February's Monthly Musings: Warm Weather Travel

 This is the time in winter when I really start dreaming of getting away from it all; though we have been so lucky to have had such a mild winter so far this year!  The only problem with getting away to warm weather destinations now is that it makes me not want to return at all.  Those February vacations to Florida made the rest of winter seem to drag soooo sloowwwly by as I just kept dreaming of the nice warm, sunny weather.  But, I am ALWAYS up for a little travel talk so I was very excited to see that our Monthly Musings with Patty and Holly were all about winter travel tips and warm weather destinations! 

Sadly, ever since Alec started public school our vacation opportunities have been severely limited; they get one week at Christmas and then an April vacation and that's pretty much it for time off except for a random day here and there... but since Alec plays track and track season starts before that April vacation is not an option for travel either so we're learning to make do with summer vacations for this short high school stint.  

1. Favorite warm weather destinations-- For me that's almost always Florida... and often Disney at that.  My husband does not like to travel outside the continental United States and while I'd love a tropical island getaway, Florida works just fine with it's palm trees, sea breezes, and warm weather.  Best of all it's just a short 3 hour plane ride away!

2. Packing cubes: yes or no? Yep! They are a huge game changer for me; not only can I fit more in my suitcase but I can easily separate by category, or by clean/dirty for the ride home.  I LOVE them!

3. Favorite carry on? Since we most often fly Southwest to Florida & a checked bag is included I just use an old LL Bean backpack for my carry-on.  If we're flying another airline and everything has to be  carried on I use my LL bean wheeled carry-on shown in the above photo with my packing cubes. 

4. Essential Items in your Suitcase? Hm... clothing, flip flops (usually at least 2!), camera, Kindle/books, sun hat.

5. Excursions? Yes or no? Share your Favorites? We are not lay on the beach/ lay by the pool kind of people so we mostly use whatever house we're renting or hotel we're staying in as a home base and take day trips from there.  Obviously if we're at Disney or Universal our time is spent in the parks.  But we have enjoyed other Florida trips where we've checked out some natural springs, aquariums, zoos, art museums, charter fishing trips, etc.  Each person gets to pick at least one activity each trip so there's something for everyone and now that the boys are older anyone who doesn't want to participate can just stay back and hang out at the house/ hotel/ pool/ etc. 

6. Most random item you always pack? Crystal light iced tea packet mixes for my bottled water.  Usually one box will last me an entire trip since I do drink mostly water but like to add in some flavor every now and then. 

7. Do you use a travel agent? Sometimes!  It depends on the trip and what's involved; if we just need a flight or a place to stay I'll plan it myself but if it's something more like a cruise or a Disney trip I usually turn it over to our travel agent, Maryanne.  One year our travel agent even sent us a gift "basket" surprise during our trip.  

8. Favorite Sunscreen? I know most of you are going to yell at me but I try really hard not to wear sunscreen.. but let me just say that I try to limit my time in the sun and hang in the shade when I can. When I am going to be in the sun for any length of time I do have to be careful because I do burn pretty easily and yet I have sensitive skin so I use Neutrogena on my face and Bare Republic on my body. 

9. Favorite flip flops or sandals? Eeek! This is like asking me to pick my favorite child.  I LOVE flip flops and have an entire bin filled with them.  I'm one of those people that can wear flip flops for the entire week walking around Disney parks and have zero complaints so I often pack a few pairs in my luggage as well as wear a 3rd pair.  

The black Sketchers are so comfy and cushiony, I love the sparkle detail on the blue ones and they're nice and comfy too (plus they pack so nice and flat!), my step mother in law buys me a pair of these Clark's each year for my birthday so I have them in a whole rainbow of colors. 

10. Favorite swimsuit? I like options and currently have 3 favorites-- my favorite one piece, my favorite tankini, my favorite 2 piece (though the color and pattern I have is no longer available). 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. It feels like we never had a real winter so I guess we might as well move onto summer!

    1. I know! I keep waiting for "real" winter to hit. And yet I'd be fine with heading right into some warm spring weather.

  2. Fun post! We love Florida as well especially the past few years. That's neat about your travel agent. I wrote in my post, I used a travel agent once and wished she'd turned into someone whom we used more. Impressive about being able to wear flip flops for hours a day while walking. That makes my feet hurt just thinking about it!! I have to have structured shoes for prolonged walking but wish I could get away with flip flops ;).

    1. My feet are much more comfy when they aren't hot and sweaty and in closed toe shoes so even when we go hiking I almost always keep a pair of flip flops in the car to change into the minute we're done hiking.

  3. So glad you said that about sunscreen- I was afraid to write that but same girl...same...ha!! ;)

  4. Oh, I forgot about those Crystal Light mixes. I am going to add then to my next grocery order. Girl, I am going to encourage you to use sunscreen! There are some really Good mineral ones out there. Hugs!


  5. I agree about the excursions and good to let everyone pick something. I love my packing cubes too! I do a much better job of sunscreen on my face because I am usually not out in the sun just sitting for very long to get burned anywhere else.

    1. I will burn even with sunscreen and lots of it... so staying in the shade as much as possible is just best for me. LOL.

  6. I want to go back to Disney. I prefer to wear flip flops at the parks because my feet get too hot otherwise!

    1. Yes! That's exactly it... my feet need to breathe.

  7. Oh, I love that tankini. I really need a new swimsuit, clearly as I'm really loving all the ones other people are posting! And I can't believe how little opportunity you have to travel during the school year. You have a very good attitude about it.

    1. Yeah, that was definitely a HUGE adjustment when Alec started school. We were so used to traveling whenever we wanted but I figure it is only for 4 years. I'm just thankful we didn't have to limit ourselves when the kids were younger.

  8. I am so over this cold weather and could do with getting away from it all to somewhere warm.
    Florida sounds perfect and your bin of flip flops did make me chuckle, that is a lot. hehehe

    1. I know! But my mother in law buys me 2 pairs each year for my birthday and the collection just sort of keeps growing.

  9. Packing cubes are so practical! We have a separate complete set for each family member.
    I too am one who can't just spend time on the beach although I do like to end a day by the beach but have to have things planned in the daytime.
    Would you believe I cannot wear/walk in flip flops LOL. I don't think I ever owned pair (I tried)!! But I do love slides and sandals.

    1. No one else in my house uses them and they all think I'm nuts for loving them as much as I do! My favorite times to be on the beach are just around/before breakfast and late afternoon/early evening. I love to walk when it's a little less busy and not so hot.

  10. What a great tankini - I'm definitely going to check that out!

    1. Thanks! I was drawn in by those bright colors.

  11. I keep hinting to my husband that we need to move somewhere that I can get more use out of them. LOL

  12. I love packing cubes too...and flip flops. I've tried to narrow down through the years, but I have many that I love.

    1. Me too; I love so many different kinds and colors and styles.

  13. We're just 3 hours from Florida, so we go there frequently. It is definitely a nice place to go in the US and still be able to get your tropical fix!

    1. Oh I wish we were that close.. it is a 3 hour plane ride but it would be much easier to just jump in the car and go.


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