Acadia Day 4

 We were hopeful that the majority of the crowds would be heading home Memorial day and after another incredible breakfast we headed into Acadia to hike around Jordan Pond & The Bubbles (a cute name for a pair of rounded mountains at one end of Jordan Pond).  It was much, much cooler and while still fairly crowded we didn't feel like it was nearly as crowded as Sunday. 

the Bubbles; viewed from the opposite side of the lake

We made it the majority of the way up the Bubbles trail but the path turned nearly vertical at the top and I just started feeling really uncomfortable- so we turned around and headed back down the lake loop to the Bubbles Divide trail and we easily made it to the summit of South Bubble from there.  We never made it to North Bubble and I'm betting it's because we essentially hiked South Bubble twice and were pretty tired!

Lots and lots of rock scrambling on this trail! 

So close to the top!

My husband climbed up this to scope out the rest of the trail; I did climb onto these small rocks and stick my head up only to see a sheer rock face on the side of me... that's when we turned around and hiked back down. 

While much easier the second climb (up the Bubbles Divide path) was also pretty rocky and my knees and hip were hurting so bad by the time we made it to the top.

Turns out there is a parking lot right near the Bubble divide path (near the top; not the bottom where we hiked from) and it's supposed to be a fairly easy hike to both summits from there!)

Once back on the lake loop path; we still had nearly 1/2 of the lake to walk around. 

We finished up our Jordan Pond loop trail and ended at the Jordan Pond House for a delicious lunch.  We were told we had to try the famous popovers so we each ordered a sandwich and knew we wanted to split the popover sundae complete with ice cream and hot fudge! 

we both tried the blueberry lemonade

My husband ordered the bison meatloaf sandwich

I got a BLTT (BLT with turkey)

We picked chocolate ice cream and chocolate sauce for our sundae

View of the pond and the bubbles from Jordan Pond House

After lunch we walked back to the car and decided to drive over to otter point and see if there was any parking.  Turns out there was hardly anyone in that part of the park. We didn't see any otters though. 

We headed back to our B&B mid-afternoon and had some chocolate chip cookies, we settled down to watch TV and I fell asleep waking up around 5. 

I took a shower then changed and we prepared to head into the park.  I had wanted to see Thunder Hole at high tide since supposedly the waves washing into the tunnel are supposed to feel like thunder rumbling and spray up in a big arc.  We were in the park around 6 or so and high tide was scheduled to be at 7 or 7:30. 

FINALLY got my "sign" photo!

I loved hearing the tide coming in; all weekend low tide was in the middle of the day so the water was pretty low everywhere we went and I missed that sound being nice and close and loud.

There weren't all that many people around the narrow channel that leads into the small cave so we got up close.  We had the channel/cave on one side and the entire ocean on the other. 

This is the largest the spray every got and really the thunder sound was more like a gurgle.  I bet it's pretty impressive in rough seas but the water was really calm this day.

When the water recedes a bit you can see the cave better

After that we headed back to the B&B for dinner of fresh fruit and granola (that we had brought from home) and then we watched TV until bedtime.

The next morning we ate breakfast and said good-bye to Dora. We were on the road by 9, stopped in York, Maine for lunch at the York River Landing and were home (with a car full of groceries) by 4:30. 

I loved Acadia and our B&B so much that I did not want to leave!  I can't wait to go back... even if my legs were a bit sore for several days after coming home.  

Others in this series:

Acadia: Where we stayed

Acadia Days 1 & 2 

Acadia Day 3

Linking up with: Thinking out loud, Spread the Kindness,


  1. Love the ocean pictures as well as the lovely views of the mountains; I can see why Acadia is so popular. Glad you guys had a great time. Thanks for taking us along for the ride ;).

  2. Amazing photos & what a lovely time away. 😊

  3. Too bad you didn't see otters or hear much thunder sounds! Still it looks beautiful there!

    1. I knew it was probably out of season for the otters but I was still hopeful anyway.

  4. I am glad it wasn't as busy on day 4. It sounds like the hike was hard work, the views were worth it though.
    What a wonderful trip.

    1. The hike was hard and I probably would have been find to keep going up the first side but I really started to panic wondering what going down was going to entail if going up was so hard.

  5. Oh my, so much beauty and incredible looking food. I’m so glad that you had a wonderful trip!

  6. I love the ocean so much! You did so many nice hikes, I don't know how I would feel about the vertical trail either!

    1. I'm usually a wimp when it comes to anything where I feel like if I fall I can't grab hold of anything (I can be quite klutzy!).

  7. We stopped in Acadia on our NE cruise last fall. We also enjoyed popovers and blueberry tea at Jordan Pond House. I'd love to go back and spend more time in that area! Your pics are beautiful.

    1. It's so big and there are still quite a few areas I'd love to visit and explore too.

  8. Wow, what a cool place. Maybe it's good it was calm that day. I just love your adventures,

    1. I was thankful it was calm that day as I don't think I would have wanted to be near that beach in a storm.

  9. Joanne, what a wonderful trip to Maine with your husband. I enjoyed looking at the photos and seeing all of the places you visited and the food looked amazing.

  10. The Acadia chamber of commerce needs to put you on payroll. Golly, your photos are beautiful. Love the name of those little hills - my daughters called breasts 'bubbles'. Those hills look like 'bubbles'.

    Yay for your sign pic and that scrumptious set of sammies and dessert pop over.

    1. Haha! I was thinking the B&B would probably get a kick out of my review as well.

  11. What a wonderful trip! The scenery is absolutely stunning! Such an awesome place to hike!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  12. Fabulous! I can see why you want to go back. We went to Lanzarote several years and always drove to the same cave to listen to the sea. For hours!

  13. This trip looks like paradise to me! Hiking and pancakes and hidden caves - what magic!

    1. It felt like paradise to me too; we did not want to come home when it was over (only we did miss our boys and our own bed).

  14. I so enjoyed looking at your photos. My granddaughter is working at a high end hotel in the Acadia National Park area for the summer and is poor for sending photos so seeing yours and reading of your hike and all the things you saw is very interesting. I hope she is getting to see at least a little of the park that you saw she is not getting many days off. Your BLT and other food photos look great!

    1. OH I hope she gets some time off to enjoy-- both the park and the whole are are so pretty!

  15. What gorgeous photos! I wouldn't want to leave there, either! Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Even my husband said "let's stay!" rather jokingly on our last day and he never says that about being on vacation!

  16. We always travel the day after a holiday ends and find it much less crowded. Glad you got away from the crowds for a bit.

    1. We rarely travel on holiday weekends for that reason but at least this way my husband only had to request 2 days off from work and we got a full 5 days together. It always amazes me that the parking lots and things can feel so full but once we hit the trails we hardly see crowds or lines of people.

  17. What awesome pics and so many lovely views. Well done for all that hiking! It looked quite hardcore in places. So glad you both had a wonderful time. :)

  18. All of the food y'all ate just looks amazing! That last meal especially!


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