10 Photos of Things I am Grateful For

 This month's 10 on the 10th is right up my alley!  I try to spend the entire month of November consciously being thankful for things both big and small each and every day.  So I was just thrilled to see that this month's 10 on the 10th was all about photos of things I am grateful for. 

1. I am always thankful for my husband but I am especially thankful that we got away (just the two of us!) for three whole weekends this year.  We had an amazing time on each and every trip.  

2. Ian is doing so well with this college course and has begun talking about enrolling full time in the spring (technically he's only a high school senior but being a homeschool student we have the option to graduate him early and we have plans to talk with the college to get all this swapped over). I am loving hearing about all his future plans and am so thankful that he's not afraid to go after what he wants. 

3. Alec is having another amazing year of high school.  He's just loving his classes and his teachers and is such a hard worker that he is definitely making his mark.  He too has begun talking about future plans and college and I love seeing how passionate he is about the culinary arts (plus it's delicious getting to taste test all his new recipes he wants to try). I am so thankful that he decided to give traditional schooling a try as it definitely seems to be working for him. 

4. Evan is starting to talk about his future plans too and I was thrilled to find that he's so interested in psychology!  My bachelor's degree is in psychology and I too find the working of the brain to be rather fascinating.  I am just so thankful to see him show interest in something other than playing video games. 

5. I am so thankful for all the amazing hikes we've been able to squeeze into our schedules this fall.  We have found some really beautiful places to enjoy.

6. I am so thankful that we got to spend a week with my sister and her family and my aunt and her husband; living so far away from them we don't get to see them nearly as often as we'd like and we had a fabulous time in North Carolina with them this summer.

7. I am so grateful that we found the time and the money to tackle a few home improvement projects this year. I can not wait to use this basement space (once our furniture arrives!) and am just loving our "new" master bathroom. We are so very lucky to have such a beautiful home.

8. We are always thankful for this view and for living on the lake which allows us to enjoy so much time on the water fishing, boating, kayaking, swimming, and jet skiing. 

9. I am so thankful for our local library; they save me so much money on buying books and all the ladies that work there are so nice. 

10. I never thought I'd say this but I am thankful that my husband talked me into spending the money on his new toy; it has been so much fun and we're already planning on taking a few trips with it up north.

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. This is such a great list of things to be thankful for! I especially agree with number nine :) I can't imagine how I would read if it weren't for the library. Access to books is vitally important for me. And it's lovely to hear that your kids are beginning to think about what the future might hold -- especially Evan, because yes, it seems like for my son too, all I hear about are the video games :)

    1. Yeah, I pretty much always have a book or two on me!

  2. What a lovely list. I think it's good to periodically sit down and actually write down what we are grateful for. We love lake life and pretty hikes too, especially this time of year. This has been the nicest fall I can remember and I'm not ready for it to end. Have a great day!

  3. The boys have so much good going on! Great things to be thankful for.

  4. What lovely things to be grateful for. It sounds like your boys are doing so well. You must be so proud of them x

  5. Love this list- love all of the gratitude- so important and healthy- happy to see your family thriving!

  6. I just love your precious and grateful heart!

  7. Lots of great things! And love the photos of the boys with the leaf background.

    1. Thank you! We snapped their photos in just minutes right off the deck this year.

  8. So many things to be grateful for!! Love that you and your boys are all thriving! <3

  9. I love your list, and your photos!

  10. It's wonderful to hear all the good things about your trips with your husband and your sons. I enjoyed hearing about all of the things you are grateful for.

  11. Loving these posts!
    Look at Evan following in your footsteps - cool!
    Libraries... they are THE BEST

    1. I thought it was pretty neat too and I am having fun re-learning all this psychology stuff with him.

  12. Lots to be thankful for right. Love seeing all the photos.

  13. This is a wonderful kind of post. We use our library all the time. It's such a great way to save money.

    1. It really is! Our library was our greatest homeschooling tool for sure. I used to check out book by the boxful!

  14. What an amazing post! Perfect for this time of the year. I love that you showed gratitude to things big and small!

  15. What a great list of thankfuls! It’s so nice that you and your hubby can get away!

  16. It's always amazing what you can find when you actively look for blessing in your life. Great post :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  17. I enjoyed all that you're thankful for. I think many people shared similar things. I love that view of the waterfall.

  18. I am so late getting around to everyone's 10 on the 10th posts. LIFE just keeps getting in the way. You are very blessed and I appreciate all the things you are grateful for. Many of them appeared on my list, too. Libraries...yay YOU!! Your beautiful home, that lake view, the newly remodeled basement. Your sons are doing so well. And you look absolutely smitten in the photo with your hubby.


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