Weekly Wrap Up-- Year #4 Week 22

It was another fun week in our house.  We stayed home most days just venturing out for errands, to go to karate, and to visit with my grandmother.  We ran our No Technology for a day experiment on Tuesday and had a lot of fun talking about what we'd do differently next time.  Mostly the boys just played, watched TV, and did a bit of schoolwork each day.

Reading-- Alec finished up Diary of a Wimpy Kid Roderick Rules, finished up Zeus and the Thunderbolt of Doom,  read Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Dog Days, Tales of the Beedle the Bard, Poseidon and the Sea of Fury, Dragonbreath #11 The Frozen Menace, and North; The Amazing Story of Arctic Migration.  He also spent a lot of time pouring over his two new Pokemon guidebooks.  Writing it all out like this I'm floored over all the reading he's been doing!  Evan read Polar Bear Cub, Drop it Rocket, Tae Kwon Do!,  Buzz Said the Bee, Shhh! David's Reading (a short story by the author of No, David!), and discovered our Learn to Read with Planet Earth series which led him to read three books simply called: Polar Bears, Lions, and Grizzly Bears.  Ian read a few more chapers in Treasure Hunters.  Together we read a few more chapters in Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw and we've listened to several chapters in The Magician's Nephew.

Language Arts/ Sight Words- The bolder boys played with Evan and his Silly Sentences game.  They had fun making up silly sentences together and Evan got in a lot of reading practice.  We talked about verbs, adjectives, nouns, etc. when we were sorting the pieces before playing the game.  Evan completed two pages in his Star Wars book dealing with opposites.  The older two boys completed the next page in both of their Thinking Tree Spelling books-- We use both the Fun Schooling Spelling Journal and the Spelling Time Journal.

They have fun coloring in the words and memorizing the poems (even
Evan started memorizing it this week)

We had fun with Mad Libs making up silly stories and the boys played a bunch of language arts game on ABCya.com one day learning about antonyms and synonyms as well as playing word search games, Turtle Dash spelling game, and Must Pop Words.   Evan practiced with his sight word stackers again this week; trying to stack the cups up in a pyramid and then take them down quickly without knocking them over like they do in Minute to Win it.

History-- We finished up You Wouldn't Want to Be an Aristocrat in the French Revolution, Who Was Marie Antoinette?, Moi & Marie Antoinette, and started reading A Tale of Two Cities.  We watched a documentary on Amazon Prime called Global Treasures; Versailles.

Science-- We watched Snow Babies, Mythbusters, and read North The Amazing Story of Arctic Migration.  We talked a lot about the arctic and the adaptations of animals that live there.

Art-- Alec has been hard at work on various crafts.  He put together another Stained Glass Made easy kit.

His finished work

He worked with his Qixels to make a dolphin, orca, turtle and crab.

Isn't it cute?

Ian did some coloring in our extreme color by number books coloring in a page about London.  Alec worked on a page about Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
We just love these coloring books and I love that they're getting
in a bit of geography too.

 Writing- The boys each picked a Draw Write Now page to work on and Evan surprised me by drawing the Orca!  He usually hates to draw and he did such a great job on his drawing and writing (he only has to copy two of the sentences while his brothers copy all 4).  Tuesday he pulled out his journal and the Draw Write Now book and drew two more animals; the penguin and the polar bear, copying all 12 sentences into his book!  I told him he didn't have to do any writing for the rest of the week.

His drawing and first two sentences 

Hard at work drawing the penguins 

We read Punctuation Takes a Vacation and the older boys wrote a story without using any punctuation.  Then they swapped stories and they had to try and figure out what the author was saying and where to put the punctuation.  They were thrilled to write without worrying about punctuation!  I noticed that their stories were filled with so much more information this way too.

The older two boys worked on a page in their cursive books doing some more copywork and learning cursive at the same time.

Math-- They each worked on a few more pages in their math workbooks.  The older boys completed the next set of pages in the Thinking Tree Math Genius book and colored in a Quilt math page reviewing division.  Evan had a Mystery Pictures Math coloring page reviewing two times tables and a dot to dot page counting by two's.  They also played math games while on ABCya.com working with adding to 10 and a bunch of other games that I was too busy to pay attention to.  (Some days homeschooling just goes that way!).

Their Thinking Tree books 

Other Learning Fun: We played Sorry!  Alec got this new set of blocks in; they're sort of like Lego's only 1/4 of the size.  He was so thrilled to find that they had Pokemon characters and spent one afternoon putting one of the 8 Pokemon together.

He was so intent on putting him together perfectly!     

Physical Education: We went on a walk/ bike ride one day to enjoy the nicer weather we've been having this week.  The boys also went to karate.  Ian and I have worked out on the treadmill/ elliptical twice this week. The boys have been playing hockey indoors working up a sweat.

Linking with:
Weekly Wrap-Up



  1. Hi, Mother of 3! What a fun week! I love all of the art projects. It's so cool learning what curriculum fellow homeschool Moms use. The Spelling game looks fun! Thanks for sharing your week! Visiting from Weekly Wrap Up :)

  2. Glad I found you at the Weekly Wrap-Up. We had a stay-at-home week to with all the snow. We would love for you to link up your posts about homeschooling and/or literacy at Literacy Musing Mondays #LMMLinkup http://www.foreverjoyful.net/?p=782

  3. Great learning all around. I love the stained glass to hang in the window. We are deep into Narnia right now too.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. You are are truly fun-schooling ;) I love it. I need to send my kids to your homeschool =)

    Thank you for linking up!


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