December's Monthly Musings: All About the New Year

 It's the last Thursday of the month and time to link up with Patty and Holly for their Monthly Musings.  This month we're talking all about our goals for the New Year! I'm warning you now my answers are going to be so short and sweet this time around. 

1. Do you make resolutions/goals for the New Year? Not really; some years I do but this year I'm pretty content to just let life unfold. 

2. Do you have diet/ exercise goals? I ALWAYS have diet/ exercise goals.  I want to get back into a daily workout routine and get back to eating healthily so I can reach that WW goal weight again.  

3. Do you have personal/ professional goals for 2023? Nope.  

4. Do you use a planner? (paper/ electronic/ combo?) No, I do keep track of our family commitments on our wall calendar and I keep a few notebooks on hand for more specific things like vacation planning or packing lists but I have never used an actual planner (despite trying to it just never became a habit). 

5. Do you have a word or phrase for 2023? Nope! After trying for the last two years and never remembering my word or phrase beyond June I decided to give it up this year and that feels pretty freeing. 

6. Ring in the new year or asleep by 10 pm? Definitely asleep by 10!  My boys have NEVER EVER stayed up to ring in the New Year and if no one else is staying up there is no way I'm making it awake alone. 

7. Favorite thing to do on New Year's Day? I don't think we really do much of anything on New Years Day.  Some years I cook a big meal but this year we're planning on simple spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and salad. 

8. Any travel plans for 2023? We have a couple trips already planned-- Acadia National Park in May and Shenandoah National Park in June and I'm thinking about a few other little weekend trips and getaways I'd like to do this year. 

9. Things/ events you are most looking forward to in 2023? Other than our trips?  I don't know... Maybe Evan turning 16 and getting his license (though with our state laws he really won't be able to get his actual license until March of 2024-- but he will get to start practice driving and take driver's ed.)  

10. Will you be watching any bowl games on or around New Years? Definitely not; we are not sports people at all and I honestly didn't even know there were bowl games on or around New Years. 

Linking up with:


  1. Yum spaghetti and meatballs sounds delicious for New Years day! This year I'll be joining you across the other side of the world on different time zones but definitely going to bed by 10pm. Happy New Year Joanne and all the best for 2023!

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Ruth, and all the best for 2023!

  2. Your trips to the National Parks sound amazing. Thank you for joining us today and I hope you have the Best 2023!


    1. Thank you so much for hosting! I can't wait to join up in 2023 with you both again.

  3. I am with you on being asleep by 10:30, 11 at the latest on NYE!

    1. I am so awful at staying awake for anything! LOL.

  4. I agree with you on the planner and fitness goals. I haven't ever had a word of the year before, but the word "listen" has stood out to me for 2023. I am going to print a graphic so that I can keep this word before me! So fun to have travel plans too!

  5. Joanne,
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I hope to lose an additional 20 pounds this new year. That is in addition to the36 pounds i lost in the last 6 months....My Word for the Year is SHINE and last year's Word was Thrive which i thought I really did!!! Thanks so much for your visits and kind words!! I truly appreciated you taking the time to do so!!!

    1. Best of luck with the additional weight loss, Deb! Keep it up; you've got this!!

  6. We aren't huge NYE people either.
    Those trips you have planned sound fun!

    1. Thanks! I love to travel and getting to see more of the outdoors makes it even better.

  7. I may have to answer these too. Funny that your forget your yearly word by June!

    1. I mean, I don't really forget the word I pick but I do just sort of stop thinking about and working towards/developing it.

  8. Wishing you and your family all the best for 2023.

  9. I'm giving up on the yearly word too. I also forget about it...ha, ha! Happy 2023!

    1. Glad I'm not the only one! LOL. Thank you.

    2. I gave up trying to pick a word this year too! Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

    3. I guess I'm in good company then! LOL

  10. Your answer to number 10 is THE BEST!!! And I love how everyone seems to be about the simple 2023 things this year. I'm definitely on that end of the spectrum too.

  11. We are the opposite when it comes to staying up until midnight on NYE... I just told Brian the other day that I can't remember ever NOT staying up until midnight. Haha. I think I've been awake at midnight on NYE every year of my life since I was probably 10 years old. Haha!

    1. Yep, definitely not me; other than a few years in high school and college I've always been an early riser and have a tough time staying awake at night.

  12. I'm loving these posts mainly to hear what people have planned for travel.


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