Favorites and Highlights of May; One Day at a Time

 We had a wonderful May! It was a month filled with hiking, friends, good food and a trip to Acadia; I'll be doing a full recap of our trip next week so come on back.

1. I started my day off grocery shopping and food prepping. Evan and I walked along the riverwalk and I attempted to wrap up some of the last banking/financial stuff from when we sold/dissolved the business.  I spent my afternoon cardmaking and ended the night at a town meeting. 11,371 steps. 

Long sleeves, sweater and even wore a coat to go walking!

We went on the paved river trail today to try and avoid mud after all the rain we've been having

I bought myself some pretty flowers at the grocery store

I tried Amy's Greek bowl for lunch (though I added fresh mushrooms)

2. Evan and I managed to squeeze in a quick hike between his school work and afternoon thunderstorms (in fact we had just made it to the car when it started raining). I spent my afternoon cleaning the basement and working on some more cards. 

Everything is slowly getting green!

3. Another day we lucked out with a lovely hike between Evan's schooling and rain.  I spent my afternoon cleaning, working on cards, and working on the blog. 10,708 steps. 

4. Evan, my mom, my mother in law, and I ate lunch again today at Alec's school; he was actually our waiter this time but I forgot to snap his photo! It was really crowded and they were doing a lot of business.  Otherwise it was a very rainy, cold, miserable day so we didn't do much else. I started my day in a blouse but was so cold I had to swap it out for a hoodie. 7,712 steps. 

5. Evan and I tackled his schooling and then I spent my afternoon working on my latest puzzle and a bunch of housework. I also got all 20 of Alec's teacher appreciation cards made and ordered the little boxes of Jelly Belly jellybeans to go with them. 8,382 steps. 

Inside says "Wishing you the sweetest day ever!"

6. Saturday was finally beautiful and sunny and while Alec headed off to work my husband, Ian, Evan, and I tackled the rest of the yard. I barely got dressed before I had to change; I put on my hiking shirt and hoodie for working the yard. We pulled out patio furniture, got the wood racks cleaned off, raked and trimmed all of the gardens.  In the late afternoon we headed out so all the guys could get some ice cream. 5,067 steps. 

7. My husband and I went grocery shopping on Sunday and then talked the boys into going for a nice long 2 hour hike (though Alec had gotten called into work while we were out grocery shopping and he was heading out the door as we headed in). The dam was beautiful and we had a wonderful hike.  I spent my afternoon reading in the sun and then my husband and I ended our night with a RZR ride in the woods.  Alec made us some homemade cheesy/ Italian bread for dinner with dipping sauce to go with our meatballs and spaghetti for dinner. 16,896 steps. 

Evan spied this cute little bunny in the brush

I showered and changed into this new romper after our hike; it was so warm out!

I changed back into my hiking clothes before going riding and then showered again before putting the romper back on for dinner-- it was muddy on the trails

8. Evan and I ditched the schoolwork for the day to head to the botanical gardens-- we spent 2 hours walking all around admiring the flowers, fountains, and sculptures.  13,112 steps.

9. After finishing up Evan's schoolwork we headed out to run errands and squeeze in a hike to Ross' Cliffs. 11,882 steps.

We found the cutest little fairy village tucked into a notch in a tree on our hike

10. As soon as Evan was done with school we went on a quick hour long hike around Pulaski park and then I worked on all my mother's day cards; playing around with a new set of layered die cuts. 11,529 steps. 

11. After my workout and finishing up school with Evan, we decided to head out shopping for all the moms.  We went to Barnes & Noble, Panera, Target, etc. and got everything we needed. 10.559 steps. 

12. Evan and I went to meet up with our hiking group at Moore State Park; it was a beautiful day and oh so warm in the sun.  I showered when I got home, changed, and then ate a late lunch.  I dropped off a change of clothes for Alec, who was going to see a play of Mean Girls at one of the local schools and then watched Ian put his new jet ski in for the first ride of the season. 9,150 steps. 

13. Saturday I worked on the blog, tried like crazy to finish up my audiobook that was due back and worked on finishing my puzzle while listening. I read Heart Bones off and on all day in the sun finishing up the book in just one day.  My husband and I headed out grocery shopping and then he took two of the boys to the movies while Alec and I went out to dinner at the Pub99 with my mother in law. 7,333 steps. 

