Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt 2023

I was very excited to hear that Patio Postcards was hosting their annual summer photo scavenger hunt because I have really enjoyed participating in the past few years. 


2023 Summer Scavenger Hunt / Search Ideas

1. A Plant/Tree With Thorn(s)

2. A  Wordless Directional Sign

3. Something Netted or Webbed

4. Something Berry Berry Delicious

5. A Bridge

6. A School

7. Something That Dangles

8. Some Shadows

9. A Crack or Pothole in The Road or Sidewalk

10. A White Flower(s)

11. Extraordinary Water 

12. Summer Tools

13. A Sold or For Sale Sign (not necessarily a house)

14. Something That Rolls

Alternate A: Your Favorite Summer Taste

Alternate B: Your Choice

Linking up with: Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot, Spread the


  1. Ok these shots are Summer Perfection! Is Alec going to CIA??? Did I miss that? If so, cannot wait to follow along! :)

    1. Nope, you didn't miss anything! We still don't know and probably won't know what college he's going to until the spring when they all come out with their financial aid packages.

  2. You did a wonderful job finding things! I love all of these.

  3. I love finding out these new blogs from your blog and the ideas they have! Great photos and finding all the things!

    1. Aw, thanks! I'm always on the lookout for some fun photo challenges. Anything to keep me using my camera and honing those skills!

  4. Oh, what a fun way to post your photos! I love the webbed ones even though I'm not a big fan of spiders!

    1. Thank you! I'm not a big fan of spiders either but living near the lake where it's so damp we have so many of them.

  5. Great post - I am off to follow the link to the postcard challenge. This looks to be fun, quick and a great way to highlight photos. Bernie,

  6. Some lovely, summery photos! Good to see we're not the only ones with potholes in the roads! :D

    1. Oh gosh no; our roads in New England take a beating from winter snow and ice.

  7. What a fun challenge! I love all the things you found on the hunt!

  8. Photo Scavanger Hunt. That does sound like fun. Your pictures are beautiful!
    Take care and best wishes!

  9. Wow, what fun that was. I loved seeing those pics for the prompts! Thank you so much for sharing your blog post for the first link up of Denyse’s Words and Pics. I hope too, that you will be back next Wednesday. Warm wishes and appreciation from Denyse.

  10. Your photos fit each of the prompts perfectly Joanne! The dangles pic made me smile :)

    1. Thank you! I just knew I had to get a good photo of those when we were touring the cave since they would fit that prompt so nicely.

  11. Replies
    1. I always have a fun time with these scavenger hunts.

  12. What wonderful photos. I love all the nature one's.

  13. I love your nature shots!! That spider web is amazing.

    1. Thank you! It was tricky to get the lighting just right.

  14. How fun! Wished I would have known about this Summer Photo hunt. You got so many great shots.

  15. What fun and interesting photos and prompts! I love that thorny plant all covered with dewdrops.

    1. Thanks! I have no idea what kind of plant it is but we found it while out hiking in Shenandoah National park this summer and I thought it was so interesting.


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