A Sentence a Day in August

 August started with more of the heatwave we had through much of July and little to no rain of any kind; so many of the rivers and streams are bone dry in our area.  We ended our month with a trip to Florida and then the older two boys started school. 

1. A boring gray Monday found us at home not doing much of anything.  I did read on the deck and got my workout done for the day. 4,524 steps

2. I started cleaning all the upstairs windows inside and out and got about 1/2 of them done in between plenty of online shopping, exercising, and reading too.  I took a trip to the library and grocery store mid-morning and spent my evening playing cards with Ian and my mother in law. 6,102 steps

pretty grocery store flowers!

crustless quiche, butternut squash "fries", and 2- ingredient rolls for breakfast.

3. With heat indexes predicted well into the triple digits this week we're laying low and keeping cool indoors. 7,478 steps

4. Another suuper hot day where I planned to stay indoors and knock some things off my to do list. 7,341 steps.

5. I was up and at 'em early squeezing in a morning workout, making salad, cleaning all the windows and curtains on the first floor, and rearranging the living room furniture before heading out for a hike with the boys at 11.  It was HOT and the water was so low but we had a great hike. 8,504 steps.

A quick little up do

These rocks are normally ALL underwater

Snack plates make for quick and easy eating on hot days


6. With a last minute party being thrown for my mother in law's birthday I was busy with food prep, making a card, and pulling together a gift but we had fun celebrating her with the whole family. 6,194 steps

7. We had a very lazy, do nothing Sunday at home after my mother in law's parachute jump was canceled so I sat around reading my latest novel. 6,798 steps.

8. I'm pretty proud of myself that for the third Monday in a row I started my day with a workout (I've been working out all 5 days M-F since we got home from Tennessee), then before the heat of the day hit Evan suggested we go hiking (at 8:30 am!) so Alec, Evan, and I took off for a quick hike.  I spent my afternoon reading, prepping food for the week, and cleaning house.  I walked up to get the mail and it started pouring (for all of 3 seconds) then I heard rumbling of thunder and saw lightening off and on my whole walk home... but it never really rained again.  11,049 steps

9.  After working out and cleaning house I settled on the couch to read my book and wait for the late afternoon when I brought both boys to the doctor for their yearly physicals.  They had great check-ups and by the time we arrived home it was dark and stormy looking again so I didn't even attempt to go walk and get our mail though it never rained and we had a beautiful sunset. 3,019 steps.

10.  I woke to cloudy/stormy looking skies and decided to head out grocery shopping then spent my morning prepping food and making recipes.  6,179 steps

 I walked up to get the mail

11. The boys and I headed out for an early morning hike at the Thompson Dam. 14,616 steps.

We couldn't believe that all the water was completely dried up in most places

I ended up just staying in my hiking clothes for the day since it wasn't that hot out

12. The weather felt a bit like fall this morning so the boys and I headed out for another early morning hike- we just walked to and around the state park. I rented the latest Downton movie (LOVED it!), read my book and waited for company to arrive.  That afternoon my mother, aunt, and aunt's husband came to visit (my aunt and husband are visiting from North Carolina).. and since I was too busy to get dinner ready while visiting we headed to Wright's Chicken Farm for dinner.  9,995 steps.

I put on a dress after hiking and showering

My latest Colorstreet wraps

13. Saturday I spent a lazy day around the house reading and cleaning and prepping food.  2,663 steps

I made chicken salad with our leftovers from Wrights!

14. Sunday was shaping up to be a lazy day at home when Evan suggested we go hiking; we headed to Moore State park and then out to lunch at Pub 99 before heading home for the afternoon. 8,819 steps.

15. Alec and I ran a few errands and then we spent our day relaxing at home. 8,559 steps

16. It was another cool and breezy morning so the boys and I headed out hiking at Old Furnace; we picked the trail around the pond and were home by lunch. 14,189 steps

A bowl of leftover chicken, veggies, and diced potato for lunch (0 points for me)

17.  Evan talked me into walking the river trail in town bright and early on Wednesday; I got a few photos I needed for my photo challenge as well. I spent the rest of my morning preparing for our upcoming vacation. 8,959 steps

18. Evan, Alec, and I met our friends at the Leadmine Mountain trail site and went for a 2.5 mile hike/walk; we haven't seem them in months so it was great to catch up with everyone!  After lunch Alec and I headed to Barnes and Noble to stock up on books for our trip.  10,871 steps

19.  I spent my morning making a bunch of phone calls and getting all those last minute trip things done-- like my nails!--  before heading out to our hotel near the airport just after dinner.  6,351 steps.

20. We had to be AT the airport by 3:15!  Our flight was at 5 and boarding began at 4:30; we were up at 2:30.  It was a long travel day but uneventful.   We spent our afternoon at the pool. 10,003 steps

21. Magic Kingdom day and we met up with family for a few minutes after dinner.   We rode nearly every ride in the park while still taking a 2 or 3 hour break at our hotel in the middle of the day.  21,904 steps.

