Weigh in Wednesdays: How I Handle Eating Out on WW

It's the 3rd Wednesday of the month and time for another Weigh In Wednesday.  This month I thought I'd talk about eating out because while it is rather easy for me to eat healthy at home I struggle to stick to my plan when we're on the go. 

When my husband and I first started on Weight Watchers we hardly ever ate out at all but this past summer found us eating out so much.  I used to really stress out about trying to make the absolute healthiest choices when eating out and while I have definitely relaxed in that regard I am careful to try not to over indulge too often.

Sure there are times when I decided I want French fries and a big, juicy, burger or a giant slice of cheesecake- points be damned!

But most of the time I like to try to eat out without blowing my whole week's worth of points. I have a few different strategies I use when dining out.  

1. If I know where we'll be eating I peruse the menu at home and look up points (when I can!) for the menu items that most appeal to me that also have very low points.   At Panera I always get a salad with an apple and dressing on the side. This means my lunch is usually under 8 points and easy enough to adjust my daily points. 

2.  If I don't know where we'll be eating or that restaurant isn't a chain and therefor isn't on the WW ap, I try to look for things like baked or grilled fish, grilled boneless skinless chicken breast, plain baked potatoes, steamed vegetable side dishes, etc. I ask for my food to be cooked without oil or butter.  If I get a salad I always get the dressing on the side and use it very sparingly. 

At Disney: Salmon with green beans and warm potato salad

3. Sometimes I'll order two appetizers.  If I sort of want to indulge but don't want to go crazy I get the foods I'm craving in smaller portions. Like ordering a cup of chowder instead of a bowl and getting just a few coconut fried shrimp instead of a whole basket worth. 

4.  I'll split my meal-- sometimes I wrap up 1/2 to take home and either share with the boys or divvy up the points between two days.  Sometimes I order with the intention of sharing; something I do often with desserts.  (I don't mean I order desserts often but if I do I almost always get my husband or kids to eat some too so I can just enjoy a few bites of my favorite sweet treats). 

5. I will adjust the rest of my week so that I have rollovers either before or after eating out and I try to step up my exercise game too.  

Are you trying to live a healthier lifestyle too? What do you do when it's time to eat out?

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  1. I have no self control when I eat out. I will eat everything I can. I will eat a bit more sensibly at home to make up for it though.

    1. I will if we haven't eat out in a long time but somewhere along the way this past year or two it started to feel like we're eating out (or getting take out!) a lot where we only used to eat out a couple times a year.

  2. Ordering an appetizer for a smaller portion of something that isn't the healthiest is a good idea. We usually eat dinner out once a week. I tend to view that meal as a cheat meal and don't worry about ordering something completely healthy. But, I do try to only eat half of it (unless, of course, the portion is tiny) for fewer calories/ fat/ carbs consumed plus then I have a meal for the next day.

    1. Thanks! I definitely stole that appetizer idea from someone else. LOL. But it works!

  3. I try to scan the menu before going out too!

    1. I feel like that takes the pressure off of me trying to decide while everyone else is waiting.

  4. I will just about always get a salad. The problem is of course the dressing!

    1. Yes! Or they add fried chicken on top or load it with cheese...

  5. Being too rigid...and eating out is just not any fun. Don't ask me how I know this. I will be on vacation next week and I really do not want to be too rigid - but it is hard to "untrain" the brain! And how can it be the third Wednesday already??

    1. I can not believe it's already the 3rd Wednesday of the month! Time is flying by. I hope you have a wonderful vacation.

  6. Great tips. Our weigh in day is Saturday and then we usually enjoy eating out that day and have all week to get it off!! Lately, I have lost most interest in eating. Nothing tastes good. And nothing I fix seems to come out right. So that is helping me lose weight!! Ha!!

    We went to Olive Garden last weekend...had soup and salad. That might have been okay. But also shared a fried shrimp and veggie appetizer and each had 2 glasses of sangria. Whopping 61 points. Yikes!

    I do love WW and think it is the best weight to keep weight off. You just balance. Like you said, if you want that giant slice of cheesecake (or 2 glasses of sangria and fried shrimp), you have it, and then just watch what you eat around that, drink your water, eat your veggies and move some!!

    1. I think I am the opposite of you right now; it seems like I am craving everything and am so hungry all the time. I have got to cut back on the sugar and add even more veggies and lean protein into my days so I can start to see those numbers go down on the scale again.

  7. You've established some great habits. I am trying to be healthier as well. These are great tips!

  8. This is hard for sure, because you really don't know what restaurants put in their food. Yet we LOVE to eat out. Many times I will order the vegetables as sides and eat those (even then, sometimes they saute it in butter, but it's better than many of the other choices.

    1. Yes, I am amazed at how many points the WW app puts some of those veggies sides (until they come to the table and I can see the butter dripping off them!).

  9. We almost always split the entree because restaurant portions are so big. Thanks for the tips!


    1. That's a great idea too, but my husband and I rarely eat the same things when dining out.

  10. As a NYC foodie I get invited to so many restaurants so I have to be disciplined to maintain my weight. I eat very healthy during the week because it makes me feel good, and then we go out I don't worry about what I eat, or have a lighter lunch etc. I used to be very strict about what I ate and it became too consuming. It took a years to find balance with eating for me, but it's so freeing now.

    1. I forgot to add my name first :)

    2. As someone who has literally fought against eating disorders I know exactly what you mean! I do think I have found a good balance these last few years where I finally feel like I know how to eat right and food doesn't consume my every waking thought. It is very freeing to find that balance and to realize I can eat and eat well without gaining tons of weight.

  11. I am doing the whole be healthier in all things, so it does take a totally different mindset. Sometimes it gets really old thinking about what you're going to eat all the time. However, it is working so that makes it worth it.

    1. It really does! I try to plan my day's meals first thing in the morning when I wake up and since I make a monthly menu dinner is usually already done. I have a handful of favorite breakfast and lunch ideas I try to rotate through.

  12. I love this post! So many good tips. I've been doing WW for quite a while...but finally got serious about it in April. I'm about five pounds away from my goal and know Nov/Dec are the hardest months for me. It's been coming off slowly but surely which is probably best anyway. I try to only eat half, make good choices, etc. when we go out. Honestly, we get more carry out than actually sitting in a restaurant which makes it easier for me when eating at home, I guess. Thanks for sharing these tips!

    1. Yes, I find carry out easier too because I can supplement with food from around the house if I need/want to.


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