The Importance of Unstructured Outdoor Play

Saturday was such a glorious spring- like day that I kicked the two younger boys outside in the morning (Ian was at work).

They played so nice together.  They pretended they were superheroes and drove around in the little battery powered four wheeler.

They got stuck a few times when they took it off- roading but they worked together to get going again.  They ran, they jumped, they blew bubbles and played stomp rockets.  I could hardly get them to stop long enough for lunch!

After lunch, they headed back outside.  

They swapped games and vehicles; breaking out bikes, scooters, toys and more.

Mostly, they spent the day getting fresh air and learning from each other and nature.  It was wonderful.

It seems like kids have less and less time to spend on free play and playing outside these days just I love when my boys can spend lots of unstructured playtime outside.

Unstructured outdoor play is so important for children and their development.

Through unstructured play children learn problem solving skills, gain independence, develop their imaginations, and learn to communicate with one another.

Outdoor play helps children battle obesity, gain gross motor skills, filter out distractions, and even helps develop their distance vision!  

All that running, jumping, talking, and playing leads to great discoveries and I am so thankful that my boys have plenty of time to play outside.

You can read more about the Benefits of Unstructured Outdoor play here.


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