Friday Favorites: We're on Spring Break!

 As of 2:00 pm on Thursday Alec is officially on spring break which means I don't have car duty (well, in the morning anyway; I still have to bring him to practice).  I have been looking forward to this break and sleeping in.  We had a wonderful week with sunny, spring-like weather (for the most part!) and three of us even got some minor sunburns.  

We went hiking with our group on Friday and just as soon as we started hiking the sun came out and we had warm weather and blue skies for the whole hike! It was fabulous. 

I spent a good portion of my weekend reading this book-- it was definitely a favorite!!  Best non-fiction book I can remember reading and now I kind of want to move to Gander... 

I also spent a good portion of my weekend scrapbooking and have just 1 page left to wrap up 2021!  I love how some of these pages turned out too.

Evan and I found a new walking/ hiking place on Monday; it's partly paved and then turns to a dirt hiking trail around the duck pond.  It was really lovely! 

The rain cleared up on Tuesday just in time for Alec's track meet.  It was actually pretty sunny and warm enough that we finally got to sit in the stands to watch; it's a whole difference experience watching from the stands.  He did so well. 

100 meter dash



We had ANOTHER beautiful day in the 60's on Wednesday and Evan and I just could not get through his schoolwork fast enough to hit the trails.  We decided to try a new trail literally minutes down the road from us that I never even knew about (we found it on Alltrails).  While we got turned around a few times on the land trust property we did enjoy our hour long hike and will definitely be back.  

I have been enjoying a few more spring-like outfits this week and broke out my flip flops for a couple of days. 

Another favorite was this hairdo on Thursday.  It even held up to our windy weather. 

My mom sent us a candygram for Easter.  The boys were so eager to dig in! (Ok, I was too!).

My mom and I went walking around the cemetery a few days while Alec was at track.  It's a great way to make sure I get to (or usually surpass) my step goal. 

Best of all I dragged out some of our furniture and spent an afternoon reading on the deck in the sun.

Linking up with: On The Edge, 


  1. That walking trail is beautiful! Glad you found it :) Happy Spring Break and Happy Easter Joanne :)

    1. Next time we walk all the way to end and maybe not stop at the duck pond. I think we only made it 1/2 way and I'm curious to see where it ends up.

  2. Happy break! I want to read that book. Come From Away is one of my favorite musicals!

    1. It is so good and I was so happy to see that it was made into a musical; and also a little surprised I hadn't heard of it before!

  3. Finally some springy weather for you! Ah! Enjoy sleeping in a bit! I really like your hair that way. I need a pedicure badly because it might be toes out time soon!

    1. I slept until 6!! That's a huge change from 4:30... my son woke up around 4, turned on his light to read, and then fell asleep again at some point and slept until 9:30! I think he was definitely tired too. LOL

  4. I am so behind with my photo books: it might be my summer project: I have at least one and half year to work on! My favorite part of breaks is sleeping in a little and not doing morning school runs.

    1. We still ended up driving to school later in the day... my son was practicing his driving and had never driven to the school before so it was good practice. But I did joke that we just can't seem to stay away!

  5. You look beautiful with your hair swept up to the side like that... so elegant! I hope y'all enjoy your spring break! Hooray for sleeping in! Always a favorite in our house. ;o)

    1. Aw, thank you! I felt pretty elegant. It was wonderful to sleep in!

  6. Those are some pretty clips. I love your hair like that. Yay for 60 degree weather and things warming up. We are not on Spring Break and I am so jealous of everyone who is. Ha.

    1. I know just how you feel! I feel like we are the last people to have spring break and I have been so envious of everyone else for months!

  7. Oh that candy!! Aren't cemeteries always so interesting, especially very old ones.

    1. They really are so fun; I love looking at all the dates on the old tombstones and trying to find the oldest ones.

  8. Sounds fantastic, and great hiking / walking photos. The Lights page looks really wonderful. Specially loved #11.


    1. #11 is for sure my favorite! Now to tackle cleaning off our patio and getting that situated...

  9. Hooray for Spring Break! We have the weekend and a few days next week before my girls are back at school and college.
    It looks like you've had some great weather, perfect for the hikes.

    1. We have been having some really beautiful weather.

  10. Enjoy your spring break! You're so lucky to have spring weather. It's still cold here (in the 30's) and snowing. Love your scrapbook pages.

    1. Thank you! We have been very lucky with our weather this week; though I am hesitant to pack all the winter gear away just yet.

  11. Oh, I need to read that book. We saw the play and was blown away by it. What a fabulous story.

    1. It is a wonderful book with such heartfelt stories.

  12. My grandkids all go to schools that begin in late July or early August. So their spring breaks are always really early. They've actually been back in school for a couple of weeks. Our Spring Break (well, we have that 365/24/7) was cold, windy, and rainy! We even had snow. We were just talking today about how we miss walking through cemeteries. We haven't done that in more than seven years! I need to find one close to us and walk through it...though none of the names will mean anything to me. I'm always so impressed by people who scrapbook. I just have shoe boxes of pictures that aren't labeled!!

    1. Ours is looking like it might be pretty cold and rainy too but not snowy (thankfully!).

  13. The lake looks beautiful! And I'm so ready to be reading outside!

    1. Oh me too! I know the weather is supposed to get cold again so I'm taking full advantage while we can.

  14. Fabulous post. Your pictures are so beautiful. I'd love to enjoy those walks around such gorgeous creeks and lakes. Congratulations to you son.

  15. Beautiful hiking trails and views of bodies of water. Thank you for sharing your favourites with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  16. What a lovely week. I love the walking trails you find. I love grave yards too.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We have really been lucking out finding some new places to explore.

  17. Such amazing scenery! And that lake is gorgeous.

  18. What a great week! I hope the warm weather continues and you get lots of rest, lots of great hiking, and lots of great reading on the deck weather!!! Happy Spring Break!!!

  19. Well Spring is certainly arriving where you are Joanne - and Autumn is gradually getting to where I am (thankfully!) Your scrapbooking reminded me of my collaging (I don't take anywhere near enough photos to do scrapbooking!) Enjoy the sunshine on your deck :)

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to get out there one day this week... just need it to warm up again.

  20. Oh, that book sounds good. I'll have to add it to my list. Also, I love that first pair of jeans. Always love your hiking and nature photos. I wish we had cardinals in the PNW. I just love them and their sound.

    1. It is a wonderful story; and a side of 9/11 I haven't heard much about.

  21. Great nature trails! You have such great trails around you. Love the scrapbooking pages. Cute outfits too.

    1. Thank you! We are slowly trying to branch out more and try new trails instead of always relying on our old favorites.


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