How I Did on My Spring Reading and Bucket List

 Happy first day of summer!  While I have already shared 10 things I'd like to do this summer in this post and it feels rather weird not be sharing my summer bucket list now, I did still want to look back and see how I did with my spring bucket list.  I think I did pretty well! 

1.  A Place for Us by Harriet Evans--  Check! 

2. The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Life's Work at 72 by Molly Peacock-- Check!

3. The Paid Bridesmaid by Sarah Wilson--   Check!

4. Tahira In Bloom by Farah Heron--  Check!

5. If You Must Know: A Novel by Jamie Beck-- Check!

6.  Someone Else's Secret by Julia Spiro--  --Nope!

7. The Light Through the Leaves by Glendy Vanderah-- Check!

8. The Apology Project by Jeanette Escudero-- Check!

9. Nowhere for Very Long: The Unexpected Road to an Unconventional Life  by Brianna Madia- Nope!

10. The Homewreckers by Mary Kay Andrews--  Check!

1. Get some potted plants going on the deck-- preferably basil and a few other easy to grow edible ones.-- Check! 

2. Check to see if we have an old bike that Evan can fit on and start adding some bike rides in place of a few of our daily hikes. -- nope! 

3. Get the patio furniture out and start eating outside more often-- Check!

breakfast on the deck

dinner on the patio

4. Try a new salad recipe (either for lunch or dinner)-- Check!  

We tried an easy BLT corn salad recipe

5. Go kayaking!--Check!

6. Get caught up on scrapbooking (up until Jan 1st of this year)-- Check!  I finished the last page from 2020 by Easter

7. Make Easter cards for the family-- Check! 

8. Enjoy a weekend getaway with my husband -- Check! 

9. Put out all the spring décor: flowers for the front steps, garden decoration, and a wreath for the door.-- Check!

10. Visit a museum -nope

11. Go to the beach-- we've always loved the beach in spring best--nope

12. Plan at least 2 day trips for Alec's April vacation-- Check!  We went on a seal watch and then hiking/ out to lunch at Panera bread. 

13. Celebrate Ian's 18th birthday!-- Check! We just had a small party at home with the grandparents. 

14. Visit the botanical gardens-- Nope!

15.  Find a new state park to explore.-- Check! My husband and I checked out a few new ones in New Hampshire. 


  1. You've been so productive, Joanne! But you've also taken some good time to relax, too... all those books!!

    1. Yes, I have been enjoying so many great books!

  2. You have got through a lot of books, great choices.

  3. You sure had a productive spring! :)

  4. Replies
    1. We did! Now I'm excited to see what summer brings.

  5. Way to go! You had a great spring! The dessert for Ian’s birthday looks DELICIOUS!! Will you share the recipe?

    1. We followed this recipe and just omitted the peanuts-

  6. It's always amazing to me how many books you read. I need to incorporate more of that into my days,

  7. Joanne! I'm always so impressed by what you accomplish in a month...that might take me at least six months! Congratulations on all of those checks!

  8. Like the cover design of Tahira in Bloom.

  9. Just leaving to sit in my garden and read in my book! The hole afternoon!

    1. Oh that sounds lovely! It's raining her today so I'll have to sick to reading indoors.

  10. Wow! What a productive (and busy) spring! So many checks!! Here's to a summer just as nice:)

  11. Good for you for getting so many things checked off your list! And also major props for getting caught up on the scrapbooking! I am still trying to work on getting caught up on mine. And I love your wreath! It's so pretty!

    1. Now I just need to start working on 2022 pages.

  12. You did great! The wreath is beautiful!

  13. I'm adding a few of these books to my library list! That BLT salad looks delicious!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. It was so good but next time I'd heat the corn just a tiny bit and serve it immediately while the bacon and lettuce are still crispy.

  14. Man, I have so much admiration for people who read a lot. I was one of you as a kid, haha! I need that “reading gene” to turn back on! The flowers on your front steps are so pretty!

    1. Yeah, I have pretty much never stopped reading; even through high school and college I always had a "fun" book in my bad to sneak in some reading between classes.


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