Zoo Boo Days: Celebrating Halloween at the Zoo

I came downstairs this morning to find my oldest son eating breakfast and working in his math book!  I was so proud of him for working so hard.   We rushed through breakfast and our normal morning routine to get to the grocery store early.

Evan worked on his dot- to- dot sheets in the car while Alec did a Spiderman coloring sheet just like yesterday's Darth Vader sheet.  Ian decided to read on the way to and the way home from the grocery store.  He hates to read and was hoping that by reading 15 min. silently to himself and retelling the story as well as reading aloud for 15 min. he could finish all of his reading and get it out of the way.

I was totally fine with that and he's thrilled he doesn't have to read after dinner tonight.  I did tell him we could still read a story but that I'd be the one reading.

Once home from the grocery store I put the groceries away while the boys changed into Halloween costumes.  We were heading to Southwick's Zoo for their Zoo Boo day.

We'd never been since the boys were always in school but I'm so glad we tried it out.

We had a great time.

 All children get in free with their costumes and they can trick or treat around the zoo.  We found most of the animals out and about in their cages, many of who were trying to seek out the sun, and got to see a special pumpkin feeding to the Grivet monkey's.  We watched the mom jump all around with the baby on her belly eating pumpkin seeds.

They had a creepy crawly animal show where we got to see the hog nose snake, anaconda, hissing cockroach and blue tonged skink.  The boys asked to see the chinchilla and black footed ferret and they got to pet them.

There weren't many people at the zoo so we had a lot of attention from the zoo keepers and were able to learn more about the animals and their habitats.

We watched the binturong chasing his tail around in his new exhibit.  We went over to see the lions, who were right up close to the fence, and the lioness roared at us.  That was a little bit unnerving so we went over to see the tiger, who was also making growling noises.   We took a train ride and saw elk, swans, and mallards. 

It was great!

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  1. Ah it does sound like a really great day. I love that they could dress up and trick or treat around the zoo - what a fab idea. What a star your little one his doing his maths work at breakfast! Very impressive. Thanks for joining us at #familyfun

    1. They love having an excuse to use their Halloween costume early and it is a lot of fun!

  2. What a lovely day. I always find zoo's a great source of learning.


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