Potos of the Week: February 19

This was another fun weeks of prompts; though I did struggle a bit with "plugged" and can't wait to see what everyone else thought of!  

 – the sun shown-- I loved how the sun shown down on the flowers making the colors even more vibrant. 

– plugged-- My camera plugged into my laptop to download photos.

– rock-- Water flowing over the rock and down the river.

– walking-- We went walking with our hiking group in the sun. 

– your choice-- Alec got his black belt!

Linking up with:


  1. Your flower picture is pretty! But the plugged prompt is pretty tricky! You came up with a good idea though!

  2. Love the play of sun on your flowers, loving that stream with the rock too. Amazing, you still have snow - we are still sweltering here. Congrats to Alec on his BB, well done, a lot of commitment has gone into that.

    1. Thanks! We just got more snow last night; winter is far from over up here.

  3. Your flowers are so pretty.
    Good thinking with plugged.
    Fantastic photos x

  4. All the photos are wonderful! Congrats to Alec!

  5. These are beautiful pictures. I like the rock photo much. #MMBC

  6. Congrats to Alec! That is awesome. Great pics this week. Always love the snowy photos.

  7. Your photos captured your week well. Great!

  8. I love the sun on the flowers. And I find it interesting how everyone showed "plug." I would have struggled with it except I had the perfect picture idea from my parents' house.

    1. That was the one that gave me the most problems for sure this week.


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