Top 10 Non- Fiction Series About Animals

We have read many non- fiction books over the years.  There are so many wonderful books and authors out there that sometimes it can be hard to choose what to read next!

I have two boys that love to learn about animals and over the years we've found so many book series that we just love!

For my boys to want to read each and every book in a series it has to have lots of beautiful photographs and illustrations, there can not be so many words that it feels like we're reading a textbook, but there has to be enough facts that they're learning something new and interesting (not always an easy feat with my middle son!).

Here are our Top 10 favorite non- fiction books series about animals:

1.  Donald Silver's One Small Square series--  filled with facts, experiments and activities these books are a lot of fun for learning about animals and animal  habitats.

2.  Marianne Berkes Over in... Series-- Cute and simple rhyming stories that work on concepts like counting these series of books have added pages in the back for learning even more about the animals in the stories which made them enjoyable for my younger two sons.

3.  Sandra Markle's Animal Predator's Series-- My middle son devoured this series; chock full of interesting facts and beautiful illustrations we had so much fun learning about the various animals predators.  

4.  Sandra Markle's Animal Prey series--  Exactly like her animal predator series but with prey.

5. Sandra Markle's Animal Scavengers series--  (really we recommend ALL of her books!) but this was a continuation of her animal predators and animal prey series and we just loved them.   

6.  Sean Callery's Life Cycles series -- These books are FABULOUS!  We love the gorgeous pictures and each book takes you through three or four mini food chains within each habitat.  

7.  Madeleine Dunphy's Web of Life Series -- wonderful pictures and illustrations with a singsong verse these books are amazing.  They really bring home the importance of each animal in a food web/ chain.  

8.  Read and Wonder Series; by various authors this series is just great for kids.  The pictures are amazing and the stories are written in sort of a day in the life of an animal. 

9. The What If series by Suzanne Slade-- We stumbled upon these books by accident last fall when Alec was reporting on the sea otter.  These book take an animal from each ecosystem and show how if just that one animal were to go extinct how it would affect everything else in the system.  

10.  Penguin Young Readers has a series that we affectionately dub "Out"-- Written in short chapter form these books were easy to read with beautiful illustrations and lots of fun facts.  We learned that the Luna moth is the size of a cereal bowl and is only active at night.


  1. These look like really fun books! What ages are your kids that are using these?

    1. My boys have aged in range from 5-10 when reading these. My now 10 year old is the one who discovered most of them over the past few years and always shared them with his younger brother. My older son has never shown any interest in learning about animals so it's hard to judge if older kids would like any of these. But I know I do; most of them have such beautiful pictures.

  2. I'll definitely check that out! Thank you.

  3. Those look like great books! I think my children would be particularly drawn to Fake Out. Thanks for sharing at #LMMLinkup.

  4. All the books sound great - I've always been a book lover and am an ex-teacher. Of course, my favorite book was about sea otters - I fell in love the first time I saw them in San Francisco.

    1. We just love otters of all kinds. We've had a few river otters around our house but they're pretty rare to see.

  5. Great list I am going to look out for a few of these #anythinggoes@_karendennis


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