14. I had a wonderful and rather lazy mother's day! I was spoiled with gifts and someone (namely my husband) made my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Ian, my mother in law, and I played rummy; I won! I finished up 2 books I had started earlier in the week and I even took a little nap. 2,152 steps. 

Breakfast was made for me and delivered outside on the deck

Alec bought me a new tank top

Evan picked out a bracelet for me

Ian bought me a book and some stamps and my husband got me some of my favorite chocolates

My mother in law got me some chocolates, gardening gloves, and a plant

15. Evan and I finished up yet another subject for the year and headed out to the bank, the gas station, and an hour long hike around the  Thompson Dam then I spent my afternoon blogging, reading, working on a new puzzle, and ended my night with a town budget vote. 16,342 steps. 

My breakfast-- quiche and veggies

A "new" salad for lunch

16. Evan and I finished up another school book today and then headed out for a walk along the river trail. After lunch we went to visit with my mom for most of the afternoon; finally dropping off her mother's day gift! 12,220 steps. 

The boys and I have been working on puzzles after dinner

17.  Evan and I decided to skip our walk or hike today as my back and hip have been driving me crazy for nearly a month now. I decided to "take it easy" at home and ended up cleaning the whole upstairs and baking some cookies instead. 7,651 steps. 

18.Thursday I had an appointment for a perm and the guys were coming to put our new solar panels back up after they fell over and broke in December but we squeezed in a quick morning hike anyway. I promised Evan we could go to Buck's in the afternoon for some ice cream and I was so glad it warmed up in time for us to go.   9,542 steps. 

I didn't take this photo until AFTER my perm

And then I immediately changed because it was much warmer out and I was itchy after my perm and cut

By day's end we were making solar power-- Finally!!

This is the "Judy"- vanilla soft serve with chunks of cheesecake and both a raspberry and chocolate syrup.  YUM!!

19. Evan and I met up with our hiking group for a hike at Pulaski park and then after dinner my husband and I dove & dropped Alec off at friend's party in Massachusetts about an hour away from home while we went to the movies near that party to see Fast X (it was the only movie showing at the time we needed).  6,965 steps though I did take off my step counter for date night. 

Hiking outfit

The beaver lodge just gets bigger and bigger each year!

My date night outfit; topped off with a jean jacket to keep me warm at the movies

20. It rained nearly all day on Saturday so our plans to go truck shopping with Ian got put off; I worked on making an anniversary card and took a nap while watching TV (where I nearly slept through dinner). 6,066 steps

21. My husband and I started our day grocery shopping then went to his family's cottage to work on the deck. We visited with his family and then I finished up my puzzle and started a new book. 4,951 steps.

Grrr-- I hate finishing up a puzzle only to realize a piece is missing!


22. As soon as Evan and I finished his schoolwork on Monday I headed out to the library and the bank and went to my mother's house to meet up with my brother, sister in law, and their kids.  I ended up spending the whole day at my mom's house. It was wonderful to really visit with everyone. 6,290 steps.

23. Evan and I had to plans to meet up with our friends and go hiking; we hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving break so it was great to catch up.  We hiked for 2 hours and then sat near our cars eating a late lunch and talking for another 2 1/2 hours! 13, 979 steps. 

24. Evan and I finished up all his schoolwork for the year and then headed out for a quick hike around the Thompson Dam. I spent my afternoon repotting my indoor plants and got all the outside planters filled with annuals too. 

25. I spent my day cleaning the whole house, packing my bags, working on the blog and making sure all the plants were watered and the boys were all set for the long weekend. 7,291 steps

26. My husband and I loaded up the car and headed for Maine; stopping in Freeport for some shopping and lunch along the way. We arrived at our B&B around 3:30 and then headed into Bar Harbor to look around and eat dinner. 8,656 steps

Downtown Bar harbor:

27. We ate a delicious breakfast at our B&B and then headed up Cadillac Mountain, we then pretty much hiked down to the base and back up again! We were sweaty and tired after our long hike and headed to the hotel to shower, nap, and snack. We ate dinner by the harbor and walked into town to get ice cream cones. 17,592 steps.

view from the terrace where we ate each morning

Panna cotta with berries

Some sort of blueberry/oatmeal squares with freshly made sausage patties and fresh fruit

MDI Lobster Company may not look like much on the outside but the food was incredible. 

