Friday Favorites: This Week I'm Grateful For...

 Starting many, many years ago when I was first homeschooling my boys we used to make a gratitude tree on our pantry door and we'd add colorful leaves of what we were thankful for each day.  I've continued that daily gratitude practice for November ever since.  So this week all my favorites are the things I was grateful for this past week (I sort of forgot about my gratitude practice the first few days this month as I was dealing with 2 sick kids).


My first favorite this week it that everyone is healthy and back at work and school. I feel like someone in the house has been sick almost every week all fall so far... I know that's not the real case but it sure has felt that way and I am so grateful that everyone is healthy right now. 

Evan (and Alec!) and I went on a few really wonderful hikes this week.  The weather was just beautiful and so warm at the start of the week.  Even though it got colder mid-week we still had a great time getting outside in the sunshine. 

I don't know why I don't make it a habit to sit at my craft table more often; it usually makes me so happy! This past week I created an adorable blizzard card and over 24 Christmas cards (photos of the Christmas cards will be shared on the blog next month). 

I'm finishing up my pile of books that I checked out from the library last month so I can turn to some fun and light Christmas reads.  I really lucked out with some great books lately though and am loving them; well, most of them anyway.  

My mother in law took Evan and I out to lunch this week and we had a wonderful time catching up and eating delicious food.
My husband and I managed 2 date nights out this week (technically one was last Friday but since I'm writing this on Thursday I'm totally counting it!).  Both time dropped Alec off somewhere (once at his black belt grading & once at the roller rink) then went to eat before picking him back up. 


Ian helped me finish up my second fall themed puzzle this week.  We worked together to finish up the reflection in the water and enjoyed it for a few days before dismantling it. 

My husband surprised me some flowers on Thursday for no reason.  Aren't those the best kind?

Linking up with:



  1. So glad everyone is better. Gorgeous bouquet.

  2. What did you think of Wish You Were Here? I will say that I am still thinking about it months after reading it! What a great week!

    1. I think it's Okay but definitely not my favorite book of hers. I'm literally 1/2 way through and debating about whether or not I want to finish it...

  3. Awww so glad you are getting some date nights in and the flowers are SO SWEET! :)

    1. Thank you! I thought they were so sweet too.

  4. What a beautiful tradition of making a gratitude tree! Happy to hear that everyone at your place is currently well. Your blizzard card is just so sweet. Years ago I used to make my own Christmas cards too. I always loved having some kind of crafty project to do. Those flowers are just gorgeous! Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! I am going to have such a hard time giving that blizzard card away.. I don't usually feel that way about cards but that one was particularly time intensive and I just love how it turned out.

  5. Lots of lovely things to be thankful for. I love your Christmas card, and your flowers are beautiful, what a thoughtful gift.

  6. Lots to be grateful for! Hope everyone stays healthy. Here we have one down with the flu.

    1. I hope it doesn't spread to anyone else and that they are feeling better real soon!!

  7. I want to live in that puzzle. Is that weird?

    1. Nope, not at all; it looks like such a peaceful little village doesn't it?

  8. Health is a blessing. Wishing you many healthy and happy days. Regine

    1. It truly is and it seems like one blessing that I always take for granted until it's gone.

  9. Looks like a great week and so glad everyone is feeling better!

  10. I know there has been so much sickness circling around here. Glad everyone is on the mend.

    1. Thank you! I'm hearing that from everyone-- all the doctors and nurses and families I talk to seem to have the same conclusion that so much is circling around everywhere.

  11. Im reading that Jodi Picolt book too! I think being grateful makes life much better. Just the fact we have the library and all it offers is amazing!

    1. I love our local library and the librarians that work there! I have often thought that once my boys move out I'd like to volunteer there.

  12. I am glad everyone is feeling better now and it looks like you've had some nice weather. What lovely things to be grateful for. x

  13. I love this post. There is so much to be grateful for in our everyday lives. What a treat to get fresh flowers, and I'm so impressed that you completed two puzzles in one weekend. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. The card is beautiful. So glad everyone is feeling better.


  15. I really like this idea of a gratitude tree, Joanne! Mike and I end our days by telling three gratitudes each. It does help to realize how fortunate we are.

  16. I love how you continue with the gratitude tree! My family and I have done a gratitude jar and I love reading what we were grateful for throughout the year on new years eve. :)

    1. We tried to get that going one year but I realized by the 3rd week or so that we had forgotten to write down and add any more slips of paper to the jar!

  17. Fab things to be grateful for. I love the idea of a gratitude tree, how lovely. :)

    1. Thank you! It was a fun family project each year.

  18. It sounds like you have so much to be thankful for.

  19. Hooray for everyone feeling well, for gorgeous hikes (you always get in some of the best!) and for "no special reason" flowers!! I used to make thankful trees with my kiddos - way back in the day. I often miss those days. No always but I miss special thankful trees on the dining room wall! (On butcher paper!) :)

    1. There are moments and things I miss from when my boys were little too but there are other things I definitely do not miss at all! LOL.

  20. Love the idea of a gratitude tree.
    Lots to be thankful for.

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne 💐

  21. Awe! I love this post. So many great things. I was just jotting down ideas for a similar post. Love the puzzle and flowers...grateful for things big and small!

    1. Yes, I am trying to remember to be grateful for things both big and small.

  22. I love this idea of writing what you're thankful for on leaves and using that as a sort of Thanksgiving decoration! That Christmas card you made is adorable! My Christmas cards just arrived, so it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! :) If you would want to exchange, let me know! No pressure, just throwing it out there as one card lover to another! :)

  23. Really like your numbered pumpkins on this post. Very cute. I want to get back to my Thankful Thursday posts. Have been brokenhearted over losing my mom but it is time to remember all the blessings that remain a part of my life, including her memory.
    Glad for your hikes because you share the prettiest photos of the places you walk. And I am always glad for you guys to bake because I can drool over your desserts without gaining weight.
    I need to decide on a simple Christmas card design and make some. Every year I plan to do just that and it doesn't happen. Your blizzard card is so cute. Love the colors of the swirling snow.

    1. Aw, thank you! I made the swirling snow colors using Stampin' Blend markers (just like Copic markers) and had the best time playing around with the inks... so much so I asked for a whole set of Copic markers for Christmas.

  24. I love roses - lovely bouquet you got. Lunch with family is always fun. Sounds like a wonderful week! #MMBC

    1. Thank you! They smell so lovely too and so far only one rose has started dropping it's petals.

  25. Glad everyone is feeling better! My husband and I have to sneak dates in between driving and picking the kids up from their various activities too! I am also thankful for good books and puzzles. Two things that will get me through this upcoming winter!

  26. Surprise flowers are the best! And I love the idea of a gratitude tree!! I always make a tree for every season for my son's room - next year we are totally adding this idea to our fall tree.

    1. How fun that you make a tree for every season in his room! He's going to have such wonderful memories of those.

  27. So very beautiful. What a sweet day for a hike.


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