How I did on my Winter Bucket List

You guys this is one of my favorites posts to write.. mostly because that means winter is ending and spring is on its way!!  

1. Celebrate Christmas with the family-- Check! 

2. Have the best time in the Caribbean with my husband on our cruise! Check! 

Roatan, Honduras

Cozumel, Mexico

Caulker Caye, Belize

Grand Cayman

3. Try to get out snowshoeing a time or two--- Nope! We never had enough snow at one time so this is totally mother nature's fault! 

4. Put together a new puzzle or two- Check! 

5. Read some books by the fire or the woodstove (or the pool on the ship!)--check! 

6. Celebrate Alec's 18th birthday!- Check! It was nearly a full month late but we finally celebrated with the grandparents.

7. Repaint the 1/2 bath
- Nope! I talked myself right out of this since I want to replace the pedestal sink first and that's not a job that I can do. 

8. Try at least 2 new cardmaking techniques-- Check!

Dry emboss and sanding with designer series paper:

Double embossed vellum:

9. Start a new book challenge with the New Year-- Check! In fact, I started 2!  I'm working through the 52 book challenge this year and my library is doing a colorful book challenge where you have to read 12 books with a color word in the title.  

My progress as of the end of February

10. Throw a fabulous 70th birthday party for my mom-- Check!

All in all I think I did a great job and I am so glad that winter is ending and I can look forward to all sorts of spring fun.  I'll have my spring bucket list up on the blog Monday so be sure to check back in! 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I love this! I think you did! I should think about a spring bucket list!

  2. So many great things here! That cruise looked amazing and I would love to try embossing in my art journal.

    1. Thank you! I love embossing; it's so fun and satisfying to see the embossing powder melt.

  3. You did a great job! Christmas sure seems like forever ago and I am living for this recent nice spring temperatures! I had the windows cracked all day yesterday and it was glorious.

    1. Thank you! We have been enjoying driving with the sun roof open.

  4. While I don't love winter, this one flew by thanks to the good weather. You did a great job on your list!

  5. Congrats on your successful winter bucket list.

  6. YOu did really well. What a fun winter!! The cruise must have helped with some of those cold weather blues. I don't blame you for not painting the half bath when you're going to replace the sink. Makes perfect sense. It looked like a lot of fun celebrations and a lot of good reading!!

    1. Oh yes, that cruise definitely helped with the winter blues.

  7. I can't wait for spring to be around the corner! Your cruise looks amazing. Hondorus, Belize, and Grand Cayman are all areas we haven't visited but would love to check out.

  8. I am so happy that spring is on the way! You did great with your bucket list and as bad as winter is, it looks like you had a lot of fun and made many memories.

  9. What a great way to spend winter with a cruise and yay for spring! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Well done.. you checked off most of it.

  11. You did really well with your winter bucket list!

  12. what a winter, filled with joy and adventure and celebration. these ARE the good old days! thanks for sharing with us, Joanne ...

  13. Yum - I could dive into Alec's cake. And what a lucky mom you have, celebrating turning 70 in style!

  14. I can relate to talking yourself out of painting. I do that a lot, but great job with so many things. I would have been disappointed if you didn't have fun on the cruise, LOL

    1. Thank you! I would have been so disappointed if we hadn't had fun on the cruise too! Though I wasn't so sure we were even going to make that trip for a little while there.

  15. Your 52 week challenge chart is filling up nicely. I enjoyed seeing the books you have added.

  16. Wow! It looks like you had a very eventful winter!

  17. You did check off a lot from your winter bucket list. How wonderful!! Loved seeing your cruise photos again, I'm sure that is such a fun memory to look back at! And yay for doing 2 new cardmaking techniques!

  18. It's wonderful to see your positive attitude and enthusiasm for the upcoming spring season. I'm sure your spring bucket list will be just as exciting and filled with new adventures. Thank you for sharing your journey, and here's to a fantastic spring ahead! 🌷

  19. Beautiful blog and post, I'm glad I found you. Good to you and your family. Warm spring, beautiful weekend.

  20. You did really well with your winter bucket list. I look forward to reading what's on your spring list. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  21. Except for Mother Nature's interference, it looks like you made it all! Congrats!

  22. Congrats on ticking off so many wonderful experiences from your winter bucket list!
    Your cruise photos look amazing, and it's fantastic to see you embracing new challenges like cardmaking techniques. Looking forward to reading about your spring adventures soon!

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne!

  23. You did so well with your list. Happy Birthdays to both of them. The cards are amazing. The first one made me think of a vintage tin tile.


  24. Loved your post. What gorgeous photos!

  25. You did so great on your list!! I cannot believe that you're doing two book challenges now! That is just so impressive to me!

    1. Aw, thanks! I almost always participate in our library reading challenge since it's usually just 10 or 12 books and I can use many of the same books for both challenges.

  26. That's great that you're going a reverse bucket list. Time passes us by and we do not recall what we've done over the season or year until we write it down. From then, we realize that we accomplish more than we realize.

    1. Thank you! I started making bucket lists with my boys each season when we began homeschooling as a way to remember to have some fun together as well as focusing on school and it just sort of stuck. I try to only add what I think of as "fun" things to my lists.


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