Strawberry cheesecake ice cream from The Salt Box

28. After another amazing breakfast we headed into Acadia to hike Gorham Mountain then checked out the beach, the cliff walk past Thunder hole (though it was low tide) and decided to head into Bar Harbor though it was packed and we could not find parking so we gave up  and headed back to the B&B. We sat on the lawn and read books/relaxed then showered, headed into town for a delicious dinner at Red Tide and ended our night with ice cream (though I didn't get any). 18,749 steps. 

29. Chef Daniel is amazing and our breakfast was wonderful! We headed out to hike around Jordan Pond and "the bubbles" (though the South Bubble trail was much too intense for me so we only hiked 98% o the way up before hiking back down)-- we made it to the summit by hiking up the bubble divide instead and then went back down the same way. As we finished up our pond loop we stopped in at Jordon Pond house for an amazing lunch.  We then went back to the hotel to shower/nap before heading back into Acadia at high tide to check out Thunder hole. 17,993 steps.

Fruit cup with homemade sorbet

fruit cup, bacon, and "Dora" cakes (pancakes with banana, peanut butter & chocolate).  I even ate one pancake despite my dislike of bananas

30. After our last breakfast we were sad to say goodbye to Dora and Daniel at the B&B and hit the road for home. We did stop in York for lunch and checked out our favorite York River Landing for some yummy seafood. Then we went grocery shopping and did all the household chores/ got caught up with the boys on their trip. 4,898 steps. 

We had peach cobbler (not pictured) and then these egg cups with phyllo dough and hollandaise sauce with roasted tomatoes and mascarpone with fresh berries.

31. Another day spent trying to get caught up on blogging, banking, the library, the laundry, etc. Evan and I did squeeze in a walk along the river trail and I got the rest of my summer clothes put out and stored away some more sweaters and pants.  12,005 steps

Just SOME of the clothes I washed and folded today

How was your month?!

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Looks like an amazing sunny and warm month! Your meals always make me hungry. The photos of Maine look so pretty and I love the one of you and your husband. I look forward to reading the full recap soon. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love all of your nature pictures! They are so good. Looking forward to reading more about Acadia. I just finished the Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley. I liked it better than the Guest List. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I read the Paris Apartment first, enjoyed it and thought I'd give the Guest List a try.

  3. All of your hiking is inspiring me! Such gorgeous shots!

    1. Aw, thanks! I'm still trying to recover from all our hiking this past weekend.

  4. this is a lovely nudge to count steps again. isn't it amazing how many we can accumulate? and there's that satisfaction of knowing we're doing what we can to be in a healthier place.

    1. Definitely! Though I am not nearly as good at keeping my step counter charged.

  5. What a wonderfully full month you had! And such beautiful views on all your hikes! So lovely to be taken on all your adventures, thank you :-) I hope June is starting out beautifully for you!

  6. I love buying flowers at Kroger for no reason, and the cheap ones usually last the longest. You are SO good at taking photos of your outfits, you are lookin great! I love the navy blue with white polka dots outfit on you, you look fabulous!

    1. They really do! That navy blue/white polka dot outfit is my favorite. It's so comfy too.

  7. You have been busy! And you read a lot, I aim to read more this year. :)

  8. It sounds like a good month with lots of fun times, good food and pretty flowers. I love the cards that you have been making.

  9. May was good but busy here so I think I am going to enjoy the pace of June more despite the warmer weather. Beautiful pcitures!

    1. June is looking like it's going to be busy here too but I don't mind. I like keeping busy.

  10. That romper you wore on day 11 looks fabulous on you! It is so cute!

    1. That is my favorite new outfit! It is so incredibly comfy too; I even packed it for our weekend getaway to Maine.

  11. All of this yummy food is really making me hungry! Haha! The photos of your hikes and the riverwalk are beautiful!

  12. You have the most beautiful scenery on your walks!!

  13. Beautiful photos and you look great even after eating all that scrumptious food. Congratulations on all your steps. That helps! :)

    1. Aw, thanks!! I think the extra steps definitely helped.

  14. OMG!! What a great post...I love all the outfits that you showcased!! They all look great on you!! You have had a busy month for sure!! Kudos to you and counting steps...I just posted my one year Anniversary post about my 50 pound weight loss in a year....Stop by when you get a chance...

