One Word Update-- 2 months in with "Step"

Tomorrow is the 22nd and that means it's time to reflect on my WOTY: Step.  I think I've been doing pretty well with it so far. I mean, I haven't forgotten it yet!

I've had to step in and act as Ian's teacher again; a role I thought I had left behind.  He has been taking a fully online course in economics where a teacher posts work once a week with all the assignments but there is no actual interaction with said teacher.  Only problem is that the book being used has a math/graph/ chart component to each unit using terms, a program, and skills that are never ever taught.  I've been sitting with him and we've used resources like Khan academy to teach ourselves all those missing components.  

I have been trying to break driving down into small step by step pieces in order to teach Alec to drive. In teaching him to drive I am amazed by how much I do without thinking about and I feel like I am at a loss when he asks me questions and I feel unable to answer well from the passenger's seat. I always give him answers the next day when I'm back in the driver's seat.  He does seem to be getting the hang of it slowly but surely.

I bought myself a fitness tracker so I can start recording my steps each day. I haven't actually opened the box and started using it yet but we're getting in plenty of steps on those days we hike or snowshoe or go walking with friends. 

I planned to start reading The Spirit of the Kaizen; Creating Lasting Excellence One Small Step at a Time by Robert Maurer PH.D.  Unfortunately I realized by the end of the very first page that it was geared towards making changes to your BUSINESS or organization and not so much enjoyable to read on a personal level. I requested a few other books with "steps" in the name that I think I might enjoy more and have one waiting for me to pick up when the library opens tomorrow. 

How are you doing with your word of the year?

Linking up with:


  1. I remember trying to work with my nephew when he was learning to drive. Got my fingers crossed for you both! #MMBC

  2. Love your word of the year. Lots of steps in the right direction!
    Great to see Alec is doing so well with his driving. It's funny how we go into autopilot when driving isn't it?! Im sure you're a great teacher. 😊

  3. Oh dear, It sounds like a struggle with Ian's course. Good luck. I hope the rest of it goes OK.
    I bet you get plenty of steps in each week with all the hikes that you do. x

    1. It has been difficult for sure but we're both learning a lot!

  4. Love it! Awesome progress two months in already! I don't have a word of the year but love following along :)

  5. Sounds like you are an amazing help to Ian! Good luck with the fitness tracker. I walk a lot and like to check my steps on my phone.

  6. You're rocking it, lady! You'll love being able to track your steps! I never thought I'd want an Apple watch and now I won't ever live without one! I love being able to see all of my fitness activity.

    1. My problem is that I get annoyed with having a band around my wrist; even a bracelet starts to annoy me by lunchtime.

  7. That course sounds interesting! So many steps you are taking in all parts of your life.

  8. I think it is amazing that you teach Ian things you don't even know. What a devotion. I don't have a word. I just live by the day.

    1. Thank you; I've had a lot of practice teaching my boys stuff I don't know. We often learn alongside one another.

  9. You are doing a great job with your word! I can’t wait to see what book you pick. Open that fitness tracker next. You’re probably going to love it! I actually chose 2 words - light and consistency. I think I’m doing a good job with light - keeping my mood/reaction light when things don’t go as I planned. Consistency needs a little more work though. I’m trying though. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to pick at least one word with "step" in the title for each of the months this year.

  10. Love your word for the year and that it's actionable! I picked "Growth" as I wanted an "active/action" word this year. So far I have really focused on "growing" my mindset and personal myself. I have also picked out books that will make me have "Growth" in my life. I haven't finished any yet as I am slowly reading them and then "applying" the wisdom/tips to experience growth.

  11. Oh boy. Having to teach myself economics in order to fill in the gaps and help teacher someone else...well, that would be a step too far for me!!:)

    1. LOL. Luckily I am finding it somewhat interesting.

  12. Dang, you are a jack of all trades this way. My word is extra and I've been trying hard to live up to it!!

  13. My fitness tracker helps me meet my goal each day. And our family has a weekly competition that helps motivate me to meet my daily goals.

