Highlights and Happenings in June: One Sentence a Day

 We had a fabulous month filed with celebrations, travel, family, and fun. Despite the massive heat wave with near 100% humidity that struck at the end of the month (for just one short week) our weather was mostly enjoyable too. Alec and I are in full on college prep mode and have been making a huge Wishlist on Amazon for all his dorm needs. Any suggestions for "must have!" dorm items?

1. We had Alec's graduation party and perfect weather for it too!

2. Sunday morning we were up bright and early to head to Acadia; stopping for lobster rolls for lunch on our way!

The Harbour Cottage Inn 

3. We hiked a trail with 2 summits then lunch at Little Notch Bakery. We ended our day in Bar Harbor with dinner at Paddy's and ice cream from Ben and Bill's Chocolate Emporium.

The Inn serves the most wonderful complimentary 2 course breakfasts!

4. We hiked around Jordan Pond and up Penobscot Mountain then waited for a table at Jordan Pond House for a late lunch/early dinner.

5. We went sailing and then for a hike up to The Triads before showering and having a fancy dinner at The Fern.

6. Up and early, ready to head home stopping at Kittery and to do groceries on the way. 

7. Up early and throwing myself into all the household tasks-- laundry, dishes, making salad, checking on the garden, cleaning out Alec's school uniforms, working on Alec's thank you cards.. 

8. I spent my day reading, working on the blog, and running to Lowe's with my husband to pick out a new kitchen faucet. 

9. I spent the rainy morning running errands and then my afternoon curled up on the couch watching movies and reading my latest book. 

10. Back to the gym with my mom, then a hike/walk with Evan around the Thompson Dam. I spent my afternoon helping Alec get all his teacher's thank you cards and the thank you cards from his grad party all finished up and packed up or mailed off. 

11. Evan and I went to pick strawberries, 

culinary award

honor society award

He had to lean way over so she could put the cords around his neck

12. Gym with my mom, home to make some fresh jam and some granola, then Evan and I hiked before Alec and his friends all came over after school and decorated their caps for graduation (they left at 10pm and still weren't done even with the help of my Cricut cutting down so much of the work they were going to do by hand!). 

He designed his cap around his favorite Wings of Fire book and finished before his friends did

13. Gym with my mom again then I spent the morning cutting up ALL the strawberries, getting dinner in the crock pot (pot roast), doing all the laundry, cutting up veggies and potatoes for dinner and basically trying to have everything done before Alec and his friends got home from school-- so I could help them again. 

Loki themed hat one of his friends made

She even decorated around the edges!

Percy Jackson themed hat his other friend made

14. I had an appointment for a haircut (I cut off a couple of inches which I really regretted within 48 hours) and then stopped to pick up groceries for the week. Then we ended our night/week with Alec's high school graduation! 

15. I spent my morning catching up on blogging and then we went to help my mom and step-father empty out part of their house into the dumpster they rented-- they're hoping to put the house on the market soon and move this fall to North Carolina near both my sisters. We rewarded our hard work with ice cream for dinner.

16. My husband and Ian headed out early for some fishing on Father's day while Alec headed off to work. I spent my morning working on the blog and reading then Evan and I went hiking after lunch. 

17. We had a memorial service for my husband's great aunt who had passed away in January at the ripe old age of 91!  But first my mom and I went to the gym and then I ended my day with Evan getting our teeth cleaned. 

18. Alec woke me up in the middle of the night looking for Motrin since he was running a fever and spent his whole day in bed; while checking in on him I also worked to clean both the upper floor of the house and the basement and a good 5 or so loads of laundry. 

I ate my breakfast outside before the heat of the day hit (it was in the mid-90's! by lunchtime)

19. I was up early and made a salad, a pasta salad, and got the pork chops marinating then I ate breakfast outside and spent my day working on the blog, getting some college stuff done for Alec, and cleaning the sheets and bathrooms. 

another heatwave day so I ate my breakfast outside before it was unbearable

20. Thursday morning my mom and I went to the gym then Alec and I sat down to finish up all his college paperwork (mostly his health forms and things), then the boys and I went to get ice cream for lunch and ended our afternoon picking up for first CSA box of vegetables. 

Perfect lunch when the weather is in the triple digits with 100% humidity! 

21. My mom and I went to the gym then I went grocery shopping and to the bank, fishing up my latest book by lunch then finalizing the last of the graduation gifts. 

22. I started my morning in the kitchen making salad, marinating the chicken and cutting up veggies for dinner then I spent my afternoon reading and helping my husband move the manlift to his shop. The second wave of thunderstorms for the second day in a row didn't do much to ease the humidity which is still at 99% but at least our temps are now in the upper 80's. 

lots of farm fresh veggies for dinner!

23. Another hot day spent mostly inside... I worked on scrapbooking and putting together yet more graduation gifts and cards. I think I'm done now! We ended our day with a fun date night to the movies to see Bad Boys 4 and dinner at Longhorn. 

petite filet with asparagus and steamed broccoli

24. I started my day going to the gym with my mom then I worked on the blog until the library opened. After lunch I cleaned the last rooms of the house and folded a good 5 loads of laundry. 

25. The younger boys and I went to lunch with my mom but first I spent my morning paying bills, cleaning out the filing cabinet, doing my nails, and making some coleslaw for dinner. 

