10 on the 10th... on the 12th

 I missed posting my 10 on the 10th on the actual 10th but these would you rather questions were just too much fun to pass up. All of the questions Marsha came up with this month are centered around summer.  

1. We're at the perfect time of year where I am often awake for both the sunrise and the sunset!  Sadly we don't have a great view of either one from our house but I do make sure to stop and enjoy the vibrant colors whenever I see them. But usually I am an early riser so sunrise the rest of the year is more my speed.

sunset from our house rental in the smoky mountains last summer

Sunrise in Florida

Sunset in Florida

2. I am a flip flop girl all the way!!  I don't actually like wearing sneakers at all. 

I've started carrying flip flops in my hiking pack and change into them the minute we're finished hiking

3. I'd gladly wear a tiara to the pool!  (tutus are so not flattering to my hips! LOL) I might even still have my old wedding tiara. 

4. I don't like Jell-O or pudding but if I had to pick one I think I'd go with a pool full of Jell-O since slip and slides always gave me a stomach ache. 

5. I'm not a huge fan of heights and I love being on the water (when it's nice and calm!) so I'd have to say live on a boat.

I could definitely live on a boat like this! (Spotted in Newport Harbor, RI-- the largest one around)

my boys and I on a much smaller boat in Newport

6. I think I'd pick a camper since at least I'd probably have a bathroom inside and I know most yurts don't-- My husband and I have been looking at some and would really like to get a large one like this when we retire. 


7. I enjoy walking barefoot outside in general and like the feel of both the grass and the sand but if I had to pick one I'd say the sand. 

Walking on long sands beach in York, Maine in 2018

8. I have never been able to water ski; it's so much harder to do than it looks! I have been tubing a time or two and while I didn't love it I would definitely pick tubing over skiing any day. 

no photos of me tubing but we used to take our boys out tubing a couple of times a week!

9. I guess... watermelon juice? I don't like or use ketchup. 

10.  Oh gosh... Neither! Hot air balloon rides look wonderful and seem like they'd be great but then I think of standing in a basket and looking down and just know my fear of heights would kick in and I would never be able to enjoy it.  Helicopters in general make me nervous and I think, again, my fear of heights or crashing would definitely make me miserable.

Linking up with: Weekly Link Party, 


  1. Love all your answers and images you shared to explain! Those sunrise and sunset pics are beautiful!


  2. We have beautiful sunrise views over the lake from the back of our house. We see some of the sunset, usually reflecting on the water but we often take the boat out just a few hundred yards to get a full sunset view. I love the sunrise though. And I could not live on a boat : )

    1. That sounds lovely! We got rid of our boat years ago because we rarely used it and never to see the sunset.

  3. That sunset picture from Florida is pretty! And I love your tiara from your wedding. I used to get stung by bees a lot as a child walking barefoot in grass. Now I never walk barefoot in the grass but I love to walk in the sand barefoot (unless it's super hot!).

  4. Funny how we answered opposite each other on the boat question. My husband wants to get an RV when he retires too.

    1. We'd like to use it to visit all the national parks and bring our side by side along with us for some fun off roading adventures along the way.

  5. Yes to sunrises and feet in the sand- some of my favorite parts of summer!

  6. Sunrise is early right now in the UK (5am-ish) so only seeing sunset. A lot of the questions I would answer the same way! Thanks for linking

    1. Here too but I am up most days at 5; sometimes even earlier!

  7. Love sunrises and sunsets equally but I would have to pick sunsets at the beach. I love walking barefoot and I don't think I own a pair of flip flops anymore. Love that wedding picture!

  8. You do have some beautiful sun photos. It's only because of getting our dog recently that I have seen sunrises lately, haha.

  9. what a fun post! you'll find me walking barefoot in the sand on the beach ... but no tutu!

    1. I think that is my favorite beach activity-- and preferably around sunrise/ sunset too!

  10. Another person who dislikes ketchup!! Who knew there were so many of us!! I guess I didn't know yurts didn't have bathrooms. Should I ever stay in one, that's one thing I'll double check. I love the photo of you in your tiara (I really hope you still have it)! Thanks for playing along, Joanne!


    1. You know I'm not all that sure that I do. I definitely remember getting rid of my wedding dress/ veil/ etc. but I thought I had kept my tiara and yet I can't find it anywhere.

  11. I totally agree about not liking either a hot air balloon ride or a helicopter tour. The sunset and sunrise pictures are beautiful!

  12. Fun answers, Joanne! I adore your wedding photo and your answer that tutus aren't flattering on you made me giggle. I chose a yurt for camping but now you mentioned the bathroom thing and I wanna change my answer! Actually, I am getting a porta-potty-bucket-thingy for our festival tent camping trips for next year because nighttime bathroom trips while camping are the WORST! I hope you having a wonderful summer so far!


    1. Yes! That is really all I remember from camping as a kid-- I hated those walks to the bathroom!! And now that I get up multiple times a night forget it. I can not be bothered to put on shoes, find a flashlight, etc.

  13. Such fun questions and I loved the pictures too. I was always tell people the only place I'll camp is in a hotel!

  14. Fun answers! I never thought about the fact that Yurts don't have bathrooms. The one weekend we camped I found the no bathroom issue the worst, I guess I'm not adventuresome that way...lol

  15. So many interesting responses to Marsha's questions. Did you know we call 'flip flops' thongs in Australia? And as that means something completely different in US you can image some strange responses to an Aussie saying I am just wearing my thongs. I am not an outdoor to stay lover, but l do enjoy a day visit and to take photos. Great to see you sharing a post from your blog on this week’s Wednesday’s Words and Pics Link Up at Denyse Whelan Blogs To Connect. I hope to see you next week too. Warm wishes, Denyse.

    1. I did know that and I do remember reading a blog where they were talking about a pole filled with thongs (and the image in my head definitely did not lineup with the photo they thankfully provided!).

  16. Water skiing is SO hard. I've tried several times and I can't even get up on them. Haha. You have to have some serious upper body strength!


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