Using Nature to Raise Young Scientists

I just love that we have the time to spend in nature, exploring nature, and watching all the changes of the seasons.

We try to get outside during each of the seasons and explore many of the same trails and places so we can see the changes that each season brings.

Spending so much time outdoors had led my kids to study nature; it's changes, it's adaptations, it's beauty.

We read lots of books about nature too and the boys often take something we've seen at a nature center or on a hike and turn it into a mini unit study.

It's great to see how much being in and around nature has helped me in raising such budding young scientists! 

Today we had plans to head to a local nature center for a homeschool class.

We were heading out to Kettle Pond Visitor's Center for a frog walk, unfortunately we knew that it was still much to cold and snowy to see any frogs but we went to see what the class would have in store for us anyway.  We packed ski pants, winter boots, winter coats, hats and mittens and met up with my sister and her two boys.

The boys had a great time and even though we didn't get to see any frogs we did learn about amphibians, reptiles, frogs, and salamanders.

At one point Alec was invited to get out of his seat and teach the class since he was taking over with facts (though we did learn that not all of his facts were 100% right, he had made quite an impression on the teacher). 

Every time something like that happens I'm struck by what wonderful young scientists I'm raising!

 After a lovely slide show, and listening to different frogs sounds we went out to check on the frozen vernal pool.

Along the way we learned about trees too; did you know that white pines have needles in five clusters (five letters in the word white is an easy way to remember that fact).

We also learned about how helpful natural wild fires are for forests and how humans have impacted the natural cycle of these fires.  After our walk the teacher was asking my boys what other classes they'd like to see taught and was telling them about what we would have been doing if the ice and snow had melted in time for today's class.

He asked Alec if he thought he'd like to be a biologist when he grew up and work with/learn about animals.  Alec admitted he wasn't sure but that he loves to read and learn about animals of all kinds.

We had a great day and promised we'd be back for more.

We spent some time inside looking through the center and playing with some of their displays.  Alec enjoyed learning about the plover and asked me to get him some books from the library on them.

Alec inspects the tree 

Looking at the frozen vernal pool 

Making choices for the environment 

Looking for foxes and voles 

Learning about plovers and answering questions 

All the ones he got right (and looking for the answer to the last question)

All in all it was a wonderful day of nature learning!


  1. Awe, love raising young scientists! How exciting to know all of the eggs were hatched and spring is here!

    1. It is so neat... but they were worried about the frogs on Monday when we unexpectedly got snow again.

  2. What a great day! That is such a great experience for your family, my kids would love that.

    1. We love these nature classes; unfortunately due to budget cut backs they have been discontinued.

  3. Exploring nature is such a great way to see God's k upon our world and our lives. When you see the intricate details, how can you not believe!

    1. We just love being outside; there's always something new to see and explore.

  4. Looks like great fun, and what better way to connect with the world around them than actually exploring it for themselves, so much more effective than reading a book on it or surfing the web! #FabFridayPost

    1. Definitely way more effective than reading a book or surfing the web to learn about it.

  5. We LOVE visiting nature centers! We are fortunate to have a pretty good one at our local state park that is about a 12 minute drive from our house. My 5 year old especially loves when places have snakes, turtles, and other creepy crawly things to check out. :) #fabfridaypost

    1. Yes, my kids love when there are live animals around too.

  6. Well done Alec! Way to go Joanne! You must be so proud of him. So interesting to learn about the white pines. It's great that the teacher is asking what they would like to learn about next. This is very inspiring.

    Thank you very much for linking up with us on #ExplorerKids

    1. He really is amazing when he gets going (usually about science topics) and we just LOVE these classes. Our instructor Neil is the best.

  7. I love it when we run into facilitators that encourage the kids to take charge like your's did. The Parks & Rec cooking instructor here in San Francisco had the oldest kid here, (seven), reading the recipe to the rest of the class!

    1. Me too! You can just see the kids confidence grow too. It's wonderful.


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