Friday Favorites: Ian Started His New Job

 The weather has been unbelievable all week and I have been loving it!  Ian also started his new job so we're falling into a new routine.  It feels so weird for it to just be Evan and I at home all day!  Evan finished up his schoolwork entirely for the year so it's been a weird sort of week as we all adjust to new routines.  

It was beautiful on Friday and went for a hike with our friends at Moore State Park. We checked out a few new trails through the woods then walked down to the pond and around the waterfall. 

Knowing Alec has his semi-formal dance in the evening I cooked up dinner ahead of time-- Zucchini and chicken pasta with wine sauce (I shared the recipe on Tuesday).

Seeing Alec all dressed up for the dance was so weird and wonderful. Even though he's a sophomore it's his first school dance; while we have dances in the homeschool community my boys never wanted to go and this is the first dance they've had since he started attending public school.

Saturday morning Alec and I were up early to get him up near his school for a parade the school was participating in.  They had a float and Alec had signed up to walk alongside it and pass out candy.  He had so much fun that he then spent the next 3 hours hanging out with school friends in the park where classmates painted faces, did manicures, and made/handed out cotton candy as part of a community event called Spring Fest.  

We spent a good portion of our day on Sunday cleaning off the patio and dragging out the patio furniture getting ready for summer.  My husband then took all 3 boys to the movies and I had the whole house to myself! 

This is how I spent a good portion of my "alone" time

Monday Ian and Evan helped me tackle re-doing one of our gardens; I was so happy to get this job behind me and spent most of Tuesday cleaning out another garden as well as getting all the flowers planted for the front porch. 

I forgot a "before" picture but he's my during photo

Ian started his new job on Tuesday; they put him right to work driving the rock truck and he seems to really it.  So weird helping him fill out 401K forms and all that other adult/ job benefit forms! 

I made a card for my husband this week and received the cutest card and package in the mail from a fellow card exchange friend.  I can't wait to try out my new mini stamp and die cut set!

We had beautiful weather this week and I took full advantage eating outside whenever I could!  

I found plenty of time to play around with some crafts this week too; I fixed two bracelets and made a handful of cards trying out some new stamp sets and dies. 

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  1. Congrats to Ian! The yard is already looking great! Jealous that you are right on the water- have a wonderful weekend Joanne :)

    1. Thank you! I hate doing yardwork but just love how good it all looks when it's finally finished.

  2. Congrats to Ian! The garden is looking lovely.

  3. I'd love to go hiking with you - it looks so beautiful!

    1. We have lots of great hiking places nearby.

  4. Looks like a great week. Congrats on Ian starting work!

  5. Great week! Congrats on the new job!

  6. Your garden looks great. Congrats on Ian's new job. Crazy that he is filing out 401K forms. I love that it is getting green out there and we can go outside more. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you! I have been loving all the green and our wonderful weather lately.

  7. Congratulations to Ian!! That's awesome that he has a job!

  8. Look at those cute cards, love the bees I love seeing you relax on the back porch. Congratulations to Ian on the new job and Alec looked so handsome for the dance!

  9. Your cards are always so fabulous Joanne. It's nice you had help with the garden. That's something I just don't enjoy.

    1. Ugh, I do not enjoy gardening at all. We only have perennials so they don't require as much work but it's still more work than I like. LOL

  10. Everything looks beautiful. You always post such amazing trail photos.


  11. It is always so strange seeing your children growing up and doing "adult" things...even when they have been adults for more than a decade! I love seeing the photos of your hikes. You live in such a beautiful area! Thanks for sharing your week with us!

  12. Your deck and garden looks ready for summer! I love it when it's all ready to enjoy. We ate outside a lot too, and I'm loving it. Congratulations to Ian for his new job.

  13. We have had some lovely weather too, summer is coming. It does sound like a weird week for you with changes happening. Congrats to Ian with the new job and Evan for finishing his school work for the year. It sounds like a busy but fun week.

    1. It feels like summer today; this whole weekend it supposed to be in the 90's!

  14. Love the flower pics, of course! First dance! What a milestone! And reading on your deck with that view looks like a dream. *heart-eyes emoji*

  15. What nice pictures from your hike! And your back deck looks like a great place to relax and have lunch. I don't blame you for spending as much time there as you can!

  16. I love the view from your garden. What a lovely place for some "alone" time and to catch up with reading. Congrats to Ian on his new job and Alec sounds like he's enjoying school life. Your cards are beautiful. So many different die casts you can get. #mmbc

    1. Thank you! Alec seems to be loving school life and Ian definitely is enjoying his new job.

  17. Congrats to Ian. Alec looked so handsome going to his first dance. How fun! I'm jealous of your view ...I'd be out there all of the time too!


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