  15. Maybe you've said, and I just wasn't paying attention, but these hikes you go on...are they right outside your door? You just walk out and are in the woods like that?

    1. Most hike (aside from those in Acadia obviously) are within a 10--20 minute drive tops. Occasionally when we hike Wachusett mountain or if we're meeting up with out of state friends, things like that we'll travel a bit further but my general rule is that the hike has got to last waaay longer than my drive to get there. We do have woods in our backyard but I rarely hike them; mostly because they are our woods and we have zero maintained hiking trails (and in the past few years we have started seeing bears!).

  16. I love this monthly post you've put together! I've found so many things here that have inspired me.


  17. I was sure I commented on this? How weird. Anyway, beautiful flowers and a very busy month!! #WeekendCoffeeShare

    1. It was a very busy month but in the very best way!

  18. What a month! Onward to summer!!

  19. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. What a wonderful May you've had. The hiking trails and your Maine getaway look beautiful. Well done with the number of steps you did.

  20. It's amazing to see how much your landscape changed in a month! I loved so many of your outfits...especially the floral tops and the jumpsuits! My mom went to Bar Harbor once (or twice) and bought my kids sweatshirts that said, "Cool as a Moose in Bar Harbor, Maine"!


    1. I'm pretty proud of myself that I only bought a Christmas Tree Ornament on our whole trip!

  21. What a great month! I love that romper. The food all looks so yummy. I like seeing your walks, books, eats and outfits!

  22. What a fabulous month you had! Loving all the nature pictures and you made such fabulous cards! The food all looks delicious too!

    1. It really was pretty wonderful and definitely ended on a very high note!

  23. I really like this photo essay format, Joanne! Brilliant! I was admiring your easy, casual style. Pink and coral are amazing colors on you. Your vacation looks amazing! And your cards are so pretty. Anyone who receives one is a lucky person.

  24. Love all of the pretty cards you made! Also loving your jumpsuits! I've always wanted to visit Maine. It looks so quaint!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Oh I just love Maine! I always say I could live there if it weren't for their cold winters. In fact we're heading back to Maine next month.

  25. I love all of the cards that you've been making! You ate lots of delicious looking food last month and went on some great hikes! I think I'm going to start another puzzle this weekend!

    1. Aw, thank you! My son just brought a puzzle over from my mother in law's house so I'm pretty sure we'll be starting one this weekend or early this week.

  26. Love the flowers, love the food, love the scenery, love the outfits, and love your cardmaking. A great month all round for you. :)

  27. I enjoyed all the gorgeous views from your walks, Joanne.
    And you look fantastic in all your outfits as always. I especially love the maxi black dress.
    All that yummy food is making me hungry.

    Hugs and blessings

  28. I haven't tracked in weeks either!! I still stuck at 15 or so lbs. to lose but I've made me peace with it and in fact I love so many of my new clothing pieces I have decided I don't want to shed too many pounds anyway as I'd really miss them.
    I'm trying to wear more dresses and "dressy" clothes this summer too and not always reach for my usual favorites.
    You'd be welcome anytime, Leslie!

  29. As always your food looks yummy, your outdoor adventures look amazing and I need you to go jean shopping with me...lol. How did you or are you liking the Guest list?

    1. I am enjoying The Guest List but was warned by the app yesterday that it's due back in 3 days with no renewals and I'm only 30% of the way through so I may have to pick up the actual book in order to finish it.

  30. oh, an one thing that fascinated me, and of course I failed to get a photo of were all the looonnngg stone walls all over the NE States. So amazing.

  31. So much packed in. The picture of the blue sparkly nails was amazing!

  32. Looks like May was a great month! Love having fresh flowers around the house and all of your hikes look so wonderful! I am trying to get out and walk everyday, even if it's just around the neighborhood, but this Florida heat is really starting to pick up. I am going to have to start going at like 4 in the morning if I don't want to melt before it's over.

    1. May was really fabulous! I find that heat and humidity make it really hard to remain active in the summer. Luckily we are usually okay if we get out before 9 or 10 and not 4! :)


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