Three Things Thursday: November 2023 Edition

I haven't shared a 3 things post in a very long time (in fact it looks like the last time was in 2021!)  I thought I'd give a quick little update on each of us.  You might know some of these if you are a regular reader but I'm trying to keep it fresh. 

1. Though he is smiling in the above photo, Evan is less than thrilled to be getting his license and is not enjoying his driver's ed. classes either.  So far I have only convinced him to go out driving once (and we didn't leave any of our private land!).  I know he'll get there in time and be glad once he has it.   

2. Evan has started talking a lot about going away to college and even has plans to do a study abroad (preferably in an English speaking country).  He's not sure where he wants to go to school yet but still plans to study psychology and has told me he plans to live on campus in a dorm wherever he ends up.  I'm pretty surprised because Evan is a homebody.

3. He's just over a 1/4 of the way through his sophomore year of school and I'm debating about signing him for a college course next year and trying dual enrollment with him. I thought it would be a good way for him to get a bit of exposure to the work required for college. 

1. Alec got his first college acceptance last week (it's for his second choice school so I think he was excited but he just casually dropped it into conversation like it was no big deal so who really knows!)

2. He's been encouraged to apply for a second job (by his current employer); there is a local chocolatier that is talking of opening his own store and needs help.  Alec's boss thought he'd really enjoy that and it would be a great skill to add to his repertoire!  We just don't know WHEN they plan on opening or will start hiring help. 

3.  His photo above is from his senior homecoming dance; he told me that he had decided last year to attend all dances and functions his senior year and this was the big kick off.  

Ian with one of their fishing buddies

1. Ian is focusing on his full course load for college this year.  He's not loving any of his classes since none of them are in his major (he's taking psychology, history, English lit., and communications) but he's still doing real well and I kept reminding him he's that much closer to his degree and being finished... only to find out this week when we went to sign him up for spring classes that graduation requirements have changed and 2 of the courses he's taking currently no longer count towards his degree!  I honestly thought colleges had to honor the graduation requirements for each program from when you signed up.   He's hoping to take 2 summer classes and then finish up his degree next fall. 

2. His summer/seasonal job ended and he's picked up 2 part time jobs. He works for his grandfather most days and will start working at my husband's shop a few afternoons a week running the burning table. 

3. He is loving having free time again and spent his whole day Sunday deep sea fishing-- they sure caught a lot! 

1.  My husband had such a great time deep sea fishing with Ian last week that he came home and told me we should plan a trip; just the two of us to someplace warm (like the Caribbean!) this January.  Sign me up!  Any suggestions? I kind of want to go everywhere! 

2. After selling his company a few years ago my husband is basically back to the same job he had before selling-- he no longer owns the company but he has been put back in charge of running it once again.  Talk about things coming full circle! 

3. I am really unmotivated to get any sort of planning done for the holidays; I did finally invite my mom and step- father for Thanksgiving but that's as much planning as I've done.  I'm forcing myself to make my Christmas cards this week and I'm hoping that will get me started thinking about both these holidays so I'm not completely overwhelmed when the end of November rolls around.  (But let's face it; I'm just thinking about the beach and some tropical drinks now!). 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud,


  1. Fun post! I had a non- interested young driver as well! She´s had her license for a couple of years now and still does not love it but she does drive... when she has to!! Your kids all have good things going on! I love the photo of the fisherman and all those fish they caught. I just read two books, one after the other, by the same author and the setting was in Connecticut for both of them. The water featured prominently in both of them; the photo of the fish really reminded me of the books.

    1. I was a reluctant driver myself so I completely understand where he's coming from (and honestly my middle son didn't want his license either but we made him and now he's hardly ever home).

  2. I haven't been able to think about the holidays much yet either. Sigh. They come too quickly. I sorta wish we could do an every-other-year thing. lol. I enjoyed this recap post!

    1. They sure do seem to sneak up on me. I FINALLY started my Christmas cards this morning; that will hopefully get the ball rolling.

  3. Nice updates! Maybe you and your husband should do a Caribbean cruise so you can go to more than one place!

    1. Funny you should say that-- we just started researching cruises!

  4. My daughter is apprehensive about driving too- I am enjoying that while it lasts- so fun to read up on your lovely family

    1. I'm not sure I have the nerves to tackle teaching one more how to drive... we did go out today for a short little drive and I think we were both exhausted by the time we got back home. BUT we both survived and the car is fine!

  5. Releasing our kids, our grandkids is a bittersweet process, isn't it. But when they're making good decisions, we breathe a sigh of relief. God has them in the palm of His hands. All will be well.

    1. I love seeing my boys really come into their own and am amazed at the confidence they each seem to exude; I don't ever remember being like that.

