Hiking Photos from Last Friday

 We went hiking at the James L Goodwin State Forest last Friday and though it was a pretty chilly and dreary start to our day we ended up hiking for 2 hours and the sun was shining by the time we finished.  It was one of my favorite parts of our week!

Even in winter it was a really lovely hike. 

This elm tree had some growths on it that fascinated us; looks like it's Black Knot based on some research we did after our hike. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I really need to get out there in nature this weekend. It just sometimes is hard to convince the rest of the family or myself after I have already run 4-6 miles.

    1. It's going to have to hold me over for awhile since we got yet more snow last night and it's supposed to be a very windy day today.

  2. It's so good to get outside! What a wonderful hike. Thansk for sharing these pics!


  3. Looks so refreshing- even in the winter- you always inspire me to get out and just do it!

    1. Thank you; this happened to be a fairly nice day and I didn't even need my gloves, mittens, or hat!

  4. It’s just a wonderful feeling to get out there with nature and keep your body moving isn’t it! I love these photos.

    1. It really is; especially this time of year when I feel like it happens so infrequently!

  5. So nice to get out and get some fresh air! I've been trying to walk a little every day, and I always feel so much better than when I left.

    1. I gave up on the every day with our wacky weather this year but I definitely make sure to set aside whatever is on my to do list any day that it's even remotely nice out there.... today is NOT one of those days. The wind is actually rattling the house and it looks like it's snowing (but it's not!).

  6. Replies
    1. We hadn't been there in ages and I had no idea about this particular trail; I love finding new trails!

  7. I think I would enjoy walking near all that water to see what plant life is there & what animals are swimming or flying around.

    1. I really enjoy walking near water; all my favorite hikes are near lakes or waterfalls or a stream...

  8. I always love your nature pictures.

  9. It looks like a beautiful hike even though the weather was a bit dreary. Great photographs. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks! We were laughing that sun finally decided to come out just as we were finishing up our hike.

  10. Being out in nature is something special. I never realized this until I retired, and now I just love it.

  11. That looks like a lovely hike. I'd enjoy looking at plants, the lake, the wetlands and creeks. Thank you for yuor weekend coffee share.

  12. The pathway looks a little damp in places, at least if you step off the main road. Great exercise and fun with the kids. Have a great week. :)

    1. It was a bit muddy in a few spots; but we're well used to that this time of year.

  13. Lovely photos from your hike. I love getting out into nature and especially into the wetlands.

  14. That sky is such a brilliant blue! We got snow today, and it is just gorgeous! Of course, next week, we're getting back into the 50s. Mother Nature is not happy!


    1. It was a really beautiful blue once the sun came out. We're getting some snow showers right now.

  15. It's always refreshing to get out and hike in the winter. If you dress for it, you're not cold. You notice things you can't see in the summer because there is no foliage on the trees. Hikes with scenic views are the best in winter because there's no foliage blocking your view.

  16. What a great hike! The scenery really is beautiful!

  17. Hi Joanne, getting out into nature for a hike or walk or run is so good for our health and wellbeing. Lovely photos and soon the weather will be warming up for you. Thanks for sharing at #weekendtrafficjamreboot

  18. What pretty landscape-even if it was cloudy for part of the time. Being outside is always invirgorating!

  19. I love seeing the bare trees in winter.

    1. Now see.. that is my least favorite part! LOL. I like them either with leaves on or when the snow is covering them but the bare trees just make me sad.

  20. It looks like a wonderful hike! Thank you for sharing!

  21. Looks like you had an amazing hike last Friday! I can't wait to see the photos and hear all about your adventure. Did you reach the summit? What was the most breathtaking view?

    I'm already feeling inspired by your hiking post! What trail did you explore? Any tips for fellow hikers looking to conquer a similar route?

  22. One thing I miss about Covid quarantine (GASP -- I MISS SOMETHING ABOUT QUARANTINE!??!?!?!?!) is that we had a lot more time to hike as a family. Now with the kids' activities, we just don't have the same time and it makes me sad.

  23. As always, I love the lake views!

  24. Loving that bright blue sky! You got so many great pictures!

    1. It's always so nice to see that bright blue sky in winter.

  25. I love seeing the bare trees in winter. Looks like a beautiful hike. As always, I love the lake views!

  26. Absolutely beautiful hike! The photos are gorgeous. Thanks for linking up to the Weekly Traffic Jam Reboot this week.


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