aloud to my youngest son each night before bed and hearing them giggling together.
  • eating a meal that one of my boys prepared for us to enjoy and watching their expressions as we eat asking "so do you like it?"
  • watching the delight on their faces as they discover a bird or a butterfly or some other natural wonder while we're hiking.
  • discovering a library book that they all love and want to read and discuss together. 

There are a million little moments.... just little snippets of time...  and when I tune into them, pay attention, and live in the moment I am reminded of all the rewards to this whole homeschooling thing.

I am reminded how blessed I am to have these three boys and how blessed we are to get to spend our days together.  

Linking Up With:   Wonderful Wednesdays,  What to read Wednesday, Social Butterfly Sunday,


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  1. I love this. I think it applies equally as well to all aspects of life. There are moments in every day that make me want to laugh, or cry, or scream, but I try to focus on those golden little moments...to remember each stage of parenting for the best it has to offer. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Absolutely! I think this can apply to marriage, parenting and just life in general.

  2. With kids, every moment is so special. They are young for only a short time. Before you know it they will be grown up and heading out into the real world.

    1. It seems to go by faster and faster each year... I was planning out family vacation and put down 6, 8, & 10 for the kids ages on the hotel site until I realized they were now 8, 10 & 12!

  3. LOVE this! It mirrors how I feel about spending my days with my daughter and my son. :)

  4. I love these moments. Today it was my youngest saying "Mom, 2+2 is 4!! I did it without any help"

  5. So true, Mother of 3! It truly is a blessing being able to see all of these special moments in homeschool days. Thanks for sharing this beautiful reminder :)

    1. Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)

  6. I cherish every single second with my babies, they fill me up. :) I remember how awesome it was to homeschool my babies and see them learn, work together, and wanting to keep learning more with me. They still do those things, but it was nice to be the one that shared that with them 100% of the time... well that sounded selfish. :D
    Thanks for sharing your post with us at #MMBH!

    1. LOL! I know what you mean though; I had no idea I would love homeschooling as much as I do and figured it was something I was doing for the good of my boys. Now I think I'd be heartbroken if they wanted to go back to school. It has been so much fun spending time together and getting to share in all these moments of learning with them.

  7. The little moments are amazing. Some of my favorite are the moments, when my daughter teachers me something that she has learned that I didn't even know!

  8. I love these moments! But even more than that I love when I actually stop and enjoy them. At times they can be easy to miss in the busy of the day. Thank you for the reminder!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell



    1. They can be so easy to miss. It's hard to stay intentional and not get bogged down by the to do lists and the business of life.

  9. It really are those little moments that make it so wonderful! I try to hold on tight to those special moments for the hard days. Thank you for linking up with us at #livelifewell.

    1. I absolutely try to hold onto those moments to get me through the rough times! It does help... most of the time.


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