Embracing Another Snow Day!

I'm always a bit surprised when our weathermen actually predict the weather right so I was shocked to find we'd been buried by snow over night!

The boys were thrilled to wake up to a white out and quickly ate some yogurt before throwing on their winter gear and heading out to shovel and play in the snow.

 I donned my winter gear too and spent my morning filling the wood bin, getting both our wood stove and fireplace working.  While the boys definitely had more fun there's just something about watching the snow outside that makes me want to make the inside of the house as toasty as possible.

  • It will be another day of traipsing outside to play and tracking in snow to warm off.  
  • It will be a day of hot cocoa, movies, and snuggles on the couch. 

 It will be a fun New England snow day!  

And I hope it's the last one we have this year.

Don't get me wrong.

I do love snow, I get just as excited as the boys when we see the flakes starting, I anticipate how much snow we'll get and if we'll get a lovely excuse to stay inside and do nothing for a day.

I absolutely love it; for a few hours.

Then I realize we have to shovel, deal with melting snow and mud tracked through the house for yet another few weeks.

By February I'm ready for and anticipating spring, by March I roll my eyes at snow and long for sunshine, and heaven forbid we get any snow in April or else you will hear me whine that it's spring and I'm supposed to be able to wear sandals.

This year I'm trying my best to take each day as it comes and enjoy life as much as possible.

So today I'm pretending it's January and that I still love the snow.  

  • I'll talk the boys into trying to make a snowman
  • I'll bring snow inside for them to play with. 
  • I'll find a "newish" movie for us to watch and make some popcorn and hot cocoa and snuggle like it's the first storm of the year.  
After all, every snow day is a great day in the life of a child.

It's so hard to see much beyond all that falling snow! 
Linking Up With:  Thinking Out Loud Thursday 


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