  6. How frustrating that the college changed their course requirements for graduation!! With how expensive college is, I'm not sure that should be allowed!!
    A Caribbean vacations in January sounds absolutely wonderful!

    1. Right?! I can't believe no one bothered to notify us that the requirements changed; if we had known sooner he could have swapped classes during the add/drop period.

  7. This was so fun to catch up this way.
    I would be incredibly annoyed with the collage not accepting those classes because you paid for them too. Ugh
    We really enjoyed the Caribbeans when we went on a cruise 4 years ago you'll love it

    1. We haven't been back to Caribbean since our honeymoon 22 years ago and I can't wait to get back!

  8. Evan sounds exactly like my Ella. She has no desire to get her license and is also a homebody! 🖤🤣

    1. I can totally relate! My parents had to threaten me to get my license... and once I had it I hardly ever went anywhere with it.

  9. Your have a wonderful family, and it is nice to catch up with your news and happenings. Tell Evan that I never loved driving either. As a New York City resident I always took public transportation and the only thing that made me get a license was I became a mother at age 25 and thought I should have a license in case of an emergency. My husband was the one who drove, and still does, but I drive when I need to and actually learned to like it except for fast expressway I am a chicken! Both of my children did not get their driver's licenses until they were in collage, so Evan can aim for that, Thye are both good drivers now and I'm proud of them.

    1. I still don't really enjoy driving but out here where there is no public transportation there isn't much choice about it; though he does tell me he plans to live in a city and not have to drive when he gets older.

  10. Definitely go somewhere warm! Punta Cana is one of our favorites in Mexico, and it's not very expensive! Also, tell Evan I had ZERO desire to drive, but now I'm so glad!

    1. Both myself and my middle son (and several other family members) have told him the same thing! Driving isn't really something I love to do but it is a very useful skill to have.

  11. I really thought a college would have to honor the course requirements from when you started the program. That's disappointing. Love hearing what everyone is up to. Both of my kids were excited to drive, but I've heard there are many in that generation that are hesitant.

    1. Yeah I think Alec said that 50% of his class is not interested in getting their license; to be fair the hoops 16 & 17 year olds have to go through in our state to get their license and for the first full year that they have their license disappear at the magic age of 18 so many are waiting until 18 now.

  12. My youngest wasn't super excited to get his license until he got it. Then, he was off and running...well, driving! Things have probably changed since I was in school, but the book I received (you probably got something digital) that showed course requirements was my "contract" with the college and that's what we both had to abide by. It might be worth looking into. This was a really nice round up for your whole family...and I hope you get to go to the Caribbean!

    1. We booked a trip last night (I believe; though find it odd the travel agent hasn't asked us for any payment information yet..).

  13. Jamaica is my favourite place in the Caribbean. A cruise is a great idea too.
    Sarah @ Toronto SAM

    1. We settled on a cruise; figured it was a great and relaxing way to see a few different places.

  14. Oh no! That is a shame Evan isn't enjoying driving. How exciting for him to be thinking about going away to study.
    Well done to Alec with his college acceptance letters. The job with the local chocolatier sounds an amazing opportunity. He looks very smart for the dance.
    Good on Ian working hard when he isn't enjoying his classes. That is wrong they have changed the graduation requirements.
    A trip to the Caribbean sounds amazing! Anywhere hot would do me.

    1. That's what I said to my husband when he asked where I wanted to go--- anywhere warm is a win in my book. Evan has never wanted to get his license but I do think it's pretty much a necessity where we live since there is no public transportation at all. I'm hopeful once he goes out driving with the instructors a time or two he'll change his mind.

  15. I can relate to Evan not enjoying driving. I got my license when I was 26 and it was only because I had to otherwise I wouldn't be able to take my son to preschool. My youngest son got his license last year but my oldest son is not interested in learning at all. He just uses public transport and says he's waiting for cars that drive themselves LOL! I'm excited to hear which warm place you and your husband end up going to. I'm sure it will be fun!

    1. I waited until I was starting college and since I was commuting I really did need to know how to drive!

  16. I know so many teens who just don't want to get their licenses these days. Both of my nephews aren't interested even though they're of age. When I turned 16, I couldn't get my license fast enough!

    1. I have to say when asked my boys gave great answers as to why this is... they did explain that since they can't drive with friends in the car (for the entire first year they have their license in our state) but can hang out virtually in groups while still being comfy at home there is no pressing need to drive to see one another and do things together. There aren't many jobs for kids under 18 anymore either since the work papers restrict what they can and can't do and the hours they can work so driving for jobs isn't a factor either. Without friends, money, or jobs what is the point?


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