Photos of the Week: January 15 2022

Another fun week with the I Spy photo prompts.  A few were a bit challenging but thinking outside the box helped me come up with some great shots this week. 

– Selfie (Quarterly shot)

– Outfit (Quarterly shot)

– Starts with Z-- We were so startled to see this snake zig zagging through the snow. 

– Between-- Ice growing on the grass between two sections of the waterfall.

– Your Choice

Linking up with:


  1. How odd to see a snake this time of the year. I wonder what brought it out of hibernation?

    1. I can only assumed it was fooled into thinking early spring as it was pretty warm and sunny that one day; I don't know. It was odd and now it's freezing cold here.

  2. Great photos, but I can imagine how startled you must have been seeing a snake when they are least expected!

  3. Lovely to see you. Selfies are fun and I love your heart sweater. x

  4. What lovely photos, it does seem strange to see a snake in the snow, but then I've never seen a snake in the wild anyway. I do love your heart sweater.

    1. Unfortunately, we seem to come across snakes more often while hiking than we'd like.

  5. A snake in the snow?! That seems like such a weird sight! We only see snakes here in the spring and summer, so it would be so odd to see one in the snow.

    1. I have never seen one in the winter before.

  6. I love your heart shirt. I hate taking selfies too. I feel so weird. Great job on the photos so far!

    1. I really do feel weird taking a selfie; I don't much like having my photo taken in general but selfies just seem like I can never get a good angle.

  7. I had to look again for the snake and found it! How amazing that they're out and about in the snow :). Great photos for the prompts.#lifethisweek

    1. I almost didn't see it at first either until my son pointed it out to me.

  8. I love the snowy 'your choice' pic as I've only seen snow once so it's a novelty for me!

    And the selfie of you is lovely. You look happy. Or contented rather.

    1. Having grown up in New England, I just can't fathom that as it seems like we see snow all the time!

  9. Now that would be a surprise seeing a snake in the snow. Love your selfie and your jumper! We call sweaters jumpers....

    I appreciated you taking the time to write a post and link it up for Life This Week on my blog this week. Thank you kindly. Denyse.

    1. I did know that sweaters are called jumpers in both England and Australia; though I always picture what we call jumpers for just a minute until my brain clicks into gear. I just couldn't resist this new one; even though I have that same sweater in navy and white I just loved the pop of red!

  10. Cute selfie and outfits! The snake and the interesting shapes of the ice on the grass are unexpected and different photos.

  11. Another super cute outfit. What great sweater! Awesome selfie, too.

  12. Wow! I can't believe you captured the snake zigzagging -- impressive! And I love the "your choice" photo and the colours you have on in the selfie.


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