How I Did on My Spring Bucket List & Sharing My Summer List!

 Tomorrow is the first official day of summer and while our "summer vacation" actually started last Friday I could not be more excited to see the calendar say it's finally summer.  That means it's the perfect time to see how I did with my spring bucket list. 

1. Starting June 1st I'd like to make a habit of visiting the local farmer's market more often (that's their official opening day). -- Nope! But we did buy into a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and get to pick up a large box of fresh fruits and veggies once a week grown by a local farm. 

2. I am determined to pull out all my painting supplies and canvases and get at least one full painting done!-- Check!  While I had planned to work on one large painting, I ended up making a couple small ones instead.

3. Get some flowers planted for the front steps-- Check! 

4. Read on the back deck in the mornings--Check! 

Though sometimes it's more like afternoon; but either way it's relaxing. 

5. Go hiking more!-- Check!

6. Celebrate Ian's 20th birthday-- check!

7. Enjoy all the final senior year things with Alec; Prom, Final track and field season, Awards nights, Graduation, etc.-- Check! 

He only had two track meets; one home and one away but we managed to make it to his home game. 

Prom was fun and he had 3 friends here getting dressed too so that added to the fun. 

Awards night: Alec got two awards and a very small scholarship/donation from the school PTO. 

8. Break out the big cameras and take some "real" pictures/ perhaps tackle another photo challenge-- Check! 

9. Get an herb garden going-- Nope! 

10. I bought a calligraphy book and I am determined to break out both the book and my calligraphy set that I got for Christmas in 2022! -- Nope! *sigh* but I am moving this to my summer bucket list! 

11. Spend Mother's day with the whole family doing something fun together-- Check! We only managed dinner together since Alec worked all day but we did play a few games of Scattergories when we were done.  

12. Plan something fun for our anniversary; we don't think we'll have time for a weekend away but I'd at least like to plan a fun day trip for us.-- Check! We ended up having time to head to Acadia Maine for a few days! 

Penobscot mountain

Acadia Mountain

We went sailing!

Triad summit

My Summer Bucket List

1. Enjoy some fun and cute summer beach reads!

2. Try and get to the beach.

3. Spend an overnight near the shore with our friends.

4. Celebrate my birthday.

5. Enjoy 4th of July with the Family.

6. Watch some fireworks

7. Make some homemade jam

8. Enjoy an occasional ice cream treat without any guilt

9. Cook up some delicious recipes (old and new!) with our CSA box of produce

10. Go kayaking!

11. Visit the botanical gardens

12. Take Alec shopping for college

13. Try a new restaurant

14. Go to the movies

15. Play cornhole

16. USE my calligraphy set!

17. Get caught up on scrapbooking

18. Paint at least a few new photos using the new paints I was gifted for Mother's day.

Linking up with: Spread the Kindmess/On the Edge, 


  1. What a fun idea to have a bucket list! Of course some days mine would just be “get through this summer day by day,” but I love yours. I would love to host a 4th of July party at our place, so maybe I’ll start there!

    1. I have had one every season since we started homeschooling; it was a great way to remind myself to take time out for the fun and enjoyment of season.

  2. I love your paintings! So much good was experienced and I love your summer list. I need to steal some of these! My goal is to savor the simple moments this summer.

  3. You did great! Also, great timing with posting this on the first official day of summer! I am going to get up early tomorrow and go to the farmer's market for the first time this year.

    1. Thank you!.. and I did plan it that way.😉

  4. Good job on your spring list. You accomplished a lot that you set out to do especially in a busy time of year. I love your photographs. Good camera/lens = good pictures. (And of course being a good photographer doesn´t hurt, either, lol).

  5. I love that you got your paints back out and painted! They are beautiful! And that view while reading...what an amazing spot. :)

    1. It was so fun and I promised myself I would do that every week but it's proving to be a hard habit to start.

  6. I can't think of anything I want to do this summer to add to a list, how sad.

    1. That is sad! How long will your recovery take?!

  7. I think you did a great job with your spring list, especially with all that was going on. I would love to get a produce box from a local farm, I bet everything tastes amazing. Happy Summer!

    1. Thank you! I was pleased with how well I did too. We were busier than I had anticipated that's for sure.

  8. Way to go with the spring list!

  9. It is actually starting to feel like summer here.
    It sounds like you did well with your spring bucket list. Your paintings are beautiful and it sounds like everyone has had a great time enjoying Alec's senior year.
    Good luck with your summer list! It sounds like you have some fab things planned.