22. EPCOT Day where we were supposed to meet up with family to see the closing show but got rained out.  We rode every ride we wanted to (other than Test Track which was broken down) and still managed a few hours break at the hotel mid-day. 24,254 steps

23. We spent the entire day at Hollywood Studios until after dinner (at Mama Melrose) then park hopped top EPCOT to see the closing show. 19,304 steps

24. Animal Kingdom day! We slept in and didn't arrive at the park until closer to 9 but still managed to see and ride everything we wanted by 4.  Fished up with dinner at Saltgrass Steakhouse. 14, 529 steps.

25. Checking out of Saratoga Springs and moving over to Loews Royal Pacific Resort and our first day at Universal. 15,526 steps.

26. For our second Universal day  we woke up for rope drop and rode the last remaining rides we wanted at Islands of Adventure then finished out Universal too with one final ride-- Hulk.  Dinner at Chocolate Emporium and then a rainy car ride back to Tampa to check into the airport hotel. 18,665 steps. 

27. We woke at 4:30 and headed to Southwest check-in desk, we got through security, had breakfast and then a quick plane ride home.  By noon I had the laundry going and was headed out to the grocery store and spent the rest of the day prepping food and folding clothes. 7,427 steps. 

28.  We all slept in and I spent most of Sunday working on the blog, getting the menu done for the month, and making sure all of Alec's school things were ready for his first day of school. 7,978 steps.

29.  I spent another day trying to caught up-- working on washing bedding, doing another quick grocery run, going to the library, visiting with my mother, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, and looking for our lost mail. 6,677 steps. 

 30.  Alec's first day back to school; he's a junior this year! Poor Evan was struggling to rid himself of the cold he caught on vacation and spent all day sleeping.  I cleaned out the insides of the cars, worked on more blogging and bill paying, and did a bit of laundry (again!) 7,768 steps. 

 31.  After dropping Alec off at school, Evan and I went on a short walk and then I cleaned the whole upstairs and made a new card for the card exchange I'm doing in September. 8,610 steps. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Talent Share Tuesday, 


  1. Love all of your colorful and healthy meals and nothing beats a trip to Disney!

  2. What a full month. I'd be happy to come and sit on your deck and enjoy some of your lovely food!

    1. Thanks! It's a bit wet and rainy this week though..

  3. What a great month, I love all of the food and your outfits. We have had heatwaves and hose pipe bans but we've had a fair bit of rain over the last few days. It's feeling very Autumnal now.

    1. We had lots of water bans.. but then between today and yesterday we're supposed to get flooding so nothing like mother nature making up for it all at once. Our temps have dropped a bit too and I even see some leaves changing colors already so it does feel like fall all of a sudden!

  4. Now I am hungry! Happy end of summer!

    1. LOL. It was a wonderful way to unofficially end our summer.

  5. Looks like August was a happy and fulfilling month. Your "sentence-a-day" project is a great way to track activity (steps), workouts, and nutritional intake as well as recording beautiful scenery and memorable events. What a great idea!
    Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 32.

    1. Thanks! I started my sentence a day posts a few years ago with a group of ladies that had a link up and even as it's fallen by the wayside I'm reluctant to give it up as I like the format and the easy glance back at life.

  6. Wow Joanne, it looks like August was a great month for you. You went on a lot of hikes, the food looks good, a trip to Disney. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  7. Look at all those steps at Disney World! There's no tired like Disney tired!

    1. Oh that is so true! I'm pretty sure I even said that exact same thing mid-way through the week. LOL

  8. August was a good month. Love all these pictures. Regine

  9. I've been missing your posts! I really appreciate your food posts. I'm going to test Feedly as a blog aggregator so I don't miss anything else. Your summer looks to have been lovely. ❤️

    1. Thank you!

      I do have a pop-up enabled through mailchimp on my blog where you can sign up using your email and just get each new blog post delivered to your inbox.

  10. I always love how you include the daily steps and your food. Amazing how the amount of steps increased at Disney, right?? I bet you felt that!!
    Your maxi dress is incredible Joanne. I hope you wear that lots,

    1. Oh we sure did feel those extra steps! Added to the heat we were just wiped out each night; it made sleeping a breeze though.

  11. That was a great month! It seems to be a good mix of relaxing, productivity, and fun! - Sarah

  12. Oh, I loved Daisy Jones & the Six, but did you think the new Downton Abbey movie was a bit of a cash grab? Another fun-filled month for you, Joanne!


    1. I thought this Downton movie was better than the last one; but it had been so long for me seeing any of them that I had to pause the movie quite a few times and google who the characters were!

  13. We definitely have had many dry days and oh so hot too. Hoping for Fall to come!

    1. We rarely have dry days and most summers I can count our upper 90 and triple digit temps on one hand. We seem to be making up for both in just this one week! Lots of rain and much, much cooler temps.


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