Talking About It Tuesdays #11

How are you all adjusting to the time change (or do you not have to change your clocks)? While I do hate missing an hour of sleep I am always perfectly eager to change the clocks ahead because that means the days are longer, the sun will soon be shining, and warm days are headed my way.   I can not wait to see flowers blooming, trees budding, and hearing all the little peep toads at night.  Anyway, enough about that and onto today's party! I can't wait to see what you have to share with us. 

The link with the most views from last week's party: 

Hello Monday and Hello The Start of College Tours for Diana by Pink Lady

A few that caught my eye:

Springtime at Four Seasons Challenge by Ellibelle's Corner

Decorating a Ring Binder with a Paper Rainbow Collage by Sum of Their Stories 

This party will remain open until the weekend.  My hope is that everyone will share all sorts of wonderful posts: travel, recipes, how to's, crafting ideas, and more.  Anything that is family friendly is welcome; even old posts that you'd like to get some new views for.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
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  1. Joanne, thank you for hosting. 😊 Have a great week!

  2. Oh thank you Joanne- so fun when you see your own post up there! Ok let me see what I can link up that is creative :)

  3. Thanks so much Joanne for hosting each week! Truly enjoy the party!!

  4. Why my son had a field trip today where he had to be at school at 6 am... that was a little hard with the time change! Hope you have a good week!

    1. Oh that is tough the week after a time change; though I have sailed right through this one without any problems.

  5. Thanks for the link- up! I am not minding the time change at all so far :).

    1. Me neither! Weirdly I'm still waking right up at my normal time.

  6. Life just keeps moving along! Thank you for hosting and letting me share with your readers! Have a great week ahead, take care. Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  7. Thanks for hosting! Have a great week. :)

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for linking up with us.

  8. Thank you Joanne for another great linkup.
    My links: 22+23. We will be delighted if you share your blog post links with us at SSPS. Link under BLOGGING

  9. Thank you for hosting each week, Joanne, and for the many ways you encourage fellow bloggers! I loved your list of 10 favorite green things (my favorite color)! Have a great week!

  10. Spring is far away in the Denver area as we might get a blizzard beginning tomorrow!

    1. Yikes! I'm kind of surprised we haven't gotten any snow yet in March but I am not complaining. We have been getting lots and lots of rain instead.

  11. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!! I am glad that I left the garland up and decorated it for Easter....
    Thanks again for hosting this wonderful party! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that I truly appreciate it!! I hope you will have a great week! Thanks for all the inspiration!!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  12. We set our clocks at the end of the month. Thanks for hosting.

  13. Thanks for hosting!

  14. I love Daylight Savings Time and those long sunny hours! YAY!

  15. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week. Not a fan of Daylight Savings Time.


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