Friday Favorites: Daily Highlights of November

 November was an odd month for us that both seemed to speed right by and yet the days and weeks sometimes felt very long.  We started our month in quarantine with the ER testing Ian for monkeypox (that's not what he had at all!) and finally ended the month with a whole week where everyone was healthy.  Here's hoping it stays that way through December too!

1. I wore my new Stitch Fix outfit; I just love this sweater! It was a rainy day spent at home helping the boys with schoolwork... still waiting on test results from Ian's ER visit and watching the guys put the solar panels on our new stand.  6,479 steps.

2. Evan started coming down with the exact same thing as Ian; this time I knew to just wait it out... on the plus side I had plenty of time to work on my latest puzzle! 4,644 steps.

3. Ian's doctor wrote him a note to go back to work-- after talking with the pediatrician's office for just a few minutes they told him he most likely had had a case of hand, foot, mouth (which is what I had thought originally!) and every other test they had run on him at the ER was negative. 7,186 steps.

4. Friday was quiet but in the evening we dropped Alec off at his karate graduation, had a date night dinner out at Pub 99 (where we sat at the bar), and then arrived back at the karate studio in time to watch the awards given out-- we have a 1st degree black belt in the family! 7,963 steps

5. A quiet day at home where I finished up my latest puzzle, made a dozen of my Christmas cards, created and ordered the photo calendars we use for grandparent gifts, and did several loads of laundry. 2,988 steps. 

6. I talked Evan into taking a walk to the state park on Sunday after I put another Colorstreet wrap set on my nails; it was a beautiful warm day despite being quite cloudy and windy. 9,779 steps. 

7. After finishing up schoolwork with Evan and cleaning all 3 bathrooms we headed out on a nice hour long hike at Steere Hill Farm; we are loving all the systems of trails there! 12,184 steps. 

8. Alec had election day off so Evan and I dragged him out on the trails- we walked both the Coffee House Loop Trail and The Cedar Swap Trail since Wallum lake has free admission for fall and winter once again.  We spent our afternoon cleaning upstairs, reading, and I crafted a really adorable winter scene card. 10,196 steps.

9. Evan and I took a real quick walk/hike around Thompson Dam after finishing up his schoolwork and then I cleaned the downstairs and worked on my card exchange card.  I just LOVE how it turned out.  10,159 steps.

10. Evan and I headed out with my mother in law to the Railside Tavern for lunch and then my husband and I drove Alec and his friend to the roller skating rink before heading out for a date night at Longhorn Steakhouse.  My husband surprised me with a bouquet of roses. 2,256 steps.

11. I asked Alec to come hiking with us and our hiking group at the Audubon society place; we did get a bit off the trail we intended to take but hiked for a good 2 hours before heading back home... just in time for the rain and storms to start.  I know I had over 10,000 steps but I forgot to record it! 

I wore my comfiest trail clothes!

12. I spent a rainy day working in the craftroom making a sympathy card and starting another dozen Christmas cards.  I also finished up another book and made up a few recipes.  I didn't wear my step tracker today. 

13. Another rainy day where I finished up my cards, worked on the blog and headed out on a RZR ride in the afternoon with my husband.  We saw a family of 4 or 5 deer and a coyote; I think it's so funny that we always see more wildlife out on the trails in our noisy RZR than when we're walking!  We ended our night renting Ticket to Paradise.  4,276 steps. 

14. Evan and I took a break in his schoolwork mid-morning and hit the trails.  We only hiked the shortest trail at George Washington Campground (30 minutes) since it was downright cold out. Then after running a couple quick errands we headed home to finish up his schoolwork. 8,448 steps. 

15. Alec woke up not feeling well and decided to stay home from school so I ran to the grocery store and prepped some foods while also helping Evan get through his stack of school books.  Alec seemed to rally by the afternoon after sleeping 3 or 4 more hours so Evan and I headed to meet my mom at The Vanilla Bean for lunch.  By bedtime Alec was talking about possibly going back to school the next day! 5,698 steps. 

16. Not having slept well at all (Alec got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and passed out; we assume from dehydration)... I didn't have anything planned but taking care of my patient.  He seemed fine by the time he woke up in the morning.  Evan and I had a really short day of school though. 5,938 steps. 

It was another mostly rainy day

17. Alec went off to school (though he did ask me to drive him) and Evan and I tackled a bit of work and squeezed in some hiking and errands.  Alec came home in a great mood and ended up driving himself back to the school around dinnertime to volunteer with an event the school had going on. 8,722 steps

We made delicious wonton cups

18. Evan and I met up with our hiking group for a nice long hike at Leadmine and then I got ready to head to a wake/funeral with my mother. 10.597 steps. 

