Summer Homeschooling: Mixing Schoolwork and Summer Fun

We did a quick run through of our school work this morning and then packed up some lunches and swimming gear and headed to a nearby lake.  We were meeting up with 3 or 4 other homeschooling families and looking forward to a nice relaxing day.

While we were doing our schoolwork we saw a bald eagle circling the lake and swooping down toward our house.  It's such an amazing sight and today it really made me sit back and realize just how blessed we are. I really wouldn't change a thing.

Starting School; We try to get it all done first thing in the morning during the summer.

Ian wanted to get a jump on his schoolwork and decided to go read the next chapter in Catching Fire on his own while I finished up some chores and things around the house.  He called me in to finish reading the chapter once he had made it more than half-way through.  He gave me a great summary of what had happened and caught me up to where he left off.  He had asked for me to clarify the meaning of a few words for him off and on as he was reading and even found a typo/mistake in the chapter.   He was quite proud of the fact that he caught the mistake.

Alec read another chapter in his Warriors book and Evan read aloud another two stories in his Dick and Jane book.  

He wasn't into it today and his reading was rather stilted and robotic.  However, later in the day as we were at the park he was reading all the signs posted around.  He also told me "I think I'm really starting to "get" this whole reading thing, mom."  I'm glad he's feeling more confident and no longer fighting the fact that he is reading.  I think his confidence will help him gain skills much faster.  I sure see a greater interest in understanding the words around him.

Ian completed two more pages on cubic volume today and we looked ahead to tomorrow's lesson.

Alec worked with re-naming improper fractions and reviewing subtraction of 4 digit numbers with decimals.  They both had no difficulty at all completing their work and asked about finishing up the books in time for our break next week.

 Evan had a worksheet working with adding up the two sides of Dominoes; he picked 7 Dominoes out of the container, counted up the dots on each side and then added up the totals.  It was a quick, fun way to review addition.

Self- Guided Science: 
We were finished school a bit early and Evan asked if I could help him make a Benzene molecule C6H6 using our molecule kit.  He honestly didn't know which molecule it was but liked the way it looked on the cover of the box.  We talked about carbon and hydrogen.  We talked about single, double, and triple bonds.  We talked about compact models and soon had Alec joining in asking questions.  It made me realize I need to review a bit of chemistry myself if they're going to keep asking so many questions!


Double bonded molecules!
Reading Comprehension:
 We listened to our book on CD, The Serpent's Shadow, while we were driving to the lake and back home and managed to finish the first CD.

Social skills and Physical Education:
It was a bit chilly, cloudy, and windy when we arrived at the lake but the sun soon came out and all the boys had a wonderful afternoon playing in the water.  They played Marco Polo, a made up Minecraft game, tag & many, many more.  They were in and out of the water all day.  Making up games and re-working the rules when what they were playing wasn't working out right.

Linking Up With:

Strawberry Butterscotch


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