26. My mom and I started our day at the gym then I ate breakfast on the deck and read my latest book for a bit before whipping up some skinnybiz pizza dough for dinner and making some 2-ingredient bagels and a salad. I started a new painting and sat and talked with Alec all afternoon about college, our trip to Hawaii, and just life in general. 

27. Alec and I were up early on our way to Providence for his overnight Freshman orientation then Evan and I went hiking, picked out our new fridge, and got our CSA box of veggies for the week. 

28. Gym with my mom, some housework and blogging before leaving to go pick up Alec-- he had a GREAT time and found a roommate for Freshman year!  

I spent a bit of time late afternoon reading on the deck

29. I spent most of my Saturday morning cooking/food prepping in the kitchen and had just finished when my mom called-- they were taking their car to the garage and needed a lift home (but it ended up breaking down on the side of the road so I picked them up there instead). 

I made granola, a HUGE salad, 

2 of these squash casseroles and a delicious marinade for our chicken. 

30. A quiet day spent at home working on the blog and packing for Monday's trip. I made some of Holly's Rolo Ritz bars to bring with us to the beach. 

Linking up with:


  1. Such a great month! Enjoyed reading about your days and seeing your pictures. Oh my, the Ritz bars have been on my mind recently- enjoy eating them and have a wonderful time at the beach!

    1. Thank you! Those bars were a huge hit; in fact I had to find the recipe and share it with the two other women at the beach with us.

  2. What a fabulous month! The natures, food , and family was so wonderful.


    1. It really was a wonderful month all around.

  3. I love your hair cut! I chopped a few inches off of mine recently and I love it. I always liked longer hair, but for some reason my shoulder length hair now is my favorite.

    1. Thank you but honestly, I regretted it the next day and now I'm just slowly waiting while it grows itself out! LOL. I miss being able to pull it up into ponytails and things to get it off my neck.

  4. What a great month! I feel like June really flew by.

    1. It really did! I hope July is a bit slower paced.

  5. June was such a wonderful month for you and your family! I love all the photos! The food looks so good and your outfits are just fab.

  6. Love your hair! I bet it feels so good! Those Rolo bars! OMG! I have a craving for rice krispies treats or Golden Graham bars after watching Unfrosted the movie - Tom and I both thought it was cute and nostalgic!
    My best advice is that you don't need that much stuff for the dorm and even better if you can get there and go to a Target or big box store after making a list. You will have to lug it all home and much of it will be unopened. They don't need that many towels or sheets or even clothes. A lot of the college kids wear the school logo clothing that you can buy in the bookstore.

    1. Actually he has a uniform for any of the days he's in the kitchen (which will be at LEAST 2 of the 4 days they have classes-- the whole school has Fridays off)... so I already know he won't need much in the way of clothes and he only uses a fitted sheet and blanket and a beach towel for showering-- no face cloths or flat sheets. But we're just waiting to see what dorm he gets into since his needs will vary if he gets one with a private bath versus a communal bathroom.

  7. Pretty photos, nice granola :D

  8. Aw I love that they decorated their graduation caps!! That is so fun!

    1. They had such a great time and I love how they turned out. It was really fun to see all the various decorated caps at graduation.

  9. I love how bright & colorful everything is! And all of your food looks so delicious!!

  10. So many colorful pictures!! I love homemade granola!

  11. One sentence and all those fabulous photos say it all. What a terrific month!

  12. I am sure I already commented on this - how strange. Here this time from #WeekendCoffeeShare. COngratulations on the graduation, love the rainbow nails and the outfit on day 20...

  13. You wore lots of skirts and dresses this month! I love that they were able to decorate their caps. My kids were not allowed to do that...they wouldn't be allowed to walk if they did. Sad, right?


    1. I was glad that the school not only allowed it but they encouraged it; they had some supplies for the kids to use if they wanted to (none of the ones that came to my house did though since I had plenty of supplies).

  14. The ice creams!!!! What a wonderful month you had with your family! I think your sons are very lucky guys!

  15. Lobster roll and then ice cream sounds lovely. Congrats to Alec on graduation.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, Joanne.

  16. Busy month! Enjoy the rest of summer :)

  17. You do so many neat things. Sounds like you are very organized to get so much accomplished! Your finger nail polish is adorable. Do you paint them and how do you get those tiny details so perfect? When I paint mine, seems like I get the paint on the sides of my fingers. Not pretty. This is the main reason when I paint mine, I use clear. :)
    Have a wonderful week. Looking forward to your July one sentence a day!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. Aw, thanks! I use Colorstreet nail wraps on my nails most weeks but even if I paint them myself I tend to be very good at them-- I spent years in high school hand painting nail art designs on my nails so I got quite good at it.

  18. What a wonderful month you had! Congrats to Alec on his graduation and finding a roommate. Exciting times ahead for him. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  19. Great recap! The summer heat has hit here the last few days.

    1. Thank you! We've got a few hot and muggy days coming up again this week.

  20. Awesome one line a day for June. And what a June you all had. Your photos of Maine are gorgeous, it sounds fantastic. And that lobster, Oh Boy!
    Visiting today from ge.ner.ic linkup 39 #4,5&6


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