Fun Times with Family

We spent a busy fourth of July weekend with tons of family fun times.  Saturday dawned bright and sunny and the boys were chomping at the bit for the party to start.

It was a bit chilly and windy this year but by lunchtime all the kids were in the lake. 

They went jet skiing, tubing, swimming, and just had a ball playing with ALL their many, many cousins.  I love watching the boys interact with their cousins.  Most of them are second cousins by this point and they all range in age from like 5- 19 and it's so great to see everyone playing together and helping each other out. 

Evan spent the entire day swimming out to the floating dock, jumping off and swimming back in without any sort of flotation device on. 

He taught himself to do handstands and is working diligently on figuring out flips underwater.  One of his cousins taught him how to play Spot It! and he played a few rounds. 

Alec spent most of the day in the cottage playing with his grandmother's cats and teaching everyone all about the Luna moth my mother in law managed to snap a picture of the previous night.  They all tons of food (mostly junk!) and had a ball.
Ian helps attach a ladder to the floating dock

Trying out the new swing

Evan's handstand

Ian's handstand

Many of the cousins on the floating dock

Enjoying a snack

Evan was so proud he finally managed to climb up onto the tube by himself

Taking a break before heading home
By 8:00 Evan was asking to come home and go to bed.  All the boys looked so wiped out after a fun- filled day and they were happy to snuggle up in bed and rest.  Not even the sound of fireworks going off around the lake were enough to entice them out of their beds.

Sunday found us back at the cottage helping to clean up from the party and we ended up spending the day again! 

The boys learned a few new games-- they played bean bag toss and kept track of their points as well as playing catch with one of those Velcro mitts.  They had lots of fun.

 Alec worked really hard at perfecting his aim and throw.  They swam, went on Jet Ski rides and learned how to play rummy.  Ian and Evan went tubing and for a boat ride.  They helped a stranded boater and had jet ski races with their cousins. 

All the boys went swimming in their uncle's pool.  Evan, Ian, my husband and my nephew went to see the new transformers movie and Alec and I enjoyed a quiet evening at home together.  We played Wii, tried out some of my new crafting supplies, played a rather long game of Qwirkle, and then read a book together.

 It was a perfect weekend for making great family memories! 

"HI mom!"

Look at the smile!

more jumping and swimming

Trying to play bean bag toss

racing with daddy

cooling off in the pool

Alec can dive right through the center of the tube, circle around and come back up inside it!

Ian tries stacking all the tubes together

They eventually fell over!

My Qwirkle buddy and I


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