About Me!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.  I've been homeschooling since June of 2012 and that's when I started my blog.  I was new to homeschooling and while I jumped in with both feet and lots of enthusiasm I was feeling overwhelmed and over my head-- and I was a teacher by profession!

I have my master's degree in early childhood education and worked in the public school system as both long term & regular substitutes.  Within one year of having all three of my kids attending school full time I realized we were all miserable and with the support of my family we turned to homeschooling.

They all had far more confidence in me than I did.

We live in a state with little to no homeschooling laws & guidelines which I found even scarier at the time.  I hoped to use my blog as a way to hold myself accountable for what I was teaching and have found it tremendously helpful over the years to look back and see all that we do manage to cover even when I feel like we aren't doing any schoolwork for long periods of time.

Over time my blog has evolved to showcase more of me; my interests, crafting ideas, recipes and more.  I love that homeschooling my children has allowed us all time to peruse so many other interests-- That's why I had to change the name of my blog!

I used to blog over at Our Unschooling Journey but found more and more of my posts had nothing to do with homeschooling.

I changed the name of my blog to Slices of Life since that's what I felt like I was sharing!

I knew sooner or later my boys were all going to be finished with homeschooling and I just couldn't imagine giving up my blog when that time came!  My oldest is in college, my middle son is attending a local high school that has a culinary arts program for him, and I am down to homeschooling just my youngest son. 

While I may have started this blog as more of a personal diary of our days it has grown to mean so much to me.  Connecting with my readers is what keeps me coming back day after day and this blog really is a labor of love.

I hope that you keep coming back to check out what we're up to each day or even every few days.

 Please feel free to follow me on Pinterest and see where I get all my inspiration from.


  1. My hats go off to homeschooling mamas...I don't think I could do it! You're amazing!
    PS I have a degree in earthly childhood also. Not a master's, but it's still my background!

    1. Thank you! I never thought I could either but... here I am & I like to think I'm doing a pretty good job of it.

  2. You are so helpful and I am so thankful for homeschooling mothers like you!

  3. I like the new look. Family life and homeschooling life is always changing! Looking forward to keeping up with you in 2020!

    1. Thank you! It sure is; I can't believe how much our lives seem to change from year to year.

  4. Hi Joanne, Just came over to see what your blog was about after you left a comment today. I know you have been by before at times and recognized your pic but thought you used to maybe help host a linky party ?? Anyway, it was nice
    to hear more about you, and what a hero you were to homeschool all your children. That is so wonderful and especially
    today so needed. Thank you for coming by and for your kind comment about my cards, it was truly appreciated.
    Happy Easter!!
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. I have co-hosted a few link parties through the years and continue to do so on Thursdays with Encouraging Hearts and Home. Thanks so much for checking out my page!

  5. Boy, do I feel out of the loop! I always always so enjoy and appreciate all the beautiful comments you leave for me on my blog, Paper Seedlings, but, I am ashamed to admit that I had no idea whatsoever that you also were a blogger. I happened upon a post you had included on a link party, and I recognized your face. From there, I did some exploring, enjoying your My Slices of Life blog tremendously! A homeschooling mom! I am impressed == and all boys too! I looked for a spot to subscribe to your blog -- maybe I'm missing it, but I would really like to keep up with your life journey -- not just the cardmaking! I'm so glad I found you for this little bit of time anyway! Happy New Year to you and yours! Smiles, Linda at Paper Seedlings

    1. LOL! Surprise! :) I've been blogging for just over 10 years now but started out as strictly a homeschooling blogger until my boys all reached middle & high school and wanted workbooks and reading in place of field trips and hands on projects/learning that had been my blog focus. I'm surprised the subscribe box didn't pop up; usually when you get about 1/2 way through a post there's a box that pops up asking if you'd like to... I'll have to look into that. Thanks for letting me know it's not working.

  6. Thank you! This sounds so interesting.

  7. Hi there Joanne. I would love to email you, regarding coming on board with us at SSPS Linkup. Please let me know if acceptable. Maria informed me that she did try to reach out but not sure if you ever received her note. Please will you be so kind as to email me at esme@esmesalon.com then we can chat. We are all positive that you will be an awesome addition to the team and that it will be a mutually beneficial relationship. I hope to hear from you in due course.


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