Currently & 10 0n the 10th in June

On the first Wednesday of the month Jennifer hosts her currently series but I was busy with all my Acadia recaps earlier this week to get to it but I still wanted to answer the prompts!  Tomorrow is also time for June's 10 on the 10th with Marsha so I'm combining these two fun prompts into 1 post for my Friday Favorites this week.  

I am currently... 

loving-- Today is Alec's last Friday at school! He just has a couple of days next week and then all my boys are officially on summer vacation.  It's going to be such a busy summer this year but I am looking so forward to sleeping in! 

doing-- I've been uploading and developing all the photos from the first half of the year and our trip to Acadia so I can begin scrapbooking again. 

Alec's cake contest win from February

Ian's birthday in April

our zoo trip in April

trying-- To plan a bit more for our Shenandoah National Park trip- I like to have an idea of possible hikes, places to see, things to do in the area, etc. It's helpful to have some idea of the layout of the park and how to navigate around crowds too. 

seeing-- More days than not this is my view! I've been spending lots of time on the deck eating meals or snacks and reading my books. 

reading-- I'm currently reading my way through 3 books: The Chosen Ones by Scarlett Thomas, The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren, and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I'm also listening to The Guest List by Lucy Foley on my Libby app. 

This month's 10 on the 10th is all about weddings; which feels rather appropriate with just having celebrated our anniversary (with our trip to Acadia) 

1. What is the most amazing thing you remember about your wedding? Gosh I don't know.. I remember so many things about that day and they all feel pretty special.  I remember my mom had to slow me down from walking down the aisle too quickly and me tearing up during my vows so much so that I had to stop speaking for a minute.  My brother in law pretended to lose the rings for 1/2 a second and made everyone laugh. We had guests blowing bubbles during the receiving line instead of throwing rice and they look so pretty in the photos!  Our event space was lovely and I don't remember any real hiccups with the reception or the DJ.  It was just a lot of fun and over with so fast! Later in the day it poured but we made our way to the local hospital to see my husband's grandmother before changing clothes and hopping from a party at my mom's house to one at my mother in laws. 

2. Tell us about your wedding dress. My mom and I had big plans to design and make my wedding dress but after trying on tons and tons of dresses, I slipped one on that made my mom cry and the whole way home she kept talking about making the dress quickly because if we didn't like it as much we could then go back and buy that one.  The next day I talked her into going back to the shop, I tried on the same dress again and she cried again.  That's how I knew I had found my dress and we gave up on the idea of making one ourselves.  It was a sleeveless A-line dress with pretty beaded trim. 

3. Did you include all three things (they start with b) at your wedding?  Care to share more? I know I cared about having something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue but I honestly can't remember what any of them were... 

4. Where was your wedding held…church, park, neighborhood bar? We got married at our town's Congregational Church and had our reception at a nearby country club. 

5. What is the worst thing you’ve ever seen at a wedding? I don't think I've ever seen anything that awful at a wedding; usually just a few guests having a few too many & getting kind of loud but nothing major. Though I do hate it when the bride and groom smash cake in each other's faces but again I think that's a personal thing/preference and as long as neither one is upset over it it's not my place to judge.

6. Do you think less of a bride who doesn’t wear white? I have never seen a bride not wearing white/ivory but I think weddings are a wonderful time for the bridge and groom to let their unique styles shine and if white isn't part of that that's fine. 

7. If you got married tomorrow or sometime soon, what would be in your bouquet? I had the hardest time with picking flowers the first time around!  I ended up with an arm bouquet of white tulips which I liked but always wished were bigger.

Maybe this time around I'd go with more color like blue hydrangeas. Something like this is real pretty (photo courtesy of Pixabay)

8. Have you ever attended a celebrity’s wedding?  (Yes, I’m looking for name droppers!) Nope! 

9. What wedding tradition means the most to you? Gosh I honestly don't know.. I did love our unity candle tradition. We had each of the mom's light one of the side candles signifying our two families and then together we lit the center candle. (which I had decorated to go with our wedding invitation/theme)

One big break from tradition that was a huge bone of contention with some of my family members was that my mom walked me down the aisle and at the base of the aisle we were met with my father and step father on each side and all 4 of us walked the last few steps.  It was very important to me that my mom walk me down the aisle as we've always been so close. 

10. Describe your perfect wedding. Pretty much the one I had! We got married early in the morning on a Saturday and had a brunch reception that was served family style. We had most of our friends and family in attendance and managed to bring the whole thing in under budget too.  I made most of the centerpieces, pew hangings, etc. and put lots of personalized touches everywhere. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Alec is a very talented baker! Does he want to bake professionally someday? I'd love to foster that in my kiddos haha Also, happy anniversary! It looks like it was a beautiful day!

    1. Yep, we are currently touring colleges that specialize in baking and pastry arts degrees!

  2. Awww, fun prompts and I enjoyed reading your answers. Your dress is gorgeous! I love how it's modern yet modest and not overly fussy with details bur rather elegant. I like how you incorporated your mom walking you down the aisle as well as the men in your life. My mom walked me down the aisle. My dad was gone already and there was no man in my life who played a hugely significant role in my life whereas my mom did (I had uncles but none who lived close by or who I am close to).

