Friday Favorites: Pre & Post Christmas!

 I pulled together another 2 week wrap up of our favorites for today.  I originally wasn't going to post anything at all today but I really like having this weekly favorites to look back on.   We had a busy and fun Christmas and threw together a party for tonight at the last minute (which I'll share about next week!).

I last left off on Friday December 17th so that's where I'll pick up! Alec only had a 1/2 day of school but our hiking group agreed to meet up early and we hiked all around Mashamoquet.  It was a beautiful day and we all hiked with just sweatshirts on. 

My husband and I also went hiking on Sunday; though it was down right cold that day.  We both knew we should get in all the exercise we could before all the eating and laziness of the holidays.

Evan and I squeezed in one last hike to Pulaski park on Tuesday (the 20th).  It was still pretty chilly at only 40 or so degrees but the sun was shining so it wasn't too bad with our winter coats. 

I used some fun and festive nail wraps to gear up for the holidays and had lots of fun pulling together some comfy, yet festive outfits for all our parties over the long weekend. 

My Christmas Eve outfit

My Christmas day outfit wasn't nearly as festive but I wanted to wear my new sweater

My day after Christmas outfit (we had a family brunch) included my velvet leggings

Alec was nominated by one of the culinary teachers to receive the Shining Star Award; which meant he came home with a certificate and a free t-shirt.  He's received this award two years running now! 
 (He isn't 100% sure what the award means but we do know it means he's stood out in both his behavior and his achievements so he's quite pleased that the upperclassmen's teacher is the one who nominated him this year). 

After his 1/2 day on the 23rd Alec and I settled into finally get some baking done for Christmas.  He made peppermint bark and a chocolate cake in preparation for our chocolate/ peppermint trifle cake while I whipped up a batch of Christmas crack.  

We woke to snow on Christmas Eve.  We had a light dusting by nightfall.  I wasn't nearly as happy about it as I probably should have been but I always worry that too much snow will mean my guys have to plow and the roads might be too slippery for travel.  This wasn't the case this year.  In fact I had the house to myself most of the day as my husband took the kids to the movies to see Spiderman.

We spent Christmas Eve at my mom's house.  We had a wonderful time with my mom, step- father, brother and his whole family.  We ate lots of junk food (pizza, chips, chocolate, etc.), played a few games (we started the Seran Wrap Game a few years ago and it has quickly become a favorite), and opened gifts. 

We have a "kids" ball with candy, cash, and a Target gift card

We have an adult ball with candy, cash, and lotto tickets.

Christmas morning Alec was up early making his snowflake cinnamon roll; it was delicious and a huge hit at our brunch.  I loved that my husband and I got to sleep in and watch TV until 7 or so.  

We opened our gifts at home and then headed next door for brunch at 9.  

We had a quiet day at home after brunch and played many, many games of cornhole in our basement until heading over to my mother-in- law's around 6 for dessert.  I scored 10 points in just one round!! 

The day after Christmas I started taking down our decorations and we headed to my father-in-laws house around 10 for brunch with him and his wife. We had a delicious meal and opened gifts there (where I totally blanked on taking any photos at all!).  Then spent the rest of the day cleaning up the whole house. 

I had a hair appointment on Tuesday.  When the hairdresser asked me what I wanted to do I told her I just wasn't sure. I wanted something new but hadn't had any particular style in mind.  I told her to go ahead and cut/style it however she wanted if she had an idea (now, I've had this same hairdresser since I met my husband so I've known her a LONG time!). After asking a few more questions she began to snip.  She then dried my hair straight and while it looked really different, and I still can not recreate that look myself, I loved it!

While Alec was at karate on Wednesday, my husband and I were at the woodworking shop working on the countertop.  It's all glued together and we're in the process of sanding it.  After a few more levels of sanding we just have to add 10 or so coats of urethane and it will be finished!

Thursday morning my mother in law took Alec and I shopping.  We checked out a used bookstore that had just moved into a larger space.  Then we went out to lunch.  We had a great time together and I found two new authors to try.

We had had lots of rainy, foggy weather but every now and then it clears up and it's just beautiful out. 

Linking up with:


  1. What a great festive week! Love your hair!
    Happy new year!

  2. Oh my gosh I am in love with your Christmas nails! Your trifle looks amazing and can't wait to see your countertop done! Happy Happy New Year Joanne!

    1. I am getting so excited-- we put the urethane on this weekend and just have a few more coats before installing it!

  3. Your hair looks great. Happy 2022.

  4. Your hair looks great, and I know that feeling of not being able to recreate at home. Luckily a good haircut can be styled any way and still be great! I love your Griswold Family Christmas sweater. Where did you get that?? It looks like you had a great week! Happy New Year!

    1. I bought it off Amazon. It is a "mens" but found that the sizing really seemed more unisex.

  5. Great wrap up! Happy New Year to you all!

  6. It sounds like you've had a great couple of weeks. Fab photos!
    How exciting to have snow on Christmas eve. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas, loads of family fun. x

    1. We did have a great holiday filled with family.

  7. What a fun and full week! I love your haircut, too! But, it's such a bother when you can't recreate the style! I'm sure you'll figure something out! I love looking at your photos. The scenery is just amazing! Have an amazing New Year, Joanne!

    1. I'm hopeful I'll get the hang of it and that it will be easier to style as more and more of my permed hair gets trimmed away.

  8. What a great week. Happy New Year. I love the counter and the saran wrap ball. I have never heard of that and will be making one for someone's birthday in 2022.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It is so much fun! We take a prize (usually a gift card) and hide it in the middle then seran wrap candy and dollar bills around and around until it's huge. We play it as a game; one person starts unrolling the ball as the person sitting next to them tries to roll doubles on a set of die and then they get the ball and give the dice to the next person and it just goes round and round until someone reaches the prize.

  9. I love your Christmas nails and I love your straightened hair. I can never recreate my hairdresser's looks on me either.

  10. It looks like you have had a wonderful time this past couple of weeks with lots of family time. I love the look of those Christmas yummy treats, your view over the late from your house is amazing (so envious) and lastly your new hair cut looks great. I wish I was brave enough to say to my hairdresser to do whatever she wanted with my hair .... in this heat I really feel like cutting it all off but know I would probably regret. Wishing you and yours a safe and fabulous 2022, and thank you for visiting my blog last week.

    1. I often cut my hair short in the summer and then spend all fall/winter trying to grow it out. A few years ago I did start making sure it was long enough in the summer to pull up so I could stop that madness.

  11. That countertop is going to be so beautiful. I love your new do! And I sooo want to eat all those yummy treats. That is definitely something I miss about the holidays being over.

    1. I am actually glad that the holidays and treats are over. I missed my healthier eating and went to bed more often than I would have liked wishing I had eaten less.

  12. Your Christmas nails are the absolute cutest! And I love that big box of cash! Who wouldn't want that?!

    1. Right?! My boys were really happy with their cash.


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