Talking About it Tuesdays #28

Today is a day I've been dreading off and on for months now. Alec is getting all 4 of his wisdom teeth removed and after having been through it with my husband, Ian, and myself I know that pretty much no 2 extractions are the same! I'm hopeful his will go well and his recovery won't be bad. We're all ready with ice cream, pudding, yogurt, etc. and lots of Motrin and Tylenol for the pain (though I know his doctor will prescribe pain meds too). Wish us luck!

We had a great turnout for last week's party and I visiting everyone's link over the long holiday weekend. I can't wait to see what you have to share with us this week! 

The link with the most views from last week's party: 

A few that caught my eye:

You Can Create Beautiful Projects Using These Dies by Nutz About Stamping 

Yellowstone Reflections by Selep Imaging

This party will remain open until the weekend.  My hope is that everyone will share all sorts of wonderful posts: travel, recipes, how to's, crafting ideas, and more.  Anything that is family friendly is welcome; even old posts that you'd like to get some new views.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
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  1. Thanks for the link up! I hope all goes well today. You are right- no two are alike.

  2. I remember all to well about the wisdom tooth removal gig. I had mine out as an adult and it was a comedy show. My youngest did fairly well compared to me and recovered so much faster. Here's to a quick and easy procedure and recovery.

    1. Yeah, my husband and I were both in our 30's and while I pretty much breezed right through my husband had a really awful experience (and he went first!).

  3. Tooth extraction is no fun . . . here’s hoping all goes well and he has an uncomplicated recovery.

  4. Good luck on the wisdom teeth today! I had my twins done at 10 and 10:30 on the same day! Not smart! I was busy playing nurse!

  5. Prayers for Alec as he has his wisdom teeth removed today!

  6. Wishing Alec a smooth recovery!

  7. Thank you for hosting this fun link party. I've shared my links and am off to visit and comment on others. Wisdom teeth are definitely no fun! I think it was even harder for me when my kids had to go through it than when I went through it as a teenager! Good luck.

  8. Oh I hope the day goes better than expected. I hear ya ...

  9. Joanne,
    I hope Alex does well...My oldest son had no issues with extractions of all 4 wisdom teeth and my husband acted like he was drunk then slept for almost 24 hours til the anesthesia wore off and I will not tell you about my experience until Alex has his done as i do not want to scare you!! LOL!! Thanks too for visiting!!
    Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Oh boy; it sounds like you had a doozy of a time!

  10. Thanks, Joanne, for hosting weekly. All the best with the dental appointment and may the recovery be a fast and good one.
    My entries this week are numbered #25+26
    Please join and share your posts with us

  11. Wishing Alec a speedy recovery!

  12. Ooof. I've never been through a wisdom tooth extraction, but I've heard it can be so hard! Hopefully it goes smoothly! Wishing for a quick recovery for Alec!

  13. I hope Alec does okay, Joanne. I remember my own extractions and also my kids’. I’m sure you’ll be a good nurse. Thank you for hosting and taking care of your boy.

  14. I was amazed how fast the recovery was for my son! Had a couple good laughs, the first day was a little rough but then he was pretty much fine! Now we wanted to play tennis and such on the 3rd day and I told him no, but he was able to hang out with his friends and such.

    1. Alec's work had initially set his schedule to work the two days following his surgery but I said No way! He already seems to be feeling quite good.

  15. All the best to Alec, hope he's recovering nicely. I had 2 wisdom teeth out when I was 18, I went on my own and needed hardly any pain relief. About 10 years ago I had to have the other 2 out and it was done in hospital. It's good that he's having it all done now.

    1. Yeah, I think the younger kids definitely seem to have an easier time! They use sedation so he definitely needed a ride home and he slept A LOT yesterday but he seems to have perked up already.

  16. Having teeth pulled is not fun. However all the good soft foods after are wonderful! I ate mashed potatoes as well with chicken broth. Praying for a speedy recovery!
    I linked up with #38.
    Take care and best wishes.

  17. Sending all good wishes to Alec today. Not fun at all. Hang in, Mom!

  18. I see above that he is doing better. I hope it continues!

  19. Thanks so much for hosting, I sure appreciate it! Have a great week ahead. Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  20. Happy Sunday Joanne! I'm linked up at #47,48&49. Thanks bunches for hosting and warm hospitality.
    Now... I'm off to visit.


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