Friday Favorites: Making Pizzelles for The First Time

 We had a great week with lots of family time.  Between snow days, a family dinner out, and Alec's yummy desserts drawing us all into the kitchen it felt like we spent a lot of time together as a family this week.  That is not something that happens often with a house full of teens!

At the very last minute Alec's school called a snow day for Friday.  While it was more like a freezing rain/sleet day than anything it was nice to have a quiet day at home.  I worked on some scrapbooking pages, started working on my puzzle, and helped Alec make some Pizzelles.  He wanted to curve some around his rolling pin so he could fill them later in the week with some mousse. 

He made some curved ones for filling later in the week

He made flat ones for us to try right away

After Alec's karate class on Saturday we had a great family lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.   Everything sparkled with ice the whole day and it made for a really pretty drive into Providence.

I finished finished up my puzzle in just a few days. 

Gave myself a cute red glitter manicure to go with my red-heavy wardrobe this week in preparation for Valentine's day. 

Alec made us a delicious dessert this week.  With the curved pizzelles he also whipped up two types of mousse-- mint Oreo and chocolate then piped small pies of each into the shells and topped with fresh whipped cream and another mint Oreo.  YUM!

Evan and I squeezed in a hike on Wednesday before I headed out to get my hair cut. It was warm but really icy and we had to walk pretty slowly. 

After my hair cut; my hairdresser styled it curly today


We found out on Wednesday that Alec scored well enough to make it into the SkillsUSA Competition through his school and he is so excited. 

 Taken from Google-- "The SkillsUSA Championships are career competition events showcasing the best career and technical education students in the nation. ... The philosophy of the Championships is to reward students for excellence, to involve industry in directly evaluating student performance and to keep training relevant to employers' needs."

His teacher was so thrilled that Alec and 2 of his classmates made it in; he said he has never had 3 students make it in solely based on their test scores before! 

It was a nice day on Thursday too so Evan and I decided to walk the river trail and around town.  It was much less icy than the hiking trails and we still got in some fresh air and exercise plus I was able to get a few errands done at the same time. 

The church where my husband and I were married

I made a pillow for Alec this week out of his favorite shirt that is just getting much too small for him to actually wear.  We did this with an old tee a few years ago and that pillow is full of holes where the material has given way.  I hope he'll love his new pillow just as much.

Between his college classes, Ian has managed to find the time to put together another modeling kit.  I am so happy to see him back at it and was so impressed when he decided to try and make this plow truck look a bit weathered and covered in snow.  It came out great! 

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  1. Those pizelles! Oh my gosh! Sounds like a great week! You all have some great hobbies and that is so important. Happy weekend!

    1. It was such a great week. I love seeing my boys develop their hobbies. I hope I lead by example.

  2. Oh my goodness, I love pizelles but I’ve never tried to make them, how cool! You guys are so awesome!

  3. I can smell the pizelles from here. Your hair looks great!

  4. Those pizelles look so good! Stay warm!

    1. Thank you. It was actually in the 50's today!!

  5. Wow, what a yummy and creative dessert!!

  6. Your pizelles look great! I make a triple batch at Christmas and freeze them to eat with ice cream for as long as they last. Which, usually isn't very long :)

  7. Oh my gosh, those pizelles look amazing. Mint chocolate is my favorite flavor. Y'all make the most unique things! I don't think I've ever known anyone to make anything like that from scratch. And congratulations to Alec on making it into the SkillsUSA Competition. That's awesome!

    1. He is so proud and so excited!! I can't wait to see how the competition goes.

  8. The pizelles look really good! I don't think I've ever had those. The frozen falls look really cool too.

  9. I need a son that works in the kitchen! Those desserts look delicious! And we have a puzzle we need to finish.

  10. Those pizelles look amazing. My daughter likes going to the Cheese Cake Factory too and I hope you all had a good time. I enjoyed looking at those pretty snow scenes. I hope you have a nice weekend Joanne.

    1. We had a great time; but I did feel bad for the workers who all looked so overwhelmed. Based on our wait times for ordering and getting our food I am guessing they are just as understaffed as everywhere else around here.

  11. Pizelles are one of my favorite cookies. They remind me of my grandma and my great grandma. We filled them recently too and they were even better!

  12. Your posts always make me hungry, Joanne! The church where you were married looks so much like the church where we were married. Unfortunately, it is now a parking lot!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  13. Those pizzelles look soooooo gooooood! Yummm!

    I've never had those.

    Love the pretty snow scenes.

    Happy Weekending, Joanne!

  14. That pillow is so fun, what a great idea. And the treats look very delicious.

  15. I love that you made Pizzelles. When I married my husband he came with a pizzelle maker that he had NEVER used. So we used to make them for Christmas cookies for the neighbors and such. We have also made chocolate ones!!!

  16. The t-shirt pillow is so neat! I borrow that idea for my son :)

  17. How lovely to have so much family time. I have never heard of Pizzelles before, they certainly sound tasty and the mousse's sound so good. I'll take one of the mint Oreo please.
    I love the new Pokémon pillow. My youngest is obsessed with Pokémon at the moment, she's watching all of the episodes. She might be there for a while. lol x

  18. Where to start? Congratulations to Alex - that's a real coup. Love the cute sparkly manicure and the snowy pictures. I had to google pizzelles but these toppings look the business. Have a lovely weekend.

  19. What a wonderful week you've had. Congrats to Alec and all the best with his SkillsUSA competition. The pizzelles look amazing. I made a new Weekend Coffee Share badge for 2022. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. Thank you! I did download it and finally got around to adding it to my post this morning.

  20. Congrats to Alec for making it into the SkillsUSA competition! I'd never heard of it, but it sounds so cool. He also sounds like a great cook. Oh and Ian sounds like a great model maker! My husband is wanting to get his own model truck or train set someday.

  21. What a lovely week! Congrats to your son. Just getting into that competition sounds like a huge accomplishment.
    Blessings, Dawn

  22. I love your nails! Pizzelles are a polarizing food in this house—namely I won’t touch them, haha. Too many times fooled by the anise as a kid, I guess! With mousse and cookies, though, they look SPECTACULAR!

    1. We didn't put any anise in them since none of us like that taste; we made vanilla ones instead.

  23. ahh...scrapbook pages!! I love scrapbooking and it's been SOOOO long since I've been creative with that. I'm hoping soon that I'll have a spot fixed up where I can work on it again.

    1. I hope you get back to it soon too! I made up a few more pages this weekend.

  24. It looks like it's been a great week. I didn't know what a pizelle was, but after seeing them all filled with mousse and cream, I definitely want to try one! And well done to Alec for making it to the SkillsUSA list - it sounds like a great opportunity.

    1. I definitely preferred the pizzelle filled with mousse! Heck, the mousse alone without a pizzelle was delicious. I can't wait to learn more about this competition as it gets closer but I know Alec was so thrilled to have made it past this first round. I think he'll have a lot of fun with it. He loves getting to meet new people and getting to compete with other students his own age from other schools in the state does sound like a great learning opportunity.

  25. Loved this post. Fun family (moms family) is Italian. Pizzelles were a commonly eaten cookie. either flat or rolled. When I got married I discovered that the Swiss (which my MIL is) make their own version which is pretty much identical, but they call them Bratzille. So we always joke with each other that depending on who's house we're in, will depend on what they are called. I need to get a maker and learn to make them. She is known for these and often people request them and they are always excited to see them when she goes to any kind of event.

  26. Oh how I love pizelles! Happy Valentine's Dat.


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