A Peek Into My Summer Garden

 I was walking around taking a few photos of my garden and I was struck by how late everything seems to be blooming this year.  I have one (out of my 3) peony plants that bloomed-- with just one flower.  My rose bush & hydrangeas while finally getting some leaves on them are still mostly sticks.  I don't know if it's because we've had some cooler weather than normal this year or what.  But I was happy to see that most plants are doing well and those that are blooming seem to be holding the blooms just a bit longer. 

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  1. Very pretty! I love the different colors of your flowers. Really great photos!

  2. I have noticed my garden is late in blooming too, I don't know if I planted late or the weather is to blame but things are finally heading in the right direction now.
    What beautiful flowers.

    1. I have heard from so many people in our area that their plants are late blooming this year.

  3. It's all so beautiful! I was puttering around in our flower beds last night, checking on our plants and bushes to see what has survived (we lost one hydrangea), and it was so good to see life returning to them! I need to take pictures soon. I'm kind of waiting on the hydrangeas to bloom.

    1. My hydrangeas are just a couple of leaves at this point; I don't think they'll be blooming for at least another month (but hopefully a few warm sunny days might change that).

  4. Oh wow- your flowers are all so beautiful- I bet the rain has helped this year! Do you do any veggies too or do you stick to flowers?

    1. Thank you! I only plant flowers; the few times I've tried to grow veggies I have been extremely unsuccessful.

  5. Those orange roses are so beautiful. I love roses! My rose bushes by my back porch are getting huge, and I've been wanting to plant some more in my front flowerbeds. I have some azaleas but the ice we had this winter killed them and they're struggling to come back.

    1. Thanks! Those are my new favorite flowers: I just planted them last year and I love them. It seems to flower all season long too.

  6. Gorgeous! I love that you can grow peonies up there!

    1. I do too! I usually only get two or three flowers from each plant but I'm happy with that.

  7. So pretty! Especially the peony.

    We've had a cooler than normal spring down here in Arizona too (thank goodness). The summer heat just showed up a few days ago.

  8. What a beautiful garden! We have some wildflowers blooming at the moment and I'm obsessed with them.

    Corinne x

  9. So very pretty. The colours in gardens are so rich and deep.

  10. I love all of your different colors!

    1. Thanks! I like lowers of all types and colors.

  11. Your garden is beautiful! I've loved seeing my mother's New Hampshire garden since arriving, too. All those colorful blooms make my heart so happy!

  12. Joanne,
    Beautiful blooms!! I think the cooler temps. that we have had in the Spring has delayed a lot of the flowers blooming at their normal times of the year...Thanks so much for stopping by!! Glad that you enjoyed seeing my Garden Shed make over...I hope you are having a good week!!

  13. Gorgeous flowers, Joanne! I really like the orange/coral rose. It reminds me of the white rose bush we planted this spring...my first rose bushes ever! I'm waiting on my hibiscus to start blooming. Many of my blooming perennials seem to be done.


    1. Thank you! I hope you have good luck with your rose bushes; I find that the few varieties I have around the house are very low fuss and easy.

  14. You have a wonderful garden Joanne. That's something that just doesn't happen here in Arizona

  15. We have a peony that we had to move. It wasn't growing and hubs thought we should get rid of it but he moved it. It is growing but oh so slowly. Might be ten years before it blooms lol. We've had so much rain here things are not blooming as normal. We lost some plants this winter with a late freeze too. And we've been so busy I haven't even managed to get pots out on the patio yet. Hopefully this week, although there is rain in the forecast every single day. Your roses are lovely!

    1. I might have to move the two near the house as they are not blooming or even budding! I thought for sure they'd get plenty of light in those places but perhaps not. I'm waiting to give them a full year in that spot to see... since even the one I've had for years only had this one bloom and usually has a good 3 or 4.

  16. You have such a great variety! So many beautiful blooms!

  17. All the flowers are so beautiful! Especially those roses - such a pretty color. Thanks for linking up with me!

  18. You've had cooler weather, and we have had hot, dry weather. Such beautiful blooms and photography. I wish I could grow roses.

    1. I was so surprised to find that the two varieties I have planted tend to be very low fuss and easy to grow.

  19. WOW - so many beautiful flowers! And such great photos of them too!



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