Hands- on History Lesson about Native Americans

We went on a field trip today to the Mashentucket Pequot Museum.  I have never been there, nor had any of my kids and I thought it was the perfect field trip to take right before Thanksgiving.

Our trip was made even better since my sister and her boys joined us and I had a Groupon that saved us all money.  We learned SO much!

We got to learn about the ice age, glacier, and extinct animals.  We saw the tools native American's used, food they ate, replicas of their houses and villages.  It was amazing!  We had such a great time.  The museum has wonderful interactive TV's that drew the kids in.  There were movies to watch.
Walking through the village they give you what look like old flip cell phones and you can listen to stories about the village, the people in it and the jobs they do.

My boys were dreading this field trip and they had such a good time.  I love when we can make history lessons really come alive-- they're so much more memorable that way!

Learning about how they made tools by watching a video

Learning about glaciers and the ice age

Extinct species of wolves called dire wolves

Learning about how local native American's used the woods around us to survive

Tool they used

Diorama of their village complete with fishing fences

Comparing our modern day tools to theirs

Alec learned all about the Atlantic Sturgeon

Listening to a story of what this native American girl is doing

They loved the "phones"

A wigwam we got to go into

We ended our day with a quick trip to the top of the lookout tower

Linking Up With:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg


  1. Love all the learning that goes on while travelling. We 'world schooled' our three boys throughout our nine month world trip. They learnt so much #ExplorerKids

    1. Oh that sounds wonderful; I always wanted to world school and travel more. We make do with lots of local field trips, day trips and any family vacations we can squeeze into our budget.

  2. This is right up my street. I love anything to do with Native Americans. I have books and trinkets. I even have a headdress on my wall. It somewhere I would love to visit one day with my family. Sarah #ExplorerKids

    1. It was quite spectacular; we learned so much and they did a great job making most exhibits interactive so the kids were quite content all day.

  3. What an interesting place to visit and I love that they use videos and flip phones to engage with the kids making leaning that more fun. Mandyxxx #ExplorerKids

    1. I thought that was wonderful too; I was surprised at how interactive they made everything. It was great for keeping the kids engaged.

  4. Wow! This is so interesting and relevant. I'm so glad the US has a Thanksgiving day. Where is UK Thanks giving day? They have giving up so much and it is so important they are reminded of just that. Thank you so much for linking up with us on #ExplorerKids x

    1. It was a really interesting field trip. I was afraid that I was enjoying it more than the kids but they assured me that they thought it was great.


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