19. I spent nearly the whole day watching movies, working on some online shopping and the blog, and doing groceries.  

20.  I ordered 2 new trees this year; one for our bedroom and one for the finished basement so I spent my morning cleaning the whole basement, rearranging our bedroom furniture and getting the two new trees set up (though we won't decorate them until after Thanksgiving).  4,935 steps. 

Got my nails all ready for Thanksgiving too!

21. I woke up early and worked on making money card holders for all the nieces and nephews (something I had started the previous day while watching movies), then Evan and I tackled his schoolwork and cleaned the whole upstairs. 4,120 steps. 

22. Knowing we were meeting our friends for a long hike after lunch we skipped school entirely and Evan and I began cleaning the downstairs.  We ended up having a wonderful hike and hiked all 4.5 miles in less than 2 hours so we made excellent time too.  15,045 steps. 

23. I woke up very early and by 7 am had made 2 quiches and a tollhouse pie then headed out for a quick grocery shopping. By 10:30 Evan and I were on the road to meet up with friends of ours for a hike; his friend was home from college and we hadn't seen them since the summer so it was wonderful to catch up and we never made it home until 4 o'clock!  (we did NOT hike that entire time but sat and chatted long after our hike was over). 9,000 steps. 

24. Thanksgiving was great! We had delicious food and my mother in law, mom, and step father were able to join us.  Alec made some delicious homemade rolls and we ended our night eating pie and watching Elf.  2,444 steps. 

25. Everyone helped decorate this year and with our finished basement we found new homes for almost all of our decorations.  It was really neat seeing everything in a new place.  We ended our night eating leftover pie and watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with my mother in law, my mom, and my step father.  3,833 steps. 

26.  Alec had a friend over for most of the day and after addressing all my Christmas cards and decorating the remaining tree in my bedroom, I watched a few movies and finished reading my latest novel. 5,632 steps. 

27.  After a quick grocery run my husband, myself, Ian, Evan and my mother in law headed out for a hike at Fort Nature; we hiked for an hour and half.  We had a new species of duck show up on the lake today; they're Hooded Mergansers. 14,495 steps. 

28.  My hair appointment was canceled at the last minute so Evan and I headed out hiking at Purgatory Chasm after school and then picked up a large meat order at Bj's.  I spent my night wrapping Christmas gifts and watching The Holiday. 7,189 steps. 

29.  For the second day in a row I woke up and exercised right away then got ready for a busy day; after school with Evan I headed out to the library, the post office, to get my haircut, and then to the bank. 4,389 steps. 

30. Despite the threat of rain, Evan and I headed out for a nice long walk along the river trail as soon as he finished up his schoolwork.  We spent a relaxing afternoon talking and resting, and just chilling. It was wonderful. 11,235 steps. 

How was your month?!

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  1. Like the short daily recaps! What great these will be to look back on one day and read. You had so many good things going on including beautiful hikes and making the cutest of cards. Sorry you spent time in the ER. That is scary! I spent time in the ER with one kid this month. It looks like everything got taken care of with your son and everyone is healthy again so that is great. I hope you're enjoying your December and that you get in as many walks in as you did in November ;).

    1. Thank you! I started my sentence a day posts years ago and I do love having this daily recording of our lives. I feel like I have spent so much time in the ER with my boys... So far December has been too cold for us to walk; that whole 2 days of it! LOL

  2. BEST hiker I know AND she knows how to put together cute outfits in between :) Have an awesome weekend Joanne!

  3. So fun. Those wonton cups looks delicious, your blue sparkle nails are beautiful and I love the bears kissing card!

    1. Those wonton cups were so delicious and easy to make too (though I thought they were a bit hard to get out of the pan).

  4. Hand Food and Mouth is terrible! I had it as an adult a few years ago when Quinn was a baby, I was miserable. Full sympathy to all who suffer! You had a great month despite all that!

    1. I've never had it; I do remember my poor husband being miserable with it the first year we were married and I brought it home from the daycare where it was running rampant. Both boys spend a full week eating pudding, ice cream, and other soft easy to swallow foods. Poor Ian's fingers swelled up so much they went completely numb (and hence, the trip to the ER). Luckily, by the next morning he was feeling just fine again.

  5. You've got some beautiful hikes in with such wonderful scenery! And the puzzle you finished looks so pretty! Fabulous outfits and papercrafts too!
    I can imagine how stressful it must have been not knowing for sure what illness it was and so glad everyone is doing better.

  6. That puzzle looks like a challenging one. Love your festive fingernails.

    1. It was a bit challenging; but I found I enjoyed that. I have had some that were so challenging that I gave up on them.

  7. All the pretty sweaters and nails! Having a child pass out is scary: my 8 year old did that a few months ago at church and it was scary! We think it was because he had not eaten. I really need to start moving more and hiking in December. I have only walked once in the past 8 days!