  10. I don't have much on my summer list since we have had a great summer vacation trip. I plan to go to the lavender fields next month and spend a weekend with my family at the lake the weekend before school starts. Otherwise, I just want to relax and enjoy the laid back schedule. Now fall is another matter: lots of things I would love to do.

    1. I'm hoping to enjoy a more laid back summer this year too since we have no travel plans.

  11. You did great on your list. Good luck on your summer one my friend.

  12. You are very creative! Let's celebrate summer, yeah!

  13. You accomplished a lot! I don't have a bucket list (except from places to visit) but get my inspiration from reading magazines or on the web. Stay cool. I heard Boston had a heat index of 102 couple days ago.

    1. Yep, it was very, very hot yesterday; thankfully today isn't as bad as it was but I'm still hoping that rain and thunderstorms they've predicted will help cool things off even more.

  14. Well done with your spring bucket list! Bring on summer. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  15. I love your painting! Acadia Mountain is beautiful. Congrats to your son!

    1. Aw, thank you! It was so fun to get my paints and brushes out again.

  16. It's so helpful to write down your list so you can see them. I love how you do this,

    1. Thank you! It really does help me be more intentional with my time.

  17. I think you did very well on your list. I wish we had something like the Community Supported Agriculture. We do have a farmers market every Thursday, but parking is at a premium where it is located so I rarely go. It's become more and more a vendor type thing than a true farmer's market.

    1. Thank you! I felt that way about our farmer's market too so I'm excited to have finally found a CSA to try.

  18. Sounds like a wonderful summer bucket list and well done with your spring list. Congrats to Alec on his awards and I LOVE your outfit in the awards night photo.

  19. Looks like you accomplished a lot off your bucket list!

    1. Thank you! I'm pleased with what I managed to get done.

  20. Joanne, you did great on your spring bucket list! So many good things to celebrate too - a 20th birthday, graduation (and scholarship too!), prom, Mother's Day - spring is a busy season. Your summer bucket list is full of all the elements of a happy life - I hope you achieve each and every one!

  21. I got most of my spring list done, but didn't get any geraniums for the balcony. Our summer list is alike. I also celebrate my birthday in July, I've made restaurant reservations at several new-to-me places, and book a theatre weekend away. I believe the whole month of July is my birthday!

    1. I like to stretch out my birthday celebrations too. It sounds like you have some wonderful birthday plans.

  22. I love your paintings! I can't wait to see what you do with your calligraphy!

  23. Summer painting and visiting the farmer's market sounds like great plans.

  24. You have so many interests! Good luck getting through your summer bucket list! :)

  25. You've achieved a lot of what you aimed for, especially during such a busy season.
    Your photographs are fantastic as always, Joanne.
    I absolutely love your paintings.

  26. Joanne,
    I really like your idea f making a seasonal bucket list and I do think it is something that I need to do to keep myself focused....I do better with making Lists especially To Do Lists....Thanks so much for the inspiration and thanks for all your visits!! I really do appreciate you taking the time to do so...
    I hope you are enjoying the weekend and staying cool!!
    Debbie--Dabble Blog

    1. It definitely helps keep me focused and makes sure I have some fun and not always just focused on what I need to do but what I want to do.

  27. Looks like you did good on your Spring Bucket List.

  28. I never made a spring list so you're definitely ahead of the game there : ) I am determined to make a summer bucket list though and have it on my to dos this week. My daughter had a minor surgical procedure and can't lift anything for a couple of weeks so I'm here helping with the babies. Not sure how much I'll accomplish but it will be fun! You're so creative...I love the cards you made (I read the next post too). I didn't plant an herb garden but do have basil and mint growing and we're enjoying those. Enjoy your week!

    1. Thank you! I am sure your daughter is so thankful for your help.

  29. Those are fun and impressive bucket lists! You have done really well and I'm sure summer will be even better!

  30. Well done with your spring list. Great photos. The front of the house is looking beautiful and I love your paintings. The water looks amazing. Hope to see more of your paintings in the future.


  31. Lots of good bucket list ideas. Going to the beach & beach reads sounds good & summery.

  32. That bucket list looks like a great summer plan! Good job on your spring list!

  33. Great job with your spring bucket list! Your summer list is filled with lots of fun things! Good luck!

  34. The flowers on the front porch are pretty. And what a fun trip of sailing!


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