Friday Favorites: Hello November 2021

 We had a pretty fabulous week! The weather was great and all three boys are doing so well with their schooling.  My husband started a new job that he's really enjoying and I've been checking stuff off the to do list left and right. 

We had a chilly fall hike up Mt. Wachusett on Friday.  It was a bit wet and muddy after nearly a week of rain but we all made it to the summit and enjoyed our lunches before hiking back down. 

I was so thankful to be able to return at least one of the unexpected Victoria's Secret orders that arrived at my house... it's a crazy long story!  

On Friday October 22nd we got home from hiking and I found a large VS order on our doorstep.  I called to find out how I received an order (for 45 PAIRS of UNDERWEAR!) that I never ordered.  After they were able to verify I was me they told me the last 4 digits of the credit card number used and told me I was free to return them either through the mail using return to sender or at a local store.  It turns out it was my credit card that had been used so I then spent time on the phone with my credit card company; they started an investigation, sent me a new card, and the woman and I laughed over how usually when someone uses your card they don't ship the items to you.  We agreed it was weird and she encouraged me to return the items in person... just in case there were any problems with it.  Well 2 days later A SECOND bag with 45 MORE PAIRS of UNDERWEAR arrived at my house.  After getting a hold of Victoria's Secret I was told this a courtesy replacement order!!  I explained that I never ordered anything to begin with!!  I was assured that no charge was incurred for the items and I could either keep them, donate them, or try returning to a local store.  Those poor girls at the store had no idea what to do but with three of them working together they were able to get 1/2 the items shipped back with the $ for them put back on the fraudulent card so hopefully the credit card company will get their money back (since they told me I didn't have to pay the faulty charge).  It was just so incredibly weird especially since the first order had been flagged and was giving them a message saying the items were not able to be returned.  They were able to return the second (courtesy!) package and put that money on my card.  They too all thought this was the craziest story they had ever heard.  

I am just so thankful that everyone was so super helpful and kind and we all got a good laugh out it... though I am a bit afraid to check outside for packages now.  

We had a great time Friday night at my brother's surprise party.  We went to Stumpy's Hatchet house and I've got to say my brother and sister in law have a great group of friends! 

I started making my Christmas cards and I am loving how they're turning out!  My plan is to come up with 6 different designs and make 8 of each design.   (so far I have 2 designs and 16 cards done)

We had a fun Halloween-- making homemade pizzas and ice cream sundaes while watching Ghostbusters with my mother in law (we gave The Nightmare Before Christmas a try but didn't even make it 10 minutes before switching over to the Ghostbusters). 

My husband and I enjoyed a delicious date night out at Mr. Z's by the Lake after dropping Alec off at his karate studio for a pizza party celebrating their 1st year in business.  We ended up watching a full episode of The Sopranos on the phone in the car while waiting for the party to end. 

It was really chilly this week but Evan and I went on two hikes/walks.  On Monday we walked the airline trail for over an hour.  And on Thursday we went hiking at Pulaski. 

I exercised most mornings this week and found a "new" (to me) yoga channel on YouTube that I am really enjoying. It's called Boho Beautiful and I love that so many of the videos are filmed outside in nature. 

Of course I still love Yoga with Adriene too.

We had our first frost this week and while the cold weather is not a favorite I do love how it looks in photos! 

We've had some really beautiful mornings on the lake. I just love watching the fog lifting off the water and seeing the sun change all the colors. 

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  1. Oh my gosh Joanne- that VS story is so bizarre and scary but I am glad people helped you! I chuckled when you said you are scared to pick up packages now- ha! HBD to your brother- how fun! I feel the same way about frost- something is so beautiful about it and always reminds me of Thanksgiving! Have a great weekend :)

    1. Yeah, I do think of Thanksgiving when I see frost too.

  2. You live in such a beautiful place - the pictures are gorgeous! That VS story is wacky! I kept getting Amazon orders delivered to me - things I never ordered nor even looked at and I wasn't charged for them but also couldn't return them. Such a waste! Have a great weekend Joanne!

    1. Thank you! We once had a huge Amazon order shipped to us that they could not figure out where it went wrong and told us to keep or donate it too. My boys were bummed that we didn't get shipped an X-box by mistake.

  3. Wow Joanne, that is a crazy story about VS. I am glad that it was resolved. Fall looks so beautiful in your neck of the woods. It's so nice to be able to go on so many hikes with your boys. I love that pretty sweater Joanne. I hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you! We are trying to squeeze in as many hikes as we can.

  4. Wow, and I thought crazy things happened to me but that VS story takes the cake. Glad it all worked out. And so glad hubby is liking his new job. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. All 5 of the ladies I had to work with throughout the whole ordeal were so funny and disbelieving! You've gotta laugh because it is just bizarre.

  5. What a crazy story about your packages! The party looks fun. We have a few places like that in our area, but I haven't been yet. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. It was fun but I would only ever go as a group/ party otherwise it seems kind of pricy to me and I can throw hatchets at trees in the woods for free if I really wanted. LOL.

  6. How WEIRD about those Victoria's Secret shipments!! Who on earth would steal someone's credit card number and then not have the items shipped to themselves?? Haha. What a strange situation. I know you were just baffled. I have to say, I do love their undies, so I wouldn't mind if 45 pairs showed up at my doorstep. Haha. I hope y'all have a great weekend!

    1. I usually like their underwear too but they are the boy short style that I don't like and only a few of them would fit me anyway since they came in such a wide variety of sizes.

  7. That is so funny that the person used your credit card and bought you a present!

    1. Right?! That's what the credit card rep. was saying!

  8. The roses are so beautiful! That is the weirdest fraudulent charge on a credit card, oh my! We had a rainy hike ourselves last week.

    1. I was so surprised to still see roses trying to bud and bloom on that bush this late in the year.

  9. What a weird story! It would freak me out. And I would probably keep the underwear, lol.

    1. My husband was bummed that it wasn't lingerie. LOL

  10. That is so crazy about the underwear!! I love ax throwing, great stress relief.

  11. So many beautiful Fall photos. Love that you go hiking all year long. And that VS story is very crazy. Who orders that many pairs of underwear and sends it to the house where they stole the card number from. Ugh. So glad that it is fixed now.

  12. Hooray for a fabulous week.
    What beautiful views from your hike and your cards are so pretty.
    How odd about the Victoria Secret order. It is strange that someone will try to commit fraud on your card and send you the items. x

    1. We have had some really beautiful hiking views lately.

  13. Now that's a story for the books Joanne with the VS panties. OMG, how strange.

    1. So strange; and one story I won't forget for quite some time!

  14. Is it possible that someone you know was playing a game with you? Like ordering pizza to be delivered to your door or a cab:? Anyhow, glad your card was restored at no cost to you

    1. That's what the first VS lady I talked to asked too!

  15. Your Christmas cards are beautiful! That Victoria Secret story is funny! Who orders 45 pairs of underwear?!! Glad you were able to get it worked out. Fall hikes are the best! And you've reminded me that I need to get back to Yoga with Adriene! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I am having so much fun making them.

  16. You always have such lovely nature pictures. It is so refreshing. That VS story is crazy.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you! I find nature to be so calming so I try to spend lots of time out in it.


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