North Carolina Trip Days 3 & 4

Saturday was cloudy but I still managed to watch some of the sunrise.  With plans to meet up with the whole family at my aunt's house later in the day my mom, Evan, and I had a whole morning on our own. 

We were going to head to the arboretum but then it started raining so we went to the Cameron Art Museum instead and spent the morning looking at works of art from Latin American artists delving into their migrant experiences. It was a very powerful exhibit.

By the time we finished it was lunch time and my mom suggested we check out the Sweet and Savory Cafe. It was delicious! 

The sun made an appearance and I talked my mom into another walk on the beach; this time we walked in the other direction. 

I couldn't resist snapping another photo of the pier in the fog though!

The water was warm enough for my toes but I was surprised by how many people were swimming over the weekend while we were there!

We got to my aunt's house in the mid-afternoon and spent our whole evening visiting, eating, and taking photos. 

A mostly whole family photo- we're missing my uncle (who was taking the photos)

Sunday morning I got my mom up in time to watch the sunrise with me. 

My mom took my sisters and I out to breakfast at Cast Iron Kitchen; it was amazing! I got a HUGE cinnamon bun and a small side salad.  Afterwards my younger sister and her family came to the condo to hang out until we were ready to head out to the downtown ILM market.  We all worked on putting a puzzle together that my nephew started.

We all headed out to the market and did some shopping, got some gelato, and walked the boardwalk along the waterfront. 

The last time I was in Wilmington, most of this area was underwater after hurricane Ian in 2018.

I looked up at the corner and everyone was on their phones! So I whipped mine out and snapped a quick pic.

From there we went back to my aunt's house and ate leftovers from the night before. Then my mom, Evan, and I headed back to the condo to get ready for our early morning flight the next day.  We left before the sun was even up and were back home in the afternoon. 

The trip just flew by but it was so nice to see everyone. I could not believe how much the kids had all changed in just a few short years. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Great beach photos! You and your sister look a lot alike :). It looks like you had a really nice trip!

  2. Love the beach photos! Sounds like a fun time.

  3. Love the cloud images. The sky so blue and fluffy clouds, I just wanted to touch the clouds!! It's always good to see family. One day I would enjoy visiting NC. Thanks for sharing your vacation.
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. You're welcome! Those blue skies are my favorite too.

  4. It looks like you all had a great time seeing each other. Those beach photos are just gorgeous. Thanks for taking us along.

  5. The beach and pool are to die for and love your Lilly top! :)

  6. Man you get up early! And I had to laugh when everyone's on their phone. It's so funny how our society does that. Even us the old folks!!

    1. Yep! AND I slept IN for my vacation... it helped that sunrise wasn't until 7 or so.

  7. sure had some beautiful skies to enjoy, thanks for sharing them.

  8. Having grown up on the west coast I am used to seeing the sun set over the ocean so seeing the sun rise over the Atlantic sure is pretty! You got some great pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time visiting family! I did have to laugh at you taking a picture of all the adults on their phones. Any time I catch my parents doing that when we're out I have to make a comment about, "You kids and your phones!". Anyways, I am definitely going to have to make a trip up to Wilmington. It looks so nice.

    1. Thank you so much. We did have a wonderful time.

  9. I loved following along with your trip. You had great balance in your meal with the cinnamon roll and side salad. ;)

    1. Ha! Thanks. My mother and sisters were teasing me about that but I have zero regrets.

  10. I love the photo of everyone on their phones! It looks like that around here on the holidays after everyone has eaten, and the dishes are done. You always find the neatest places to visit. I really liked the mural on the building. It's good to see how the community recovered after the hurricane.

    1. They built the area up even more... though one does have to wonder what happens after the next hurricane? I don't think I would want to live in any of the new, beautiful apartments they built along the river.

  11. I enjoyed following along on your trip.
    Loved the gorgeous beach photos.

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne

  12. Wow! You can tell you are family. You guys all look alike! I was hoping to see what pictures you would take of the Riverwalk. This is where me and my husband go for walks after dinner. It was fun following you around on your vacation! Hope you get a chance to come back one day soon!

    1. LOL; we really do! In all my trips to Wilmington (and really there have been too many to count since my aunt has lived there since I was a year old) I had never been on the Riverwalk!

  13. What a beautiful view to wake up to. It sounds like you had a fab couple of days. How lovely to spend time with your family.

    1. It was such a lovely view and I kept that sliding door open any time we were in the condo so I could hear the waves crashing. It was so relaxing. We had a wonderful time catching up.

  14. North Carolina always looks like a great place for holibobs! Love the sun rising over the ocean,

  15. So funny to see everyone staring at their phones. I would totally take a pic too.

    1. They all laughed once they realized I had taken a photo and explained why. Then they each started explaining WHY they were on their phones. It was so funny.

  16. Loving all of the sunrise pictures and especially loving all of the family time! It looks like y'all had a great time!

  17. I love North Carolina so much! It had always been my goal to move there after college, it just hasn't worked out quite yet. Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures. Thanks for linking up with Tell It To Me Tuesday, I hope to see you again this week!

  18. CONGRATS Joanne! Your post is FEATURED at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 136!

  19. This looks like so much fun! My mom is originally from North Carolina and we loved to visit there but haven't been down in years since her sister's passed away and she's gotten older. I loved the photographs.

  20. Thanks for a first hand look at North Carolina! i've always wanted to go there and now I've definitely added it my bucket list!


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