Share 4 Somethings in February 2024

With tomorrow being the last Saturday of the month it's time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer.  In 2024 we'll be sharing some things we've loved and/or disliked, accomplished, some things we've improved upon and/or that need improvement, and noticed (either in our own lives or around town). 

Loved/Disliked: That we FINALLY got to celebrate Alec's 18th birthday; even if we were nearly a month late.

Quite a bit! I got my annual mammogram done, I made appointments for the boys, worked on making some cards and scrapbook pages, and ordered all the prints from December, January, and February so I can get started on those pages soon too. 

It feels so good to be momentarily all caught up!

Improved upon/needs improvement: I've been going back to the basics with our food; buying blocks of cheese to shred myself, making my own spice mixes, batch cooking on the weekends for quick grab and go meals during the week, etc.  Things I used to do ALL the time and slowly got away from. 

Noticed: The days are getting longer! I'm noticing that it's now light up when we leave the house and still light out when all my guys get home from work.  I am loving these signs that spring must certainly be on its way! 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. All great things! I want to buy less processed foods and make my own things, too. Happy Weekend!

    1. I'm trying to not go overboard and ban all processed foods like I originally wanted to since my boys all balked at that but I figure each little baby step is a step in the right direction.

  2. Sounds like you've been busy! Have a lovely weekend! Suzy x

  3. Yay for finally celebrating Alec's birthday! And yes, I'm noticing the longer days of light too! Yay Spring!!!

    1. I can not wait for more spring like weather; this winter even though it has been fairly mild has felt so long.

  4. It's so hard to find time to celebrate once the "kids" start growing up! I feel your pain. I haven't seen my son in about three weeks and I miss him! He promised to stop by this weekend. I used to do that kind of thing all the time as well, with the food, when our boys were younger. We incorporated it into our school most weeks and had fun with it all! I was always inspired by Ree Drummond. Have a great weekend, my friend!

    1. Actually, Alec's schedule was not the problem at all; first my husband and I were sick then my mother in law was in the hospital and we were waiting for her to be in a good place after recovery but then my father in law left on vacation and I finally said "enough! We're having his party and whoever can come can come."

  5. Yay for that extra light. Alec is so cute but man I totally get the birthday thing. Have a great weekend.

  6. That birthday cake looks great! I am loving the days getting longer too.

    1. That cheesecake was a lot of work but it was totally worth it.

  7. Good for you for getting a mammogram and also for making all the homemade items. I have gone through seasons of doing that. Glad y'all got to celebrate the birthday and have a good weekend!

  8. Happy Birthday to your Sweet Boy AND Master Chef :) YES for longer days- bring on spring!

    1. Thank you! Another one that is officially an adult now...

  9. I enjoy when the days start getting a bit longer!

    1. Me too! Now if they'd just start warming up!!

  10. Happy belated birthday to Alec. The cake looks delicious.

  11. Joanne,
    Happy Birthday ( belated) to Alex!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I do so enjoy these type of posts...You did get a lot accomplished in Feb...Hard to believe that it is almost March!! We will be experiencing a warm up this coming week with temps. predicted in the high 50's!! That should melt away all our Snow and then I will be able to focus on Easter decorating...
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Oh that would be lovely! I'm hearing we might have warm weather mixed in with lots and lots of rain so that should take care of our snow and ice too.

  12. Wow! How is it the last Saturday of the month, February has flown over.
    It looks like a great celebration for Alec's birthday, the cake looks so good.
    I have just started buying blocks of cheese, the already grated stuff is so expensive and just laziness on my part.
    It's getting lighter here, I have noticed it on an evening especially, my youngest is really enjoying getting in from college when it's still daylight.

    1. I sometimes feel like February flew by and other time I feel like it has felt so darn long. It has been dreary but I think we've been busier than normal so that helped!

  13. I know what you mean about getting away from some of those habits that tend to be healthier. Did you see the video I shared in my emails about why you shouldn't buy shredded cheese? It's the things you don't think of...
    But the convenience is so nice. As my one friend always says, it's better to have the least amount of people/machinery touch what you are eating.
    PS. I don't know why it won't sign me in to comment anymore

    1. I hadn't watched the video... but I already knew why we shouldn't buy shredded cheese and was just sort of ignoring that because it is so convenient. I'm basically looking for the least amount of people/machinery involved in my foods and the fewest ingredients (that I can actually pronounce!) on any packaged foods.

