Junior Zookeeper Program at the Zoo

We headed to Southwick's Zoo again this morning.   My boys are taking part in a few zoo classes this summer and it was so unusual that this class was not for my animal lover!

Ian and Evan were taking a class on reptiles and Ian couldn't have been more excited.  He LOVES snakes and was upset he had missed this class last year so he was doubly glad to have the chance to go today and learn even more about snakes and reptiles.

Ian and Evan learning about tortoises and reptiles

Alec is not a snake lover by any means and so he didn't want to join in on today's class.  It was nice because it gave him and I a chance to hang around all by ourselves.  With three kids always underfoot it's so hard to spend "alone" time with each of them.  When the opportunity comes I try to take advantage.

I put Alec in charge of our morning at the zoo and just followed him around, really listening to him and giving him that undivided attention he so rarely gets yet often craves. 

Alec loved seeing all the baby animals!  Everywhere we looked little babies were cropping up and he was thrilled to point them all out to me. 

baby wallaby
Marmosets are small as it is and the babies are just tiny!
The lemurs had twins and were making cute mewing sounds like kittens!
Once we picked the other two boys up, I was ready to head home, but they had other plans.

We ate lunch and then watched a Peacock show, a reptile show, a bird show and an animal encounter show.

During each show break we walked the zoo, got some ice cream and checked out the Earth Ltd. building where we got to touch all sorts of animals.  We just had fun.  We barely made it home in time for dinner!

Blue tongue Skink

Alec asks to see the chinchilla-- Salt

The boys got to hold some birds after the bird show!  And yes, they do each have one on their heads!

Pepper-- the chinchilla

Even at the zoo, Alec finds books to read

Petting the snake

Our final show of the day and we got to see "our" Binterong. 


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