Our Year In Pictures

Some of our favorite pictures and memories from the year!

Finding Utah in the ice! 

Book shopping and snacking together 

Ian builds a HUGE Keva plank tower 

Making a snow fort 


Ian baked and decorated his own brownie cupcakes 
Alec learning about the three banded armadillo 
Covalent bonds.
Releasing our butterflies 

Playing at the park 

Just hanging out; getting along and enjoying being brothers 
At the zoo 

Taking a boat tour 



Preparing for our How to Train Your Dragon Party 

Look at that HUGE anchor 
He's got the whole world in his hands 

Building the tallest tower 

Playing together 
Linking with: Wonderful Wednesday,



  1. These are great photos! I love how you guys get out and about so much! Precious memories being made. :)

    1. Thanks. :) It was fun looking back at all we get to do.

  2. What a hugely fun year! Here's to the next twelve months :)

  3. What a hugely fun year! Here's to the next twelve months :)

  4. What a lovely year in pictures.
    Blessings, Dawn

  5. It looks like you all had some amazing and fun adventures! Thanks so much for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week :)

  6. Aww, lovely family photos. Looks like you had a good year of outside family fun and lots of adventures :) Thanks for joining us at The Wednesday Link Up.


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