  14. Do you do a particular style of scrapbooking? Project Life or Creative Memories? Looks like you scrap pages to slip into the plastic sleeves? I've always been a Creative Memories chronological scrapbooker but it's a pain when I find a photo or piece of memorabilia and have a hard time adding it to a layout although CM's new peekaboo pockets has made it a little easier.

    1. I don't have a particular style though I do use 12x12 strap hinge albums and I use a slip on page protector over them. But I have used everything from real life memorabilia, Jolee's 3-d stickers, rubber stamps, layered paper etc. I've been scrapbooking for well over 20 years and I find that my style changes a lot as the years go by. I wrote a few posts on my scrapbooking early last year: and also

  15. I also got my mammogram this month. The spice mixes are a great idea. Hope you have a good weekend!

  16. You've had a busy time Joanne! I love that you're all caught up with things especially Alec's 18th birthday! 🎊☺️
    Blessings, Jennifer

  17. Happy birthday to your son. That's an important one! You are so creative. It looks like a great month, Joanne. Marsha :)

  18. Happy birthday to Alec! How do you store your shredded cheese, then? We go through so much cheese it might be worth it to shred it myself. And, that birthday cake looks delicious!

    1. Once I shred them I've been putting them in 2 cup measurements into quart size freezer bags and popping them in the door of our freezer. I haven't tried that with mozzarella but it has worked great with all the others I've tried (Romano, parmesan, cheddar, etc.).

  19. Bravo for making your own seasonings and grating cheeses yourself. I'm trying to move in that direction too.


    1. Thank you! We're also sourcing our meat and produce locally when we can-- we're picking up a 1/2 cow today and just sent in some paperwork to join a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

  20. How good it must be to have those days lengthening. I can feel the joy in your words! HB to Alec! Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare

  21. Happy Birthday to Alec! That cake looks amazing!

  22. Good morning. Happy Birthday to Alec! I too love the signs of spring, especially the longer hours of daylight. Love what I can see of your scrapbook pages. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! And by the way, that cake looks delicious!!

  23. I noticed the same thing this week with the day light in the evening!

  24. Good for you getting the momogram - thse regulars tests are such a hassle (but so important) and Happy birthday! #ShareFourSomethings

  25. Happy 18th birthday to your Alec. Such a milestone birthday! Better late than never. The cake looks marvelous! I'm so thankful the days are getting longer too. It's good for my spirits.

  26. Those are four excellent somethings. Happy belated birthday to your son. The cake looks delicious. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  27. That's great that you got back into the groove of prepping your own food. So practical. I don't have time to do it the way I'd like but I do some of those things occasionally. Maybe that's something I should try to improve upon!

  28. The lighter nights are definitely more noticeable. I'm so looking forward to spring too!
    Hope Alec had a fab day celebrating. :)

  29. The cake for the birthday celebration looks amazing, of course! I noticed the same thing - longer daylight hours...very much needed.

  30. Happy Belated Birthday to Alex. Better late than never.
    I love the longer days and we have some sunshine today so that makes me happy.

  31. Alec is 18....where is the time? Happy belated Birthday to him!

  32. Wow, that's great, Joanne! I eat very little to no processed foods, and it is a lot of work! Have a great week :)

  33. Hi Jo - you always have SO many comments - it shows what an engaging and engaged blogger you are! Happy belated birthday to Alec (did he have to make his own birthday cake?) and good on you for stepping up your cooking etc - you truly are a woman of many talents.

    1. Aw, thank you! It took a long time of blogging before I found a great community of bloggers. Alec did not make his own cake this year though he usually does!

  34. I've thought of joining the share 4 somethings...I just never seem to remember, etc. I love your "going back to basics. I love that the days are getting longer.

    1. Thank you! I am loving these longer and sunnier day we've been having.

  35. I really need to start making my own spice mixes....and shredding my own cheese. So simple but I fall into lazy habits. Thanks for the nudge:)

    1. Yeah, it is so easy to fall into those lazy habits; I'm guilty of the same but trying to nudge myself to shake them off.

  36. So funny that you mentioned buying blocks of cheese and shredding them yourself because I was JUST thinking this morning that I want to start doing that again, too. Blocks of cheese are so much cheaper and they have way less gunk in them!

  37. Joanne I really enjoyed hearing about your 4 Somethings. Happy Birthday Alec! It's wonderful to hear your getting back into the groove of making spice mixes and make ahead meals. I'm sure they come in handy.
    Visiting today from Share 4 Somethings.

  38. I enjoy mixing my own spices. Once I learned what shwarma was -- I just went to town on the spices on my spice rack. And yes, Happy Birthday to Alec!


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