  14. I haven't been looking at and recording my steps much this month. I am glad someone else is!!

    1. I try so hard to track my activity as I am rarely motivated to do my workouts.

  15. Great story to illustrate your word "step"! I have a love- hate relationship with counting steps, but in the end, I know it's good for me!

  16. Do you listen happen to listen to the podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin and her sister Elizabeth? Elizabeth's one word is also Step and they talk about it a lot. I love how many opportunities you're finding to think about your word! Thanks for linking at the One Word linkup today.

    1. I've actually never listened to a podcast at all! I'll have to check that one out.

  17. I love that your word of the year is 'step.' I have an apple watch and love that it keeps up with my activity without having to think about it.

  18. Step is such a good word Joanne and I am glad to read about your progress. I would be hopeless explaining anything to do with the school work your son has!! Thank you for linking up to Life This Week at Denyse Whelan Blogs.
    Next Monday, on the last day of February, I have a special announcement of interest to all who link up their blog posts with my blog’s link up party.

    I look forward to catching up with you then.


    1. Thank you! I've had to learn a lot more about economics than I have ever cared to know but I am finding it quite interesting.

  19. Sounds like your word 'step' has been showing up in the most practical of ways! It's amazing how one word fits into our lives over the course of days.

  20. Hi Joanne, you have really lived your WOTY 'step' this month haven't you? Thanks for joining us for 2022 Word of the Year Link Party. I think finding a book related to your WOTY is a great idea and I know Donna and Deb have written about their this month. I need to find one for my WOTY which is BE. Enjoy March and I look forward to you joining us next month.

    1. I think so! I just picked up two books this week with "Step" in the title.

  21. Hi, Joanne - 'Step' is such a great WOTY.
    A book that I have on my wish list pile is "Two Steps Forward: A Novel" by Graeme Simison (author of The Rosie Project). It is a story of midlife, second chances and two 'misfits' walking the Camino Trail.
    Thank you for joining us at this WOTY Link Up. :D

  22. It's sad that the book you started reading wasn't really a good fit for you, but I'm glad you realized it soon enough. Good luck with the Fitness tracker! I stopped wearing mine at the end of 2021 because it would no longer charge and I didn't feel like trying to get it fixed. I hardly walk at all these days anyway.

    That economics class Ian is taking sounds really tough (on both of you).

    1. That's what happened with my old one; it just stopped holding a charge and I wasn't great about remembering to wear it either.

  23. You have your hands full, Joanne, with a teenage driver and your young son that needs help with the online course! I'm sure you get plenty of steps in (I may have mentioned how much I loved your WOTY, since it was similar to mine (walk). Your pics look wonderful and remind me of our area with snow on the ground but people still out walking! Congrats on getting your tracker started--soon you will be addicted, LOL. I wrote a little about it in the post I shared for WOTY. Visiting from #WOTY. have a great week!

    1. Thanks; all three of my boys are great at keeping me on my toes. I often have to switch gears when helping them out but after nearly 10 years of homeschooling it's pretty much become second nature.

  24. Hi Joanne, such a great word for you and I enjoyed your monthly catchup. Keep stepping and thanks for joining in with us.

  25. Hi Joanne - glad to see the driving lessons are progressing - I remember being very relieved that we only had two children by the time we finished getting our second child through the process. It certainly tests our patience (and theirs!) Loved all the snowy pics too.

    1. It is nerve wracking but I know he's getting there. I was totally spoiled with my oldest son who learned how to drive working with his grandfather. I didn't have to do anything!

  26. Oh, Joanne, I remember those times riding in the car with a new driver. The only thing scarier was when they were out on those first solo drives. I don't miss it, but they are all responsible adult drivers now. Of course, that doesn't stop me from worrying on occasion. Your snowshoe photos are beautiful. Every winter I say I'm going to try that, and then I don't. Maybe next winter... Happy steppin!

    1. Yes! I hated when my oldest left the house for the first few solo trips; he was so good at humoring me with phone calls if he was going to be late.


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