A Day of Computer Play

I decided to make today a "fun" day.

The boys could stay in their pajamas and I thought I'd allow them to take turns playing on the computer today using some game sites. There are some pretty phenomenal games out there and we rarely take the time to enjoy them.

Evan played Starfall and Word World for a bit this morning, learning all about letters and sounds, and learning some emergent reading.

Ian played Cool- Math and read some of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series on Funbrain.

Once Alec saw Ian playing Cool- Math he wanted a turn too.  They really loved the game Isoball 3.  Alec also likes Word World and most of the PBS kids games.  I encouraged him to try playing Cyberchase games too since they use a lot of math.

I had them check out Sphinxkids too.  It's supposed to teach them a bit about classical music.  The older boys have once again started Words With Friends games with some family members so they've been playing that off and on today too.

I have so many great sites bookmarked that we never seem to get to so I'm thinking of making this a Friday ritual.  We'll check out some new sites and be sure to remember our favorites that way. 

What are some of your favorite computer games, apps and sights for learning? 


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