  3. Loved reading all about your wedding- you were a beautiful bride and that pic of you and your mom is perfection!

  4. Awww, loved this! So fun reading about weddings and seeing pictures.

  5. I always love reading about weddings and seeing photos - you can see that it was a really happy day for you both - and the proof is in the fact that you're still happily together celebrating another anniversary. Well done and congratulations.

  6. Alec's cake looks great.

    For my wedding, we start to plan and book for a tradition ceremony. However, we ended up losing all our deposits because we got on a plan and got married on a tropical island. It was relaxing and stress free.

  7. My mom walked me down the aisle too! My parents are divorced and since I grew up with my mom, it felt right to have her with me rather than my father (or my stepfather). I'm sorry it was a bone of contention, it was your day and you can do what you want!!

    1. I picked my mom for that same exact reason!

  8. How fun to read about your wedding! Love that you had your mom walk you down the aisle.

  9. Congrats on the end of the school year. I will be sharing my 10 on the 10th late but yours was fun to read. We had bubbles at our wedding too and they did look amazing in photos. I also hate when people do the cake smash thing!

    1. I I had warned my husband ahead of time that it would NOT go over well if he did that! LOL

  10. I hope Alec has a fab last few days at school before the summer.
    Your wedding dress was really beautiful and how wonderful to break tradition and have your mom walk you down the aisle.

    1. Actually he has been home sick yesterday and today (I had typed this post up earlier in the week not knowing he wasn't going to make it into school for a few of this very last days!). Thankfully he's feeling better so he should make it in for his final few days next week.

  11. My sister told my BIL if she dares smash that cake the marriage was over!

    1. LOL! I might have threatened the same thing... or some close proximity.

  12. Enjoy sleeping in! We have enjoyed it for the last two and a half weeks. ❤️

  13. Joanne,
    Great post!! Loved seeing your wedding pictures...Happy Anniversary!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment on my weight loss...It has not been an easy journey but it is so worth it as I feel so much better!!!
    Have a great weekend!!

  14. Your deck area with the view is stunning! I didn't realise you live BY the lake! That's fantastic! I hope the busy summer will be a good busy. How lovely to see all your wedding pics!

  15. Congrats to getting everyone out of school for the summer! I loved reading your answers to 10 on the 10th. The link party will be open tomorrow. I haven't even begun to answer yet...I guess I'd better get busy!

  16. I love that you had your mom walk you down the aisle. It's an interesting tradition for the dad to always do that, but why?

    1. Because historically women were property and that signified the father literally giving the daughter away (transferring property) to her new husband.

  17. I love the story of finding your wedding dress and also having your mom walk you down the aisle! You were a beautiful bride!

  18. You look almost the same as when you got married! Happy anniversary!

  19. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. Your wedding pictures are beautiful. Happy anniversary and happy summer!

  20. Whoa those cakes are amazing!!! He is very talented!

    Your wedding was beautiful! I love that you had your mother walk you down the aisle. I think that is one of the few days we should all just follow our hearts and do what we want, even if it throws tradition out the door.

  21. Those cakes are awesome, he has talent. I enjoyed reading about your wedding. I like the idea of bubbles instead of rice. I know some use bird seed these days, but I think I like bubbles better. Perhaps I'll suggest it when & if a Grand gets married some day &/or if I'm asked for ideas. Karen

    1. Thank you; funny enough he doesn't even really like decorating cakes & cupcakes all that much! He prefers making breads and pastries. But it has been fun watching him learn and perfect new skills.

  22. I can see why your dress made your mom cry. You were a beautiful bride. And I think it’s awesome that your mom walked you down the aisle. Looks like it was a very beautiful and meaningful event.

  23. I'm jealous of that reading view! I'd be out there as much as I could, if I could read there! I just picked up the True Love Experiment yesterday to read! Can't wait!

  24. I loved reading about your wedding day and looking at your photos. You look beautiful and I think it's wonderful that your mum walked you down the aisle. I wish I had thought of that for my wedding instead of trying to please others. It would have made me a whole lot happier!

  25. Loved the story of your wedding! Your dress is one of the prettiest I've ever seen - so simple and elegant. Have fun on your trip to Shenandoah! I hope to get there someday - I look forward to seeing your pics.

  26. Oh you will love Shenandoah! It's so pretty and there's lots of great hiking! I loved seeing all your beautiful wedding photos and reading about your special day, especially having your mom walk you down the aisle and how her reaction to The Dress helped you choose. Congrats again on your anniversary!

  27. Alec's cake looks fantastic.
    I enjoyed reading about your wedding.
    You made a beautiful bride.

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne.

  28. Hooray for the last day of school and summer break! I can't wait to hear what you think about the new Christina Lauren book! I always love their books!

    1. It was fabulous!! I really enjoyed it a lot.


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