    1. I need to find an alternative form of exercise as I have not been motivated to hike much at all this past week since it's finally getting rather cold here... I keep hoping we'll have another unexpected warm up but I highly doubt that will happen.

  8. I really enjoyed reading about your month Joanne. I've got to say, I love all of your outfits and you always look so lovely in everything!
    We bought some new Christmas trees for different rooms this year too. I'm loving how festive the house feels now, I've got twinkly lights everywhere!
    Have a fab weekend. :)

    1. Aw, thank you!! That is such a lovely compliment. I am loving the twinkly lights everywhere.

  9. This is a great idea for a post! I'm so sorry your family had so much illness at the beginning of the month!

  10. I have been away for awhile & didnt know you had to do an ER trip with the fam... UGH! THat's the worst.
    Love seeing your house getting so pretty for Christmas!

    1. It really is the worst. I'm just thankful it was a pretty uneventful trip this time.

  11. What a busy month with the ER and a kid passing out. I love that you get out and hike so much,

    1. It really did feel quite busy.. and tiring! LOL.

  12. Some lovely walks here as usual! It sounds like a very eventful month for you. I hope all your family members who were unwell, have recovered. Your house looks lovely and Christmas-like!

    1. As of right now everyone is completely healthy! I'm just hoping and praying it stays that way for awhile now. Thank you.

  13. So glad everyone's healthy now just in time for the holidays! Congrats on your son getting his 1st degree black belt! You've been on so many nice hikes! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! It was perfect timing that everyone was healthy just in time for thanksgiving.

  14. Wow, Joanne, sounds like you all had a great month. I love your recaps. It's great to hear everyone is feeling better now. I just love all your photos.
    Visiting today from FF#19,20&21

  15. I'm glad you were able to figure out what your sons had. But, being awoken by a kid passing out had to be scary...I don't know that I could get back to sleep! I love seeing all of the different views around you on your hikes!

    1. I don't think I did go back to sleep that night... I've had a few sleepless nights this past month. Even now I feel like I'm always listening at night! LOL

  16. I really enjoyed reading all about your month. It would have been so scary to have Alec pass out like that. I hope that he is ok now and that your other boys are well. You look great in all your lovely outfits. I hope you have a great December and that your family stays healthy.

    1. Aw, thank you! I hope we have the worst of the illnesses out of the way now... for awhile at least.

  17. My this is a long post! I don't know what to comment on first. Sorry to hear about all your sickness in the family, we've experienced that here as well. It's been hard to enjoy the holidays with everyone sick. So many cute outfits. Love your nature photos.

    1. Aw, thank you! I have been hearing from lots of people that their families are struggling with health this fall too.

  18. Woah! What a busy month for sure! So glad everyone's healthy now! And a huge congrats on your son getting his 1st degree black belt!!


    1. Thank you! It is such a relief to everyone healthy again.

  19. What a full November you've had. Well done with your steps and holiday preparations. I'm glad to read your son recovered from his illness and everyone is healthy again. Thank you for your #weekendcoffeeshare.

  20. Those wonton cups look delish!
    I always delight in the beautiful photos you share from your hikes.

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne!

  21. Love your recap! Hope everyone is feeling better.. I love ColorStreet! A friend of mine is coming over Tuesday to do Christmas nails together.

    1. That sounds so fun! I have some gingerbread and peppermint nails this week.

  22. Looks like a wonderful November there. Very nice.

  23. What a wonderful November you had. I love all your nails. Good to hear everyone is finally feeling good.

    1. Thank you! It is such a relief to have everyone healthy again.

  24. Fun post. My husband walked by my computer as I was scrolling through your photos. "She's cute. Who is she?" he asked. Just thought you'd enjoy that random compliment. You walk like I do. Lots on some days, not so much on others. It looks like you had a busy, productive month. Glad your son and husband are better. My husband got really sick for one night, was weak for the next couple of days but got better right away. It's scary when they get sick. I hope your December is a fun and productive as November was. :)

    1. Tell your husband thank you! LOL. That is sweet to hear. I hope you have a wonderful December as well.

  25. Hand, foot, mouth is no joke for adults! SO crazy that they got it. My husband had it once when one of the kids had it as a baby. I couldn't believe he got it! It's so uncommon for adults!

    1. I had an inkling that it was hand, foot, and mouth but did doubt myself since we don't have little kids around and his fingers/ lips were swelling up with it and starting to hurt and tingle. I'm grateful that's all it was but it did sound like it was miserable for a good few days for them both.

  26. I love the outfits you shared. I think we have somewhat similar taste. That puzzle is awesome. I didn't know adults can have hand foot and mouth. My girls got it when they were little. Those cookies look amazing.

    1. Thank you! I was told that anyone can get hand, foot, mouth at anytime and that it's highly contagious. I always thought of it as more of a little kid thing. I remember it going around our daycare frequently.


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